You, yourself...

Woah... so much info already! takes a long time to read it all and store it into memory - oh yeah, that's on of the worst things about me - I am very forgetting about lots of things (mostly stuff that has to do with duty...) and I am declared being lazy (not normal lazy, but extremely)

Hmmm, about family.. well, I have family, officially anyway, but I do not care much about them, maybe just for my brother and my grandma... the rest.. is the rest. Don't get along with anyone else in my family it would seem. So I don't bother to share myself with them... and they don't complain, so that seems to be ok :)

Have some very close friends, all of them (spare one that I nearly know since birth) I know from some other forum.

School's been not too bad, even tho I'm glad I passed those 12 1/2 years of high school, at last :) Had ability courses in Physics and English (There was a time when I thought taking physics was odd... but I met some people that did so ;) ) And physics and astronomy and such things are also some kind of hobby to me... despite the fact that I'm too lazy for hobbies, except perhaps drawing and writing here and then :p
I guess I can add one more thing about myself: I don't like to tell about myself to ppl I don't know very well. -And I guess that explains the rest of what I've written here in this thread.
Originally posted by Gaunerin


Morgana and I are currently very much into the word "HELL" for some strange reasons I don't know myself (Morg, do you know??)
So, I really loved to read that :)

I use the word naturally, but it's fun playing with words and hell everything :p

esp. hellcome, AOhell, h...hell :p .... etc....
not to forget the helldrive :lol:
Oh sorry Morgana i did not know your age :p
Fjelltussa I am glad to know I am not the only one who wants her ashes to be blow away from a mountain.

Ah yeah I forgot my first language is french so that's why sometimes my english sounds funny eh :o

Any winter lover here? I love winter it's my favorite season. All people I know likes summer yikes! Winter is so mysterious and beautiful....
so now my turn!
I be 26 years old and study multimedia technologies (hopefully finished this year!)! I like music very much (surprice) but am a little picky about it, there is a lot of music, that doesn't touch me and sucks for me(hip hop, cheesy top 40 shakira shit and so forth :grin: )! i also like being around people i like even though i also enjoy being alone! i usually get along fine with other people and make contacts quite easily! i like going out even though some parties suck especialy when the music and people there do! i lift weights regulary, hehe, so i can embody a convincing blackmetalguy in carnival :lol: !
I'm very much into mythology, paganism and nature! it's a very important part of my life and indentity. i really despice most of todays plasticculture swamping over us, where people get more and more spiritually deranged! i'm also very much into languages, history and even politics, hehe! i like to think for myself and not let other people do for me and tell me what is good and bad! therefor i dispise a lot of nowadays dogmas!
i'm single at the moment! i'm dating around and it's ok , until i will find the girl that i feel is the right one!:)
i play bassguitar on a solide level, but can't say i'm a virtuose!
oh yeah, and i sit behind the pc a lot!:) :D :) :D
Originally posted by The Nomad

And mw, you posted a pic of yourself before. And from the bit of you we could see, you're definitely not ugly.

I didn't say I was... I said I could be very ugly. Rats, that excuse doesn't work anymore since I posted my picture. :lol:

Originally posted by Oyo

Sorry Mousey
That's okay. :grin: I am sure both you and I will find significant others someday. :) Probably you sooner than me. :lol:
Originally posted by astarte

I love winter too, i'd love to see some snow hehe :cry:
I want to learn finnish, swedish, norwegian & icelandic, and i plan to move to Finland when i finish my career (i know that thought scares you, Q :p)

umm... those are the only facts that came to my mind :Saint:

No, actually I wouldn't have any problems with having you here :)
(but I guess you already knew it :p)