You, yourself...

Hey All! I am 19 years old, I live in San Clemente California. I graduated from high school last year and I attend college now. yay! heh

When I was 3 I got in a really bad accident and ended up with a brain injury and lost some of the use of my left side

I have a pretty boring life... In high school i didn't have much friends (don't have much friends now either) but that doesn't mean i'm not a nice guy! Some people say i'm too nice.... I hate getting pissed off at people (if i ever do) and I usually get pushed around because i don't do anything to fight back or anything heh. I like talking to people that are nice and show respect and stuff. I seem to have a lot of depression in my life (mainly because i'm lonely and people tease me and treat me like shit)

I just like to have fun and talk with people. In Flames got me into this awesome metal, so I listen to a lot of heavy stuff:grin: and i have a great sense of humor!!!

yeah... i guess that's it..... you guys probably think i'm weird now anywayz..... so i'll shut up now
No, Catalyst Korps, you shouldn't shut up, and you're not weird. Welcome to this board, though! :) Hope you'll like it here. There's lots of nice ppl here, and no-one who will tease you or treat you like shit. Hope you'll stay! :)
Oh crap, I guess I have to do this too.

Ok, so I am TAK, 26 years of age, tho I act like I was 12 most of the time, mainly cos I think people take stupid, meaningless things like money way too seriosly and I like annoying them.
Originally a finn, but now work in Sweden for a big american based company, doing phone support for an important client (under some kind of NDA, so can't mention which one).
Been here for 8 months now, doing quite ok, even if I don't have a girlfriend and my only real close friend lives back in Finland.
On that note, I really don't have friends, I know a lot of people and a lot of people know me, I behave friendly towards most people, but usually I fake it, which also works at my job, lying to customers is easy.
I am also a loner (if you didn't gather that from the above) but hate being alone.
I am a social vampire tho, I usually make others feel better around me, by clowning around and stuff. Other times I really annoy them, when I get in my 'that is shit, I hate that too' mood.
I hate crowds, especially I hate the finnish holidays, mainly Vappu, since there is too many people around I feel like killing.
I hate when people tell me my music sucks, but am more than willing to point out what sucks about their music and do it, wether they ask it or not. I am like that with most my oppinions, it's my way of getting my aggressions out without having to kill people.
I love women, I don't much care what they look like, as long as they are not tanks :grin: I could never live with a woman tho, at least I think I couldn't, I would hate to not be able to do whatever I want.
I spend too much time online, but that is mainly cos of my job, I have 8 hours to kill each day, what else would I do?
I love my work
I hate my work
I listen to a lot of music, you can find my favorites in my profile, even tho it can't fit them all anymore. I love Agathodaimon, I think Chapter III is one of the best albums I have ever heard. It's kinda similar to Vintersorg actually, so I suggest you check it out.
Been listening to metal music since I was about 10, started with Metallica, Iron Maiden, Mötorhead, Dio and so on.
I used to roleplay, but it's hard here since I don't want to get to know anyone here that personally and I don't really feel like it anymore, getting old I guess.
I love computers, I am building my new one and it should be up and running by the end of the month, if I am lucky.
Trying to learn Linux right now and also studying for my A+ Certification, going slow about it, as I am kinda lazy when it comes to learning thing from the ancient history of computer (aka DOS and 486 tech) even tho I started on PC's back then (I don't see the need to learn shit that no one uses anymore, but oh well...). Oh I am in this study group for A+, so thats why we have read about that shit.
I love history, mostly history of wars and such, even tho I don't study it or anything, this also the reason I love Discovery Channel and would love History Channel, but we don't have a SatAn (This village actually has a Satellite Antenna that is called SatAn, I laughed my ass off when I saw it).
I am not religious, nor do I really believe there is a 'higher' lifeform and even if there is, they are smart enough not to show themselves to us.
I hate this village I live in, it's way too small for the both of me.
I have 1 sister and a mother. My sister is studying languages at a university, she rocks at languages (unlike me, I think knowing english well enough is good enough, tho now I wanna learn german, since the bastards don't speak english and I have to learn swedish, cos I live here) I also have a stepdad, but I hate his guts.
I live in an apartement 5 minutes walk from my workplace, I have 2 roomies whose pop-listening soul I hate with a passion.
I dress in black or blue jeans, mostly black and matching jean shirt. After I dyed my hair black (it's blond normally) people have been calling me a satanist and so on, whatever, as long as they stay the fuck away from me.
I am tired of writing now, if I remember something else I will write it here.
hi :)

I'm 19, i live in Paris ; i'm in second year (of five) in an engineer school. Though i study in paris i live with my parents in a small town in the suburbs. My house is surrounded by a forest and a small river. I have to take the train to go in class every day and it takes me almost 1 hour so i go with my walkman and listen music very loud, so i disturb all the other people. My fav bands are Opeth and Blind guardian, but i have a lot of cds (300... is this a lot ? ) and i think i could listen to all kinds of metal. I hate what i do all the day in class, i hate the way my life goes, i hate almost every body so i just sit alone and think ; some call me the melancolic lol. I read a lot of books and i write some poems that nobody reads. I try to grow my hairs these times ; i'm small and people used to call me "the dwarf". Even my girlfriend is taller than me :cry: ; i do not see her very often cause she leaves 400 km far from me. At least she do not pay the train. I really like to concerts, i also like to blow my brain out by drinking and most of all smoking weed, what i do very often, but not as often of some people i know. I do not have many friends, but the few i have are very close friends. I like to share what i like (music, reading, etc) with them. I would like to post more often on this board but i haven't the time...that's all

Thanks Fjelltussa and Morgana for making me feel welcome, hehe i guess I'm so used to being called weird in my life that i assumed that you guys thought that too, so anywayz, i'm on here a lot and will posting a bunch now:)
Ups, sorry, I was supposed to say hi and welcome too, but I was getting to be in a hurry. Enjoy the forum, you are no more weird than the rest of us (I even highlighted it :lol: ) :)
You can change it, the size is limited to 60x60 pixels now tho (I think), so just find an image that fits you and rezise it to that size and voila (or if you can't rezise it yourself, just post it here or PM it to me and I will do it for you).

Thanks, just some random thoughts floating in my head at the time, I forgot so many things, but oh well...
Thanks for the fix too, I edited it now :)
See I am always in a hurry when I type, I have to be otherwise I forg
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
See I am always in a hurry when I type, I have to be otherwise I forg

Oh, man! Just like me! But, I go through a lot of
previewing cause of the way I make my posts
look, so I correct some of the errors. Sometimes
I get "blind" and can't see the errors though >:oP
Hmmmm.... Thought of maybe telling a bit about myself after all.... Don't really like it, and for the past four years or so, almost no-one have known almost anything about me, so I've kind og gotten used to it being that way.... But you ppl here are all so nice, so I guess it won't hurt....

I do have quite a lot of friends, actually - but few are very close. Most don't really know me at all, so I don't know exactly who to call friends and who to call "ppl I hang out with"...
Those who are close to me, are my sister, and one who have been my friend since I was born (since she was born 2 months and five days before me). -And one more. A very nice person who is very special to me... But they all live very far away from me, so mostly spend time with ppl who don't know me...

I go to school, and have one year left now. How I am supposed to live through one more year, though, I have no idea.... I've been tired of school the last five-six years or so, but then I'm pretty tired of most things these days... I am 17 y.o. (born in '84), but most ppl seem to believe I am older. -Which makes me happy, 'cause I always feel so little.

I listen to many kinds of metal, but don't care to tell more. It's just metal.

I am a pagan. (norse/norwegian folk beliefs mixed with more widespread elements)

I think I'm a bit of a pessimist, but I am a pessimist in my own way; I don't see it as smth negative; it's more like acknowledging reality for me; accepting it and then making the best out of what is. It's a way to get through things. I hate to say that things are nice or even okay when they are not. And most of the time, they are indeed not.

Telling about myself makes me depressed, so this will be enough for today...
i don't post often, but i'm usually around...
i'm 19, reside in the suburbs of orlando, college senior, pre-pharmacy major, pharmacy technician... i like selling drugs.
i'm shy, but wildly blunt and outspoken when provoked.
i enjoy literature, 80s hair metal, and organic chemistry.
i love music, and as such, vintersorg and borknagar have become my most recent obsessions.

Well now that I'm done reading all you're interesting bios, I'll tack up mine.

I'm 23 and live in Canada. I am a graduate of a Broadcasting - Television and Video Production program...but am currently teaching English. (haha)

I like many different styles of music, metal being one of them. I love animals, especially dogs (Keeshonds) and Polar Bears. :)

I also love gardening and bird watching...hell I even subscribe to Birds&Blooms magazine. (Yah I'm a dork, so what?!) :lol:

I also love to watch hockey.

I love anything to do with the outdoors, especially camping.

I'm very interested in the unknown and paranormal...

Witchcraft is also something I like...

I somewhat follow a Pagan way of life...with my own special beliefs added in for good measure.

And last but certainly not least, I'm very much in love. I've been in a great relationship going on 2 1/2 years (in june).

There, that's me in a nut shell.
Rune fairy@: ey, I did bird watching for a long time too. Now I haven't much time for that but I am often in the forest. Most people say that you're stupid when you like bird watching, isn't it?? They always laugh of me but I don't care.
Originally posted by YMIR
Rune fairy@: ey, I did bird watching for a long time too. Now I haven't much time for that but I am often in the forest. Most people say that you're stupid when you like bird watching, isn't it?? They always laugh of me but I don't care.

Yes I was called a great many names for my interest in birds...but who cares?! You're absolutely right. If a person can't understand or be enlightened by the simple pleasures nature graciously offers us...than I'll have a big laugh at them. :p