Young Guitar Video Finally up

About those excercises from 12 to 20: Are those all licks from the solos of HCDR? If so, from which songs are they? I know number 14 is from Sixpounder and 16 is from Bodom Beach Terror... But the rest? Or is there just some random Alexi's licks among them?
-The Fallen- said:
About those excercises from 12 to 20: Are those all licks from the solos of HCDR? If so, from which songs are they? I know number 14 is from Sixpounder and 16 is from Bodom Beach Terror... But the rest? Or is there just some random Alexi's licks among them?
I might include a text file to the folder, telling what licks are from what songs and where they can be found. . .(time) i know one of them is from the triple solo battle with roope alexi and janne. and one is the end of the Solo for HCDR (ex. 20 i think.)
also, anyone on the hub looking for the AUDIO YOUNG GUITAR special, look for bobvex, and get my file list. . im passive if that makes a difference. . ill up load those to delts server too. . .I called Young Guitar Extra 26 - Alexi Laiho

one other thing, i dont think its actually alexi playing, but the excercises are good, some from Sinergy too, and theres the entire mixdown of "the Bitch Is Back" sans guitars of course, witch is really cool, one slow and one at normal speed. . .Full transcriptions of follow the reaper, bodom after midnight, and spit of your grave are in it too. just a good excercise book, all around.
Delt - sorry to be a nuisanse, but can you post or tell us the filepath so that the ones who cant find it can find it. . .and whould you mind consolidating my GP Tabs with the Reap And ROll Folder?

sorry to be a pain in the ass, but this is a great video and a lot of people can benefit from it, :p :worship: thanks agains delt. . :worship:
delt said:
uh? i left it exactly where it was.... and yeah i noticed an IP change yesterday so there was probably 10-20 minutes of down time.
i still can't find it, but maybe im not looking. . some folder i clicked said i wasnt allowed access. . .
delt said:
i also have the Jani part in much better quality, if anyone is interested. it also has more stuff.
any chance of getting the Gus G. Part In. :D
delt said:
sure, upload away.
Thanatopsis said:
the file list never works...ive tried getting yours a couple times. I'm passive also. i have the same nickname on DC++ as in here...
hmmm. . shit. .

well. . where the FUCK is alexifollower. . .he can get shit form me. . and most people can get shit from him. . .so if he gets it. . all hell can finally break loose :p
bobvex said:
hmmm. . shit. .

well. . where the FUCK is alexifollower. . .he can get shit form me. . and most people can get shit from him. . .so if he gets it. . all hell can finally break loose :p

Yeah, haven't seen him in a while...i got stuff from him
Extendar said:
I'm active on dc, so I could d/l it from you and share it, but I don't know if I wanna go on paladin =)
come on doooooood. . .it whould help spread the audio book around a litte more. . .
hehe, it was me who uploaded the real media vids, dont tell any police men tho \m/

I can put the Gus G part on if you want, but i dont see why you want it, he's a nonce....

nice news on the audio stuff ;) im gonna go download it now !
Kreatoruk said:
hehe, it was me who uploaded the real media vids, dont tell any police men tho \m/

I can put the Gus G part on if you want, but i dont see why you want it, he's a nonce....

nice news on the audio stuff ;) im gonna go download it now !
i would like the Gus G. section. . .if you please. .