Young Metalheads

if you dressed going to the gig in girl pants and eyeliner, then I'd see why the older guy treated you like shit. but if not, he had no reason to come at you like that. You'd probably avoid the guilt by association stigma if you went to see better bands.
I went to a grindcore gig when I was 13 and I heard somebody screaming "Get the young kid into the pit!" I shivered like hell. Turned out that they were just a bunch of friendly guys. We became friends in the end. However it took me a long time before I started listening to much more extreme stuff since at that time playlist was just Discharge,Suicidal Tendencies, Doctor Who and Agnostic Front.
you will tend to find that crowds at more "underground" concerts are better / friendlier. you get more dickheads at the bigger concerts, which is fine for me, because generally id have no interest in attending anyway.

He's right, there's a shitty crowd at those type of shows. Also, ditch the kids in EMO gear, get you a Devilicifier En Magalrachiton shirt & get your friend a Kvis Tar Demdanra shirt & go to town.

The problem is that people at those kinds of shows all think they're hardcor3 M3tal H3ads (Machine Head, yeah right!) so they think "KILL TEH EMOS!" & shit. The guys being dicks are probably dumb fucking idiots that don't know shit about metal & are there just to be there & act stupid & drunk. If you went to a more underground show you would be in better shape so long as you dress normal. Go to see an underground band & some people will respect you just for being one of the 20 people who showed up! :rock:

Another thing is don't talk about those bands here as they're considered Pop Metal by most of the folks of this board. I knew a hand full of folks would be bashing those bands halfway through your post (I just had to read Machine Head & Trivium), it's the way that kind of shit works. I like AE a bit & I like an album from SF, but that's it. I think those are all considered sell out bands by tr00 Metal Heads.
Ok, I would like to stand up for those bands. While Trivium and Machine Head are total crap, Dragonforce, Arch Enemy, and Dragonforce are pretty good, imo.

Probably the most underground bm shirt i have is amon amarth
I actually laughed out loud when I saw this. I'm going to see them this saturday. It's gonna be totally "kvlt."

Anyhow...yeah, people will be more friendly at smaller shows. And those really aren't the best bands to see for a friendly crowd. Also, as awesome as the RHCP are, not a good shirt to wear to a metal show.
Why are people giving you shit for seeing those bands when they are there seeing the same bands?

That makes no sense at all.

Exactly my point, they may have been having a go at me for having and LoG shirt on but seeing as most of them were wearing Trivium shirts! Need i say more....

(by the way, when i try to upload my sig, tells me it needs to be 500 by 100, but alot of the sigs you guys have seem to be larger than that?)