Your 1 absolute favourite metal record of all time

Wait wait wait..... Operation Mindcrime was the album in question. Pick 2 songs off of that. You're going against your own rules of metal. If this album means Queensryche as a whole is metal then this should extend to all bands regardless of departure from the genre.

Almost all fans of Queensryche "Operation Mindcrime" will tell you it is a progressive metal album. Personally when I actually listen to it, I certainly hear progressive metal, but also hear hard rock-opera but it's quite more complex than just saying 'rock' it has a concept and is brilliant no matter how you want to spin it.
You guys are bozos, does it really friggen matter?

Maiden fan boy, If you really like Mind crime, as I do, would it matter what genre of music it falls into? My guess is no. Which is how I feel about SOWN. Let's all get out of 8th grade and stop talking about who is the most metal. You guys are arguing over what I'm sure most of us would all agree is a great album.
You guys are bozos, does it really friggen matter?

Maiden fan boy, If you really like Mind crime, as I do, would it matter what genre of music it falls into? My guess is no. Which is how I feel about SOWN. Let's all get out of 8th grade and stop talking about who is the most metal. You guys are arguing over what I'm sure most of us would all agree is a great album.

Well said. Most of my favorite albums are not metal, so fucking what!
It's crap? It is one of the best albums of all time for its genre of music. I can get it if you don't like that style of music, fine. But to say it is 'crap' is just idiotic.

When are you going to get it through your head that the guy is simply stating his opinion? Is it really that difficult for you?
You guys are bozos, does it really friggen matter?

Maiden fan boy, If you really like Mind crime, as I do, would it matter what genre of music it falls into? My guess is no. Which is how I feel about SOWN. Let's all get out of 8th grade and stop talking about who is the most metal. You guys are arguing over what I'm sure most of us would all agree is a great album.

Well said Whitey. Some of these guys bitch and moan more than a 13 yo girl on her rags for the first time.
You guys are bozos, does it really friggen matter?

Maiden fan boy, If you really like Mind crime, as I do, would it matter what genre of music it falls into? My guess is no. Which is how I feel about SOWN. Let's all get out of 8th grade and stop talking about who is the most metal. You guys are arguing over what I'm sure most of us would all agree is a great album.

There's nothing to argue about, SOWN is Metal. There is no other side of that coin. Period.....
The Pope has declared it.
NASA has satellite photos that verify it.
It is listed on the Periodic Table of the Elements simply as METAL.
...and Mr.T has gone on record stating that he indeed "pities the fool that calls it Rock." and if you are a fool... you DO NOT want to be pitied by Mr.T.
There's nothing to argue about, SOWN is Metal. There is no other side of that coin. Period.....
The Pope has declared it.
NASA has satellite photos that verify it.
It is listed on the Periodic Table of the Elements simply as METAL.
...and Mr.T has gone on record stating that he indeed "pities the fool that calls it Rock." and if you are a fool... you DO NOT want to be pitied by Mr.T.

Try not to get so bent out of shape over Maidenfan's remarks. Super opinionated people usually don't have any reservations when is comes to expression. I'm sure if we were all in the same bar we could agree on at least one album to play in the jukebox and enjoy our drinks of choice and shoot the shit. Super opinionated people usually don't have any reservations when is comes to expression.

Also Operation Mindcrime is a brilliant record. Like I said I think in many cases metal is more culture than genre anyway.
SOWN is not metal, it's sodium thiopental as the song says. In everyday language trush-serum which prooves this album is trooo. This makes it more trüe than other so-called metal albums. Ask any fan and they will tell you.
Too difficult for me as well to narrow them down to 1 album.

1. Operation Mindcrime, Queensryche.
2. Halloween – Keeper of the 7 keys part II
3. Iron Maiden – Somewhere in Time
4. Judas Priest – Painkiller
5. Agent Steel – Skeptics Apocalypse
6. Megadeth – Rust in peace
7. Slayer – Reign in Blood
8. Savatage – Dead Winter dead
9. Anthrax – Spreading
10. Pantera – Cowboys from Hell

If you think any of this is not metal, fu and read this:
@mrNOT all of them are hard rock ;-p

Hahaha. Very Metal top 10 man.

Hmz I think you can reopen the discussion again on what is heavy metal and what is not :)

Although I wouldn't see Agent Steel, Anthrax Megadeth or Slayer open for Bon Jovi you might need to explain yourself a little.