Your 1 absolute favourite metal record of all time

Suicidal Tendencies--How Will I Laugh Tomorrow

Definitely a good choice. I always wonder what would have happened if those guys stayed together and kept releasing quality trash/hardcore/metal albums. They went to be a generic punk rock sounding band which didn't do much for me.

I thought Join The Army - Lights Camera were stunning. Art of Rebellion had its moments but you could tell they were moving away in a new direction. After that it was game over and they went into obscurity
AC/DC - Back In Black

but if that's considdered Hard Rock I might choose Judas Priest - Painkiller

Very honourable mentions: Anthrax - Among the Living, Anthrax - Spreadng The Disease and SOD - Speak English Or Die
Out of all the amazing METAL albums of all time it is really hard for me to believe so many on here could pick Sound of White Noise as the best "METAL" album of all time. That just sounds crazy to me. Yes its all opinions I am not here to say you can't think its the best Metal album of all time. I am just expressing that it sounds insane to suggest SOWN as the best METAL album of all time when it is debatable it is even considered a METAL album. It is hard to believe SOWN would be taken over AMONG THE LIVING which is a true metal album and considered one of the best Thrash metal albums ever.

My fave metal album is everything maidenfan hates.
Not sure if i could completely pick just 1, but i agree with the original poster of this thread. To this day i can still sit around and sport wood listening to Reign In Blood.
Its just impossible for me to name just one, It probably changes as my mood changes. So I'll just name some of my personal favorites through the years.

Down "Nola"
Life of Agony "River Runs Red"
Black Sabbath "Heaven and Hell"
Pantera "The Great Southern Trendkil"
Anthrax "Persistence of Time"
Anthrax "Stomp 442"
Opeth "Blackwater Park"
Metallica "...And Justice For All"
Sepultura "Chaos A.D."
Iron Maiden "Iron Maiden"
Judas Priest "Sad Wings of Destiny"
Machine Head "Through The Ashes of Empires"
Type O Negative "Bloody Kisses"

Shit, its just way to difficult for me to narrow it down to just one album, a lot of it just has to do with which one I was listening to alot at a certain point in my life, or what mood I'm in.
Yes indeed!

can I get your definition of metal? That may help me understand why you think Queensryche is whereas SOWN is not.

If you're going to stand by that then it just furthers my opinion that metal is more culture than genre. Black Sabbath is considered metal but is tame compared to Soilent Green.
(favorite album BTW is Inevitable Collapse in the Presence of Conviction followed by Sewn Mouth Secrets.)
Queensryche is considered metal but is way tamer compared to SOWN.
can I get your definition of metal? That may help me understand why you think Queensryche is whereas SOWN is not.

I'm pretty certain Maidenboy thinks anything he doesn't like is NOT metal. He is such a "true" metalhead, anything he enjoys MUST be METAL.
If he loved SOWN or Stomp 442 I have no doubt he'd argue they are metal.

It's pretty fucking obvious SOWN is more metal than Queensryche.