Your Favorite Beer/Mixed Drink/Shot Thread


Greekus Urungus
Mar 15, 2006
The Low Low, IL
It's been awhile since we've had an alcohol thread so why not create another one. Post your favorite drinks and chat away:kickass::kickass::kickass:

Beer: Dos Equis (Imported Mexican Beer)
Mixed Drink: Crown Royal & Cherry Coke
Shot: Southern Comfort(SO-CO) & Lime
Asking what my favorite beer is, is like asking me what my favorite band is. Id have to break it down into styles.

But I cant be arsed to do that at this moment. I'll get back to this thread. :)
I don't drink beer.

I don't drink mixers.

I love Whisky, Tequilla and Rum, and I'll drink Gin or Vodka if there's nothing else on offer.

Basically, I only drink to get tanked. And beer has such a small effect on me that I just have to go for the hard stuff from the get go.

Not to mention I hate the taste of beer. It's just knat's water to me.
Mathiäs;6766119 said:
Jagermeister! Drinkin some right now incidentally.
When I first turned 21 I used to down Yager Bombs like they were going out of style...and then used to black out like a motherfucker. Something about the Red Bull that blacks me the fuck out. Needless to say, I have a 5th of Yager in my freezer that I received as a housewarming gift...unopened.
I'm a fan of alcoholic coffee, but what I like tends to be more parts liquor than parts coffee!

I usually mix a shot or two of brandy with a shot or two of either amaretto, frangelico or kahlua. Mix that with coffee and microwave it = win.

For non-cordials I enjoy all kinds of wine.
How does the Caffeine + Booze affect you? I'm sure it's a good pregame drink but there's no way you could hang with those all night long.
When I first turned 21 I used to down Yager Bombs like they were going out of style...and then used to black out like a motherfucker. Something about the Red Bull that blacks me the fuck out. Needless to say, I have a 5th of Yager in my freezer that I received as a housewarming gift...unopened.

Yeah, jagerbombs are brutal...I've only downed one once. Fucked me up pretty bad, as my alcohol tolerance is way low since I don't drink often.
After doing a shot of straight gin last month, I can say I'm comfortable taking a shot of anything. As long as it's liquor and it won't kill me.
Beer: Corona and Guiness
Mixed drink: White Russian :)
Shot: vodka, Wild Turkey, absinthe (overrated by still awesome)
Bulmer's Cider, New Castle, Sam Smith, Blue Moon...

I'm more of a beer or cider man.

As for mixed drinks: Vodka Tonics, Rum & Coke or White Russians (especially when watching Lebowski) are always nice
Beer: I like strong, bitter beers. IPAs are probably my favorite style. Arrogant Bastard (not an IPA) is probably my single favorite beer.

If I have to have a beer out, I will usually go for maybe Fat Tire or maybe a red or a pale ale or something. They usually don't have anything I really like.
I don't like beer.

Not too many mixed drinks, wine and full throttle blue tastes like a fruit drink, so I guess that's ok, and vanilla rum and Dr. Pepper is amazing.

Shots? Rum. Maybe whiskey, if I give a damn.

I LOVE WINE. My roommate (Ender) calls me a wino all the time.
I saw this wino, he was eating grapes; it's like, dude, you have to wait :cool:
Beer: Techinically Cider. Magners Irish,
Mixed Drink: Cider & Black
Shot: Absynth (Sp?). Don't do shots much but that's a good catch up drink if you arrive late to a party and everyone's pissed.
Beer: Landsort Lager or Innis & Gunn (all theirs I have tasted has been good)
Mixed Drink: not sure, I never drink it
Shot: O. P. Anderson Akvavit
Bonus category: Glögg(mulled wine) and Lagavulin whisky.