favorite beer(S)

Grumble Grumble

We die We all...
Oct 29, 2006
Saginaw,Michigan, USA
I figured what the hell, im sure we all/most of us drink so lets discuss our favorite beers/alcohols/mixed drinks/homebrews anything is fair game.

Im slowly entering the world of beer, ive only had a handful, heineken(pretty good) new castle brown ale(really good), bud light(its, aight), and last night i purchased some carlsberg, and sad as it is, it was soley on the fact that its the "katatonia beer" as ive come to call it. yes im a fanboy so shoot me:heh:

it was actually a pretty damn good brew so im happy.

vodka is solid, and as far as mixed drinks go, jack and coke, long island ice tea, amaretto sour, and vodka and anything are good..

floor is open....GO!
^:kickass: Been drinking the hell out of those recently. W/ a lime of course. Also Jack and Coke's are high up on my list as well.

My favorite beers: Hoegaarten (wheat), Leffe, Sam Adams Spring Ale, Goose Island Summer brew, Dos Equis just to name a few.
Fuck, I'll even drink Busch light and Bud light.

I. Love. Booze.

amber Hefeweizen is probably my favorite, followed by Sam Adams Winter Ale(which is impossible to get in Croatia). Of the beers I can actually drink on a regular basis I am fond of Belgians..Stella Artois is good, Guinness is good if its on tap. I recently had a strange type of Cherry ale that was very good, it was like a hard cider only not.

I am not big on hard liquor anymore...I think once a person vomits enough vodka or Jag, it just doesn't go down anymore. I do enjoy a really good gin Martini though.

Overall, my alcohol of choice is Absinthe. Can't really beat that.
rothaus tannenzaepfle, beck's, tsingtao, suntory, reeb, asahi, sternburg export, berliner kindl, berliner pilsner, foster's, redd's apple...those are a few, i guess...needlessto say beer's my fucking fave drink haha
Newcastle, Hoegaarden White, Guiness, Spaten Oktoberfest, Carlsberg, Shiner Bock, Paulaner Salvator, Gulden Drake. And cheap American piss beer when I'm broke :)
If I'm drinking to get drunk it's usually Carlsberg, Heineken, Becks and/or Norrlands Guld. Bought some Saku (estonian beer) on the Melloboat and that also works well. If I'm snob drinking I'm going for Chimay, Guinness or Young's Double Chocolate Stout. And whenever I enter turkish territory it's Efes 24/7 of course.

As for booze I've actually been making some drinks and cocktails lately. Bought a lot of liquer like Midori, Pisang Ambon, Passoa etc. for 'em. If I'm going for shots it's definitely regular Vodka all the way. Minttu, Raki/Ouzo and Jäger is also cool but I usually tend to get way too drunk on those.
what's with americans and heineken? honestly, that's one sucky beer guys. try sam adams or baron trenck.

I honestly think Heineken Light is better tasting than the regular. And Sam Adams is pretty good, haven't tried the other one.

But still...Heineken is superior to a lot of the piss water beer here.
What about Yuengling? I just got a 12-pack the other day. I don't know how to compare it because it is like the first beer that I have had in years, and it was pretty nice. I want to try Sam Adams and Carlsberg though.