favorite beer(S)

I probably already posted it, but this is my favorite beer of all time and I think everyone should try:

light beer :(

that's just gross

LD:i hope we have that here, i love the 1397 date, my favorite has always been


holsten festbock, german purity since 1516, 500 year anniversery comin up
And in the past year these are my top 2 favorite domestic beers:



It's just too bad you can't get that Black And Tan unless you live on the East coast...maybe road trip this summer to buy several cases? :)
Shiner Bock,Budweiser,Michelob Ultra and Red Dog do the trick around these here parts.

from time to time I also come around to some mexican brews,Corona is always good,as well as Dos Equis.

also got into the habit of trying out different beers not too long ago,that chocolate beer was on the list,it was too bitter to be enjoyable,not my type of thing to drink voluntarily though,there was a banana bread type beer which did turn out to be surprisingly good,Kirin Ichiban Special Reserve turned out to be a good surprise,as was Sam Adams Irish Red.

Dos Equis Amber on tap is fucking delicious. When I lived in Georgia they had a Mexican restaurant there that had it, and some of the best Mexican I've ever had too, perfect combination.
My favs -

Red Hook Original Ale
Fat Tire
Pyramid or Widmer Brothers Hefeweizen
Boundary Bay Blonde Ale

Cheap stuff if all the good stuff is gone -

Coors Light
Everyone knows that American beer is gross you guys in other countrys have some of the best tasting beer. When i went too Germany i dont even remember my trip i was so wasted off that good beer they have.:rock:

Goddamnit i want to drink again.

American macrobrews are gross yes, but we have some incredible microbreweries.