Your Favorite Cancelled/Off-Air TV Shows

SWAT Cats :( Not my favourite probably, but it was on tv when i was a kid, never saw it again and never knew its name. Untill i saw a BLOG of all fucking gay things, that had a competition about shoddy old shows, and i recognized a screenpic of the show, asked the creator for the name, and fuckign found a torrent of it :lol:

Watched it all. It had cats and explosions, yay :lol:..
by the way,



Yeah I realized my Pinky and the Brain mistake right after I posted it, but I was headed out and could not edit my post. Whatever...Buffy the Vampire Slayer :lol:
X Files - best series ever nuff said
Twin Peaks - need another series as bizarre as that one
Northern Exposure - bloody hell ridiculous about a Jewish doctor that works in rural Alaska
Xena The Warrior Princess - the most painful acting it was funny - all the leather was cool
Hercules the warrior dude - don't remember that much about it, liked the costumes and muscles
Ren and Stimpy - OMFG the hairball factory!!!1 :Puke: