Your Favorite Cancelled/Off-Air TV Shows

Since there was no thread for Firefly, and since I have a feeling only Codi and I would talk in a Firefly thread, I'm making a general thread for everyone to talk about TV shows that they like that are no longer on the air.

I shall start by obviously stating that I love Firefly and own the series on DVD. I'm not a convention-attendee, but I do hope that they make a sequel to Serenity (the Firefly movie, for those uneducated) at some point.

I'm also a Star Trek: DS9 fanboi. I might actually be writing my senior seminar paper on the roles of race and gender in the series. I could get 25-30 pages out of that, easily.

Finally, I'm a huge fan of The West Wing, and if there was an ideal way for the United States government to be run, I think that The West Wing best represents it.

Now then, what do you all like?