Your favorite type ov weather?!

Favorite type ov weather?

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I just find overcast and rainy weather to be really calm and relaxing. I find bright and sunny days to be kind of annoying, everyone's happy.
I like all types of weather. I like the bright summer days, or snow falling in the winter or rainy days. That's why I love living in New England because of the weather changing all the time.
Storms are definitely the shit. There's lots of noise and shit happening, the air smells really nice, and it's fun to just take an umbrella and walk around the streets with practically no one else outside, because they're all pussies who'd rather be indoors watching TV.

If ur cold blooded you should be dead.

When the hell did you get back? I thought you were banned.
I like when it is grey and raining the most, but not when it is flowing down. Just enough is nice. And you need music in your headphones and proper clothes. Nothing beats that.
In between weather with clear, sunny skies. I don't like untra hot and humid weather (especially the humidity), and I really fucking hate snow, since snow makes the roads dangerous, and has been the cause of every accident I have ever been in.