Your favorite type ov weather?!

Favorite type ov weather?

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Mathiäs;6711687 said:
I absolutely hate when it's raining and sunny at the same time.

Same, you have the glare of the sun and the annoying rain and chill at the same time.

Good ol' Hawaii, how I miss you so. :(
Mathiäs;6711501 said:
So, what is it? I love cloudy/gray/dreary days myself. I also like snow and sunny summer days.

Pick one for type of weather and one for temperature.

It would be nice if we had thunderstorms or snow all through out the day until the evening where it went as if it hadn't rained in ages and had been a really sunny day. Sunsets in late summer are great.
Late autumn, when the air is cool, the evenings are long and the sky is patched with dark clouds. I love being out during the sunset, when the light starts turning that blue/grey colour, especially if the sky is largely cloudy yet the ground is dry. It's nice to see the sky through the clouds and the cold evening air is so refreshing.

Good thing is that it gets like this when I'm walking home from school most of the time..just a shame it's the last year I can do so x(
Late autumn, when the air is cool, the evenings are long and the sky is patched with dark clouds. I love being out during the sunset, when the light starts turning that blue/grey colour, especially if the sky is largely cloudy yet the ground is dry. It's nice to see the sky through the clouds and the cold evening air is so refreshing.
