Your favorite type ov weather?!

Favorite type ov weather?

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I moved out of the arctic in January and the climate is the only thing I miss. This past week we had temperatures of up to 20C and I'm fucking melting, no idea how I'm going to make it when it's actually proper summer.

Voted rain because I'm mostly an indoor person anyway, but reading by an open window when it's raining is the best thing ever.
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Stormy/gloomy all the way. Spring depresses the fuck out of me and summer makes me physically nauseous. I still really like winter, though a particularly bad one 3-4 years back made me reconsider my stance on the season for a brief minute. Cue the obvious "Only Happy When it Rains" jabs.
Christ, all the old gang up in this thread.

Sunny with a slight cool breeze for me. Around 20 degrees C.
Voted for sunshine, but anything other than windy is ok by me. Had a lifetime of that growing up in Wellington where the average day looks like this:

I suppose I prefer the drear. As I get older the sun continually grows as an enemy. My skin is light and doesn’t tan very fucking well. A lot of people in my family have had skin cancers removed and an uncle even died. Huge paranoia point for me.

I pretty much have to wear sunglasses at all times if the sky is blue. I squint myself into a headache in no time, if not.

It’s why I prefer the woods I guess, perfect shady environment for this mushroom gathering hermit.

Winter can also fuck off because it turns everything to shit where I live with just a couple inches of snow and the temps occasionally wildly fluctuating 40-50 degrees from daylight until midday is just awful.
Weather is so dry the last two or three years, it's impossible.

Some real problems in agriculture (I work in agriculture).

Also, we have a cottage up in the hills in the north of the country and the water intake is basically dependent on ground water coming down from the mountains. Last year we were out of water completely for the first time ever since like after world war II when grandpa bought the place.

Shit is going down.

Yesterday there was a storm and it was windy as fuck and one would expect like two days of raining after months of nothing, but it was only few drops and we're back to it. Experts say that our country's landscape is missing like one year worth of average rainfall.
Weather is so dry the last two or three years, it's impossible.

Some real problems in agriculture (I work in agriculture).

Also, we have a cottage up in the hills in the north of the country and the water intake is basically dependent on ground water coming down from the mountains. Last year we were out of water completely for the first time ever since like after world war II when grandpa bought the place.

Shit is going down.

Yesterday there was a storm and it was windy as fuck and one would expect like two days of raining after months of nothing, but it was only few drops and we're back to it. Experts say that our country's landscape is missing like one year worth of average rainfall.
Fucking hell, that's awful.
You can have some of our rain... please take it.

Hey look, it's raining on a Saturday!
Fuck this bullshit! So god damn tired of it
I need 27 miles to reach 300 for the month of April. Rain better not ruin this for me.
It's misty today. The least colorful manifestation of autumn. When you take off to work and everything is black and then you get to work half an hour later and everything is grey and you can't really see the yellow and red leaves or anything, it's just outlines of shapes barely to be recognized. Life behind veil.