Your favourite bass tones?

Pantera - Far Beyond Driven and "I can't hide" from 101 Proof
Metallica - Black Album (fits perfect with the guitars + I love "My Friend of Misery" bass sound)
Megadeth - Countdown to Extinction (especially the song..)
Tool - 10000 Days
Deftones - White Pony
Killswitch Engage - The End of Heartache
Cradle of Filth - "Sleepless" (Anathema cover in From the Cradle to Enslave E.P.)
bass on no heroes was done with a heil pr30 and yamaha sub-kick.
the subkick can be tricky. i keep it on a separate track, compress it a lot, and occasionally key it off the kick.

Got this info from the man himself :)

That's a good tip. I imagine the sub-kick would be a cool alternative to a using a subharmonic synth and must give it a try sometime. I love the effect of a distorted and compressed sub-synth track though.
Dokken - Lightning Strikes Again. I know it's not metal enough for many around here, but holy hell is that an awesome bass tone! Exactly the tone I'm trying to achieve.

Edit: Can't believe I forgot this one: our own Splat88's bass tone on "Wke Darker Skies". Incredible bass tone!
I am going to chime in with yet another vote for tool and faith no more. Also maybe primus and anything with stanley clarke as well. I would be very interested in any kind of insights into tools bass sound that can be had, I have been toying with my own bass tone a lot lately and I can definitely get somethign vveeery workable but, staunch perfectionist that I am, its not close enough!

One thing I've noticed on tones that are very treble heavy is that for me to prevent obnoxious clicking and clacking I have to put very narrow slices into the upper mids. Also, I read here a while ago about doing a send on the bass with a high pass and then using a chorus and raising the level of the wet signal to taste and I will say that has working wonderfully for me.
Another one for Tool's 10000 Days. Great sound.
Also most of Porcupine Tree's stuff.
Breaking Benjamin - Phobia (specifically Diary of Jane, the bass blends really well but you can just hear it ring out in the verse and it adds so much to the guitars)
Darkwater - Calling the Earth to Witness (awesome tone at the expense of the kick drum)
totally agree with the FNM and Tool (Tool especially, Wal basses sound amazing and Justin knows what he's doing)

Tim Commerford from Rage/Audioslave has an awesome setup for the classic passive/jazz sound and i love his use of wah and distortion...

but i gotta say alot of what i listen to is the heavier Thrash/Death stuff

so i've got to say some of the bass tones i appreciate are:

Gojira - From Mars to Sirius
In Flames - Clayman
Testament - Souls of Black
Children of Bodom - In your Face
Machine Head - Days turn Blue to Gray
Alice in Chains - Would?
Rush - Moving Pictures
Cave In - Antenna
Tool - Lateralus (sorry 10,00 Days bugs)
Voivod - Angel Rat/Outer Limits
Queensryche - Empire (espesh Della Brown)
Megadeth - Countdown To Exticntion
For bass tone, I have to go with..

Mudvayne easily #1.

#2 Queensryche - Empire album, songs Della Brown and Anybody Listening.

#3 has got to be a shout out to Stu Hamm & Billy Sheehan.