Your Favourite Led Zeppelin album?

Tough question. Mostly cuz I'm a huge Led Head. Zep 4 is a standout in the fact that I've heard every one of those songs played on the radio. Including Battle of Evermore, if you can believe that. Few albums can claim that. The Who's Next is the only other that I can think of. So #4 ranks up there.

Physical Gr, great songs and the album felt so good to handle and look at. Many hazy moments listening to In the Light.

#3 had a great feel to it too. And the best 3.5 min your ears will ever know. Imigrant Song. The very first viking metal song ever.

#2 Solid rock all the way thru. This is tough. I even like Presence.

But in the end, it has to be #4 for the simple fact that my first copy I literally wore out and the cover fell apart I listened to it so much. Had to go out and buy another copy. Wish I had the old original.
very tough.

I usually say III because it's the least played out, IMO. It's also a great mix of really heavy, and also really mellow tunes. Zep I rules too.

I love the the first 4 and PG, but II and IV I've heard 4,856,368 times. Some of Houses of the Holy is like that to me also...

That being said, I still NEVER shut off Stairway when it comes on the radio. :worship:
zeppelin I is the best zeppelin album but i prefer the original jeff beck group or deep purple over zeppelin
II, because it rocked my world back in 1970, there just wasnt anything out there that hit so hard... in fact it was downright heavy at that time. Then I got I and III and listened to them in alteration with II. I must have lived in Zep bliss from 70-74. As awesome as II was not much set me back like the first time I heard Stairway (and Black Dog), at least a year before it became a radio hit and was beat to death. But I rarely listened to IV all the way through. Houses of the Holy was another earthquake. PG was great but I missed the old Zep hard rockin sound. Presence got alot of play. I still have my old LP's and just finally bought Presence on CD. I still have to pick II because of its musical impact and importance in forming my early musical taste.
II, because it rocked my world back in 1970, there just wasnt anything out there that hit so hard... in fact it was downright heavy at that time. Then I got I and III and listened to them in alteration with II. I must have lived in Zep bliss from 70-74.

Man, you must really be OLD! I'm getting old and I was just a little kid back in those years. I didn't start getting into music until my early teens, around '78 and '79. But my older brother had all the early 70s classics so I got familiar with those albums by 1980.

I can't say I'm huge into Zep, there's just something about them that's a little "off" to my ears (same as Rolling Stones). But, that said, I do get into Zep moods from time to time and really enjoy any of the first 4 albums immensely. It's a hard decision as to which one's best, but I think I've gotta go with IV. That album featured some of their greatest songs and not a clunker in the bunch.
It's a hard decision as to which one's best, but I think I've gotta go with IV. That album featured some of their greatest songs and not a clunker in the bunch.
I'm with you on that one, IV is my favorite even though it may be the obvious choice. I didn't "grow up" with Zeppelin myself since I started listening to hard rock in the early 80's and by then Zeppelin had disbanded. My first Zep album was the 2 disc Remasters compilation that came out in the 90's and I figured that's all I would need, but I wanted to listen to more so I started buying the individual studio albums of which I have almost all.
I can't say I'm huge into Zep, there's just something about them that's a little "off" to my ears (same as Rolling Stones).

Yeah, I've always felt the same myself. I figure you're either a Zep/Stones person or a Beatles/Sabbath person - based entirely off of nothing. :p

On a whole, Zep just never did much for me beyond a few songs. I'm in the minority here, but I could never listen to Zep 3 (beyond about 3 songs including my favorite Immigrant Song) and the second disc of Physical Graffiti.
Yeah, I've always felt the same myself. I figure you're either a Zep/Stones person or a Beatles/Sabbath person - based entirely off of nothing. :p

Funny, I'm a fan of all four of those bands. With the Stones on bottom of list. Legends. Every last one of them. It's really something when you think that the Stones are still at it with a mostly original lineup.

razoredge - you are old:lol: You are prob like my older brothers who got me into Zep. I was VERY young in 1970. But even in diapers I was rocking out to Zep and Sabboth :headbang: I was headbangin before I could walk.

Trans-Siberian - I think the "off" part might Plant's scratchy and sometimes screaching voice. Maybe it's an aquired taste. That just happened to be aquired by millions. I can't help it. I grew up with it. But I grew out of it before cd's, so all I have are the albums.

Love talkin Zep. Thanks Deadline
Yeah, I've always felt the same myself. I figure you're either a Zep/Stones person or a Beatles/Sabbath person - based entirely off of nothing. :p

On a whole, Zep just never did much for me beyond a few songs. I'm in the minority here, but I could never listen to Zep 3 (beyond about 3 songs including my favorite Immigrant Song) and the second disc of Physical Graffiti.

Ditto, 100%. I also found most of my friends are either Zep/Stones fans or Beatles/Sabbath fans. I've said that a hundred times over the past 20 years. Me, I'm a Beatles/Sabbath fan!

Trans-Siberian - I think the "off" part might Plant's scratchy and sometimes screaching voice. Maybe it's an aquired taste.

You're partly right. I do have an issue with Plant's vocals because so many consider him a god but he really isn't a very good singer, and certainly not versatile. And his wailing gets on my nerves. But I've come to peace with Plant's vocals and quite enjoy them to this day. The "off" part I speak of is simply in terms of melody. To me, there's not a lot of Zep songs (or Stones) that stick in my head and make me want to pull the cd off the shelf. By contrast, I can think of countless Beatles/Sabbath songs that'll play in my head in an instant and have me reaching.
Trans... Very interesting. :err: I see exactly what you mean. Zep didn't have a lot of "hooks" in their songs. But when you listen, you can't stop. Or at least I can't. Plant played the part of the Golden God well, but vocally he was kind of :erk: But they really were the one of the only bands to become absolutely HUGE. Because of raw musical talent... Page a brilliant producer and guitarist when he was sober. Jones an all around perfect musician keeping it all together on stage. Bonham a power drummer of legend. And Plant the lead man and great lyricist that drew in the women.

Sabbath. Freakin awesome. Years ago I woke up with a song in my head I hadn't heard in over 10 years. Neon Knights. Driving to work, heard it on XM. Incredible. Like it was meant to be. That song stuck with me all day. Kept me :)ing. Sabbath hooked me big time when I was a kid. Again, cuz of my brothers. Lucky that way I guess. Sorry about the ramble.