Your first alcoholic experience...

Oct 7, 2006
Ok, tell us the story of your first alcoholic experience, if you can't remember then just tell teh worst, or most rememberable. The point is to poke fun at ourselves.
my first alcoholic experience made me 1) laugh, 2)joke how ugly one of my friends looked and 3) kiss all of them. i only got a slap from one. there were 3 girls one of them ugly and 1 guy. guess who i kissed. remember, its a slap and not a punch. And i wasnt drunk, i took advantage of the situation. I was 14 then participating in an after-gig orgy of madness, not sex.
Cute idea :) Have any stories Yourself? well this One is really DUMB so i wont go into the WHOLE damn story of it Just the very short fast version :p the first time i tryed Hard alcohol (vodka) i drank the Whole botter shared with Just One other person in about the time Of a half Hour io didnt Know that it takes a littel while to catch up to You And Just was wondering why it wasnt even affecting me :rolleyes: So than when i finally did get Up n try to move around :lol: what an idiot i was i couldn't even figure Out How to Open the door to get down staires but when i finally did i ended up breaking all kinds of wird things also tryed to Hide it from my parents later On and failed terribley :lol: and i guess i broke and threw cookies and cigaretts all around myself amogn doin other dumb shit i have forgotin all i did thoue haha :lol: Not that great of a story but its One the most memorable ones in my head at the time :p
It involved a bottle of Puerto Rican rum (which I will never drink again) and a shitty apple drink as a chaser. I remember I was about 12 with my best friend and some random people from the neighborhood. We were so damn scared that we would get caught by the cops. Lame.
wine with a shot of holy water, doesnt get any better, i was around 8. But prolly younger, maybe 5 i had sips of liquor and wine.
Worst (some years ago):
It was at a friends place. We were all by the pool and my friends were stacking all the 20+ empty beer cans and I remember just trying to get past without knocking it over, but failing. I got up, sat down on one of the pool chairs, and threw up. All over the place. Then i remember my friends carrying me upstairs in the host's house, tearing off my filth covered shirt and jeans and throwing me in bed.
Drinking 8 beers, half a bottle of whiskey and a full bottle of 55% stuff with a weird name, when I was about 12. Had a three day hangover, vomed blood.

Also when I travelled to Cuba with my brother two years ago, we were playing pool and kept asking for Rum and coke as we had all inclusive wrist bands. However they fill it up basically to the top with rum and a dash of coke. After about 10 of these and being completely wrecked, my brother egged me on to strip naked, which I did. After waltzing around the hotel naked at 8pm when people were eating dinner, there was a large formal dinner party in one of the halls, with a piano. So I just ran in still completely naked, jumped on the piano and started dancing like a fucking tosser. Old peoples faces were priceless. We eventually got kicked out of the hotel, was worth it though. :loco:
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Worst (some years ago):
It was at a friends place. We were all by the pool and my friends were stacking all the 20+ empty beer cans and I remember just trying to get past without knocking it over, but failing. I got up, sat down on one of the pool chairs, and threw up. All over the place. Then i remember my friends carrying me upstairs in the host's house, tearing off my filth covered shirt and jeans and throwing me in bed.

That's pretty damn rough.

Oh, and Faith No More, you are my hero.
So I just ran in still completely naked, jumped on the piano and started dancing like a fucking tosser.


I wish I would do cool shit like that. Never really have the opportunity though because I get drunk in a house.

I wont talk about my first time, because that was lame. I'll just talk about a time I really liked.

So I have two houses. One for sale, and the one we're staying in now. The one were trying to sell is almost completely empty. So some friends and I decide to stay there.

On our way to my house we stop by Pizza Hut and I tell this girl that I like (she liked me at the time also, now she hates my guts) to come over if she wants. So we get to the mall to meet with my friend Josh's then-girlfriend. On the way out we pick up some old friends.

We get back to my place and all get a bit buzzed. Then this girl Jessica and I wander off into what used to be my little brothers room (rofl). So we go at it, for like 40 minutes and my friend knocks on the door. "Aaron!". So I say, "What the fuck? Dude, go away, were not done". (Apparently he was done with Amy.) Then he says, "Dude, I called Sam because you were supposed to call her at 10, she'll be over soon she said".

So I ended up having to stop, get dressed, leave Jessica and try to get the smell off of my fingers. (We had no soap in the house because we moved.)

I spent the whole night with Samantha trying to keep my fingers as far from her face as possible. But all in all it was a very good night, with both girls. One of the best nights I've ever had.
damn no fights? well since ive got too many already and alot i cant remember . a good one though was a fight i got into to at a heavy metal party with a guy. i was wasted and he wasn't , and i still won. only two white kids to get into a fight with eachother in the middle of a mexican gang neighborhood. oh yeah and afterwards cause i still felt invincible i went to a white castle my friend works at screaming about the incidnet at the top of my lungs, started punching the soda machine too cuz i got pissed it didnt have my drink. they gave me free burgers and kicked me out.
i started out pretty late. i think i was 16-17 when i started forcing people to buy me beer more and more often. right after my 17th birthday i got wasted at a christmas party. i downed a bunch of 7% ciders and 7.3% beers + a bunch of vodka and wound up semi-sleeping in a pile of vomit on a bench. my friends tried to move me but i was like "fuck off man, i wanna sleep". eventually the cops came and called my parents. i puked in the car home as well. awesome.
Have any of you seen your parents getting sick after booze or other shit like that?

I came home one night and I found my mom puking over the toilet. She had too much "cherry wine" or whatever she said she drank. Yea right. It was funny as hell, though.
My brother got me drunk on straight vodka when I was 14. That was my first time. He dared me to drink it and said I couldn't, so we polished off the bottle. I later fell down the stairs, got to the bathroom to pee, fell over and hit my nose off the radiator (which hurt for about a week afterwards). I then sat on the work top in the kitchen, tried to open a cupboard door from behind me and pushed myself off. My brother had to carry me home and I slept for hours. The rest of my family didn't speak to my brother for several days.

The most recent was new year. I was at my boyfriends with some friends of his. Eventually we decided to sneak off and got busy in the bathroom. A while later his friend came upstairs "hellooo, are you guys t baggin'?" He didn't actually know what we were doing which made it so much funnier. I haven't laughed so hard in ages.
Well I was about 1 and i wouldnt sleep so my parents decided to put a lil alcohol in my bottle so i can sleep ended up putting a lil too much and i knocked out pretty much till afternoon. lmao thats so wrong!

the worst two ive ever experienced was..well 1st senior trip in paris go wasted cuz the bartendor mixed my drinks horribly i dont kno how me and my firend got back to the hotel...but we ended up making out and taking each others clothes off....needless to say anything else but she was a girl as well haha oh yea then we passed out on the bed woke up at 1 got dressed went to a club with everyone else.

2nd one is pretty gross...i had only had a salad for lunch later on at nite had about 20 shots of vodka with the guys and made out with one of my guy friends that i never would want to ew haha and puked about everywhere. my sister came to pick up cuz my parents decide to make me come home at 3 wen i was supposed to sleepover..well she found me in my bra in bed covered in puke...and as one of my friends said "you know your tits were pretty nice till i had to clean off puke"

enjoy :kickass:
It was thick, yellow, and of mexican origin...

So...yeah, I can't stand teh tast of liquor now :/
I just don't get it :(