your first...


Let me die in solitude...
May 30, 2001
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Sit back and remember the first time you heard Opeth...what were you doing? How did you react? What were you thinking?

me: Winter 96, my friend bought me Morningrise for my birthday....I popped it in the player, and advent started. Being the impatient jerk that I can be I skipped to BRI, and my jaw hi the floor. I was thinking: HOw can a band be this good? How can a song stay interesting for 20 minutes? Just stunned. I got up after the album finished and ran and called my friend and thanked him, but he didn't know what I was talking about, as he had never listened to them before, just heard good clear in my mind as other special moments of being a teenager:D
i heard the leper affinity back in april/may this year (so im a new fan) and was impressed by the immidiate beginning, that was till the growling started:eek: , then i fast forwarded a while and promptly put the cd away, till about july time and as there was no one in the house i brought down really heavy stuff to play loud, in my haste i brought down opeth only remembering that i liked the riff in LA, and i ended up listening to bleak and harvest a lot but it was morningrise that started it off for me, with the night and the silent water being repeated very loudly and repeated a lot and for some resason they clicked. and since then i've listened to opeth loads, especially now that ive heard they are playing soon with my other fav band katatonia (lets hope for some BMD tracks being played with mikael and kata) and anyone i haven't looked back since.
Well this one is easy :)

I was listening to Orchid in the CD store and thought: Yowza!!! I just gotta have this!
I heard Blackwater Park sometime in april 2001 and of course it blew my head off!!! Few weeks later I saw Still Life in a record shop so I bought it and I still in shock. Of course a have all of the albums now, except Orchid which isn´t available where I live:(
I bought MAYH from overwhelming praise from online buddies, and I was at home doing absolutely nothing due to a recent burning of the holy herb :p and I popped it and crossed my fingers and was awestruck. I think the first thoughts were that Mike's voice was fucking awesome and the double bass kicked ass. I couldn't hear anything but the music, like I was in a trance, until the end of Madrigal when The Amen Corner scared the shit out of me. :D After I heard the whole album and read the was all over. I was hooked.
it was in 1999 i think
i was playing to motorcross madness and i put morningrise to the tape for some background noise
this first experience about opeth was boring
so i throw the album to my box
after a few month, i was looking for something to listen
before sleeping
and i rediscovered morningrise
and i consantrated to it with assistance of my headphones
you know when you are with yourself and thinking only to what you are listening, you understood better the music
and so far, i am an opeth maniac

consequence: don't listen opeth while playing a microsoft game:p
I had a blind date with Morningrise.
Kinda influenced by a friend of mine (thank you Freddy :D ) I just bought it and was overwhelmed. Especially BRI flooded my ears :eek: , some other tracks had to grow on me ("Nectar"), but I knew this would be the beginning of a lasting love.
I heard a song from the "Still Life" album on the radio...
Loved the acoustic parts, but almost fell to the ground when the growling started...
Couldn't believe someone would "ruin" their music with shittie vocals like that! hehe...
I wasn't into metal at the time, but over a couple of months
I started to realise that metal was exactly what I needed....
Decided to buy "Still Life" as I wrote down the albumtitle when
I heard Opeth on the radio....just to make sure I wasn't going to miss something great...

I was lucky, "Still Life" is now one of my favourite albums, and Opeth one of my favourite bands...
The first time i ever heard opeth was in 1998. I was at one of my friends' (he knows who he is) brother's place, and he put it on. I was playing Goldeneye at the time, so i didnt hear it much. i was into metal, and a couple of months later i rang my friend and asked what album i should buy, bought MAYH, which has been my favourite album ever since.
June 1999, had read about it on the Candlelight website for some time, and finally found MAYH in a store in St. Louis, MO. (was visiting family).. So I listened to a few tracks in the store and then bought it.. listened to it that night and was in love with it. :)
Ahhhhh , A bunch of us were in Tills van driving around our town and shit like that , and he said something like "Check this out" and I was like cool , never thought nothin at all of it , I wasn't much into metal at the time , then I gave him a tape to tape off some metal tunes .

He put . Children of Bodom , Iced Earth , Opeth(april ethereal) , Arch Enemy , In Flames , Dissection and Emperor on there .

I really liked the way Opeth used more than power chords and single notes ( I was a little into death) and the use of clean vocals and shit like that . Anyway I told Rick ( Till Fjalls) to pick up 3 cd's for me before he came back to Port Saunders ( Were I lived then ) So he got me Opeth - Mayh , Death - The sound , and COF- From the cradle , I wasn't much into the Opeth album ,and couldn;t stop listening to Death and Cof because I loved the distorted vocals . Ahh one day I was really drunk and stonned so I put it only , concidering I payed 25 bucks or something for it , then well ahhhhh I just start head bangin , and I don't think there has been a day sence then that I've not played or listenied to an opeth song .

Well I had just gotten home with the Blackend IV double CD, which just has various extreme metal bands on it. It was summer 1998, and I wasn't into much extreme metal except for Carcass and Morbid Angel at the time, but decided I would give this stuff a chance... I took it home popped in teh first CD and listened all the way through the CD, reasonably pleased with what I was hearing. I eventually reached the last track on the CD being The Amen Corner, and was really amazed. It was something I had been looking for for a while, and fell in love immediately. The second to last song on the second CD of Blackend was Demon of the Fall, imagine my reaction to that.... :loco: :D
Earlier this year, I heard Bleak played on the Sunday night metal show I listen to. It totally struck me. I went onto their website to find out more about them, and to find their discography.

They had that contest "What Opeth Means To Me", and I won the Blackwater Park CD (I now have 2 copies, since I had already purchased it). Once I heard that album, I bought the rest of their CD's on one purchase.

They are now absolutely my favorite band!!
My friend borrowed me a Black metal-compilation CD
Blackened (was it?). There were two CD's if I can recall
and one of the songs was Nectar! I've never heard
Opeth before that and it just sounded mindblowing!
I don't remember what year it was but MAYH wasn't
out yet... When I heard Nectar it just came to me...
This is the band for me. I bought Morningrise and Orchid
as fast as I could and the rest is history.
Where do you live where opeth is on the radio. All they play here in Chicago is pop bullshit. I know how this feels.

Metalmancpa: Which station do listen to on Sunday nights??? You heard Bleak on the radio? I must be able to get that same station in. Was in on TV though? Like that Direct TV Metal shit? I don't have that...but if you're talking about a metal station on the radio, hook me up!

"Never leave me be."

NOTE: Let me just say here that Harvest is a great song. There are so many lines that I can hardly wait to hear in this song. I love the acoustics and I love the lyrics.