Your Hero in metal...

3. Kobi Farhi of Orphaned Land. For coming up with a badass concept, writing middle-eastern instruments and melody into death metal seamlessly, and pulling it all off without a hitch. For writing about and actively trying to tear down the intolerance among the three major monotheistic religions worldwide through music and mutual discovery. For never sacrificing his vision through the hard times he faced, and doing all of the above with humble grace.

(runner up): Krystoffer Rigg aka Garm of Ulver. For being the true definition of progressive with experimenting more and more every album, and ignoring "scenes". For being true to his feelings instead of his fans.
I'll have two more in due time, making up my top five. I just want to listen to one of the persons works again, before I do so.


I thought of another one:

Warrel Dane

In my opinion, one of the most intelligent lyricists in metal today. His views on philosophy, religion, science and drugs are pretty damn interesting. His singing is unmatched by just about anybody in the field. Somebody recently mentioned Mike Portnoy and his drinking problem, and for that I also have to give a nod to Warrel Dane. Any musician who is able to see that he/she has an alcohol (or any drug) problem of sorts, pulls him/herself out of it and to better themselves, is an awesome fucking person. Plus, Warrel Dane's stage presence is awesome. Seeing Nevermore live is a really awesome opportunity.

and I'll try to find some good A. Nemtheanga interviews heh 5 you say!

ok then....

Lemmy - Has consistently released quality album one after each other, even when it appeared that Motorhead was dead and buried - and yet, find me a better frontman, and I will pay you one pound sterling (legal note: not binding)

Lee Dorian - Because doom by any other name than Cathedral is probably a lie. The most overlooked British band since Skyclad? errrrrr...yeah!
I just couldn't limit it to top three, because I was leaving out the man whose music single handedly got me into black metal.
Gildenlow is certainly hero material. Just for Remedy Lane alone. I've only yesterday started listening to Perfect Element but so far its sounding pretty impressive. Especially Used.

Maybe John Petrucci too. But Gildenlow was the guy who came to mind.
Alright. Here we go. Who am I going to choose now.

Why none-other-than Vegard Sverre Tveitan, better known as, Ihsahn.

Now, I have many reasons for adding him to my list, his guitar skills, his vocals, his keyboard skills (which by the way, in the metal world are nearly unparalleled), and his song writing abilities.

However, it is not one single ability of his that makes him a hero, it is the whole package. The fact that he is such a one man talent that makes me one of the most influential and respected musicians within the metal scene.

Through the years he has participated in three main bands: Emperor, Zyklon-B, and Peccatum. One of which is totally fucking lack-luster, that one being Zyklon-B, but the other two are totally amazing.

Emperor were the forerunners of the symphonic black metal scene, and well, you can't deny the fact that this wouldn't have been possible without the great keyboard work that Ihsahn did. It is beautiful and perplexing whilst filling the music with mood, not cheese.

He dared to even expirament as well, and released one album, that most consider a flop IX Equilibrium, and one that many consider the crowning achievement of Emperor, Prometheus, which has some of the best keyboard work in any black metal album to date.

Now, we also have Peccatum, which is really an interesting specimen of a project but is a major showcase of Ihsahn's songwriting and keyboard skills, and even his vocals.

The music, is highly keyboard based, even on the early releases where guitars were very important. While the showcase of this band is really Ihsahn's wife Ihriel, you can not deny the amazing guitar work, and spell casting keyboards provided by none other.

Hell, he was awarded by his own home village for being the most known person in it as well ... that is pretty fucking cool.

So all in all, here is Hero #4.
John Petrucci
Taught me you could use more than a Intro, chorus, Bridge,Outro etc to a song and has been a real influence to keep me playing just for the love of music he is'nt interested in playing to get rich or have lots of groupies and get drunk out of his skull every night he does it for the love and thats what music is about I hope everyone will agree.

Phil Lynott,Guys from Thin Lizzy

First encounter of Rock when I was 5 years old Listening to Dads records listening to old classics like Jailbreak Emerald still brings me back to the when I first discovered the "Distortioned Guitar"
Phil Lynott was a singer that I can remember being outstanding maybe it was because I was five but he really stood out and the guitarists, Gary Moore Brian Robertson,Scott Gorham,Snowy White and any other string benders that have joined the Thin Lizzy line up really made the records brilliant and especially Gary Moore he was the icing on the cake because he made the songs more Emotional Parisian Walkways comes to mind.

He just seemed like such a down to earth, honest kind of guy... And "Blood Fire Death" was the first black metal album I heard (I think, it's a long time ago), even though I didn't recognize its greatness until a few years later...
DANZIG! Great choice. And yes although from all reports, he is a cunt, he is still god and god can be a cunt if he wants. :)

Also, honerable mention - Thomas Lindberg for having more passionate vocals than anyone else in the history of metal. Plus, his lyrics were killer and contributed greatly to the brilliance of At the Gates.
Ihsahn, for reasons mentioned above.

Karl Sanders. This guy had to stick it out for quite a while to get Nile off the ground. I think he knew Morbid Angel back in the late '80s and persevered to get to that level, and several years later he did. It's great to see a guy so dedicated have success finally. AotW is their best work yet, and they're at their peak, which rarely happens so late in a band's development. They probably have a few great albums in them still. He's a very cool guy too. At Nile's most recent concert in Chicago, he was just walking around in the crowd during the opening acts shaking hands with peoople. Very cool.

Nocturno Culto. Never seems to get a whole lot of credit. Fenriz is more of a public figure and seems to overshadow NC often. Great vocals, great songwriter, never went to shit.