Your impressions about The Never Ending Way Of ORwarriOR.

The whole cd is a masterpiece. I agree it is hard to compare it to Mabool for it being so different. But at the same time I feel its in another galaxy from Mabool. The band sounds like new, like I said after hearing it: THIS IS ORPHANED LAND 2.0 (and thanks Kobi for quoting me on that one)

Did anyone else find a very drastic change in the atmosphere of the whole album? I found it much more happier and sad at the same time.[More optimistic sounding probably? A lot of it makes me smile] To be honest I thought that all the anticipation would eventually disappoint me as I would have listened to it way too much and would leave me desiring for something new. After listening to the whole thing in its entirety countless times, I still discover something new and I've yet do fully derive all that it has to offer. I found His Leaf Shall Not Wither and Vayehi Or very moving tracks, especially Vayehi Or as I had heard The Path Part 2 first and that riff sounds so melancholic, very painful I must say. I have to say that I pretty much lost my composure when it came to this song. Baraka is actually probably one of my favourites off the album, I was seriously amazed by those epic melodies, truly awesome.

OL 2.0, that's very very true indeed. It actually sounds like a completely different band. Listening to all you people rave about the limited ed , I can't wait to get my hands on it! I'm quite sure I'll prance around like a little girl.

@ Bob, wow, you've got quite an awesome family sharing the OL trait!
In fact, we're a family with 4 brothers and 1 sister :rock::rock::rock::rock: + :rock: and we are tremendous fans of OL.

U and your family seriously ROCK:notworthy

And to all of you out there, seriously enjoy this album. Its like a massive experience. Forget everything from OL you heard before, open your mind and heart and just let it come to you. I think some people less into it might think me dramatic for writing this, but this is true. This album will light the little flame inside you to a big fire :) #snif#

I wish I could see all of your faces when you open the packs!!!
Forget everything from OL you heard before, open your mind and heart and just let it come to you. I think some people less into it might think me dramatic for writing this, but this is true.

You're totally right. The first listening was quite strange, despite the fact that I really enjoyed it, I was always tempted to compare it to previous albums. And as you said people have just to let it come without trying to find some ... etc... ;)

@ GuiX, Boblenain, (a.k.a Guillaume): nice story Bro !!! Sorry for calling you everyday :lol:
Probably one of the best releases of the year, which could seem pretentious since we are in January, but this album is so awesome that hardly can be beaten by another one …

By now, I’m hooked with “The path Part 1” and “From broken vessels”.

I’m still getting details, and digging into lyrics…

Jose Lozano
I don't know if it's because it's almost 4 30 am here and I haven't had a trace of rest and it might be a sleep induced stupor, but I had a very moving experience. I listened to the whole of ENA and ORwarriOR back to back and it was so weirdly inspiring, I'm at a complete lack of words, no adjective can justify that feeling.
A masterpiece. I wasn't able to fully listen to it at first, felt so overwhelmed that I needed a break.. :)
One nice thing about living in Israel is that you can go to a Tel-Aviv based metalshop and talk to Uri Zilha as you wish - he's a super-nice guy, and it's kind of awesome being handed the truly - spectacular limited edition of ORwarriOR from a band member.

About the album - after about five listens it's really starting to grow on me. Upon first listen, it's a lot to gulp at 75 minutes. The last album I bought that's this long is Metallica's Death Magnetic (which I love to bits) but it was way more catchy and less sophisticated than ORwarriOR. The more I listen to it, the more grateful I am for having a truly open mind to music. Just like Opeth's Watershed, this is in some ways the band's less-metal outing that's more about the experience as a whole. It's absolutely epic with astonishing melodies and incredible oriental touches - the Arabic flute in Bereft in the Abyss and The Path Pt. 1 is a shining example - it's absolutely beautiful.

To my delight, Kobi's vocals have improved greatly, and they were good enough on Mabool! I'm happy with Shlomit Levi, who reminds me greatly of Ofra Haza, getting more of a role on this album. She's amazing, and fits the band like a glove.
The only real gripe I have with it so far is that sometimes the guitars aren't clear enough and lack a punch (Barakah is a good example), but that's not as much of a problem as it would have been had ORwarrioOR been 75 minutes of sheer metal.

As it is - it's a spectacular release that brings real pride to Israel's music.
Today I wore my new shirt that came with the special edition and someone spotted me and said, "Is that an Orphaned Land shirt?" I was totally impressed! Word is getting around. We just need to keep spreading OL's message & music!
I am having to wait another week for when it comes out in the U.S.

I have been really good not listening to more than the band previously released on the internet prior to the album's release. I really don't want to spoil it. One more week....
The only real gripe I have with it so far is that sometimes the guitars aren't clear enough and lack a punch

Yeah, I have the same impression, at some given points guitars should have been mixed quite louder and clearer, they are catchy moments that you cant get out of your head and you'd wish it could have been mixed more heavysh to have a harder impact...

Is it something related to Wilson? :-) Dont know.
But they deserve to have an opinion, moreover when it is argued...

and opinions are like balls, everyone has his own :D

but, i think, a review is more than express merely an opinion, everyone is able to say: I agree, I don't like, shit, chocolate.

The critic must go deeper traing to stay outside his taste, try to understand if the artist has been able to keep the goal regardless if you like it or not, regardless your expectation.

You can't like Michelangelo or Van Gogh or Picasso, but, if you are a "critic", you have to recognise their genius, their technical skill, their capacity to communicate through their art exactly what they wanted to.

In few words, you have to discover WHY the artist chooses a specific formula to say something and how this choise works in the context.

Then you can express an aesthetic opinion ("this is shit" :D)

I wonder, among other things, that almost no reviewer has noticed the improved ORWARRIOR's cinematic approach compared to the previous works.
The album is structured to keep high the listener's attention, alternating long tracks full of action with short pieces very melodic and relaxing as a good action movie.... and no one noticed...

To stay in topic... ;)
Yesterday my copy arrived (italian mail is like Godzilla: slow and deadly) the artwork is WONDERFUL, totaly blew me out. Someone makes my compliments to Uri's job!!!! :notworthy

The DVD was good also, although I would have preferred a deeper focus on the album, but this is only a very little dettail.
Today I wore my new shirt that came with the special edition and someone spotted me and said, "Is that an Orphaned Land shirt?" I was totally impressed! Word is getting around. We just need to keep spreading OL's message & music!

That's great to read, Kenneth. Wearing that tee (in public) is akin to being a walking billboard. I'm getting a bunch of them along with my super-duper-extra-large signed edition package and will commence to start turning friends on all three US Coasts plus in my good ol' Heartland into the same.

Heck, yeah, I'll wear that shirt plenty, too.

This is cool. And it's cold and snowing here. I like that, so :heh:.
Well, my pre-ordered copy arrived only yesterday, so I didn't give the album a lot of listens.

But I have to say that I am not blown away yet, like I was when I listened to "Mabool" or "El Norra Alila" for the first time. Of course the album shows a lot of potential and I gonna listen to it the days to follow. I am sure that I will love it as the previous ones. :)

PS: What a fantastic song is "In Thy Never Ending Way"? I love the combination of bouzouki and piano the band does!
OMG, "New Jerusalem" is a very emotional song!

I am digging the album so far, but it's still too early for a secure opinion.
I've been grinding this album for the past few days
I must be's not as addictive as mabool but it's awesome.
at some places it sounds a little like opeth from 7-8 years ago but with an arab/mideastern touch to it(aspecially from broken vessels),that's a very interesting mix. Must be a part of Stephen Willson's contribution to the album(that and the phone filter :LOL:).
I guess I miss Eden's style(more complex keyboards) a bit but Eden's ancient history.