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NAZI ALERT! Graveland are openly Nazi in their beliefs, and have gone so far as to claim eugenics is the best way to clear the races of "mud people". Fucking Nazi's. I don't care how good thei music is, I won't support them.

Damn right. In addition, somewhere in this thread Nokturnal Mortum was mentioned. Some time ago I asked them via email whether it's still possible to obtain a copy of their first demotape, and these fuckers started their answer with "Heil Hitler!", followed by other unequivocal stuff :mad:
Oh much for NM!
Originally posted by Sadistik

NAZI ALERT! Graveland are openly Nazi in their beliefs, and have gone so far as to claim eugenics is the best way to clear the races of "mud people". Fucking Nazi's. I don't care how good thei music is, I won't support them.

I expected this...

Look, I listen to it for the music. I happen to have all of the Skrewdriver CD's as well, but I don't walk around beating on "muds." I'm also a collector, hardcore collector, and I have a myriad of everything from old school Skrewedriver, as I mentioned, to Britney Spears deleted promo interviews that got a kid killed in Texas, to Marvin Gaye promos and the like. For me, music is music - I'd give less than a shit what their beliefs are...if that's the case, throw out Burzum, Mayhem, Marduk (although I'm not sure of them), Darkthrone, Dissection, and nearly all of the Nowegian movement...same beliefs, different setting.

Oh, and for the record, I got it
Who cares if their NS or left winged or whatever, if I like the music I will not have my opinion be changed by political beliefs.

I just got to get some Graveland...only have copied CD's
I will not have my opinion be changed by political beliefs.

I could give a shit if its someones personal beliefs...they are entitled to those, though I may not agree with them. It's when bands like Graveland and the likes make the purpose of their band to spread these bullshit ideologies that I get sick to my stomach...I mean have you ever read interviews with Rob Darken? Or Capricornus? I suggest you do....they make me ill.
No I haven't read any interviews with Rob Darken nor any other NSBM frontmen, but I don't have to read any to kno what they say, I am quite familiar with NS ideology.
Still I support Graveland as a band, not for their ideas.They made some killerrecords like Creed of iron etc...
I don't want to ignore this records because they're NS, I don't give a fuck about their ideas.
I am not against NS, I think everybody should speak freely about their political ideas, even if this envolves racialism or faschism. The first rule of democracy is that everybody can express their opinions, if you look at today's society having NS beliefs is not tolerated. Than on the other hand I think they should't provocate, walking around with swastika's or doing the hitler-greeting.
Today I bought:

Dimension zero - Silent night fever and
Within Reach - Complaints Ignored

I really like the DZ album..
I got some new CDs when in Holland, plus a few mail order.

Fornicator - No title (Death / Grind. Quite Old School sounding in places. Not bad. )

Green Beret - No Title (Grind / Weird / Noise. A bit like Naked City, though not quite as clever.)

Theory In Practice - New one (Pretty good techno-death. The vocals are remeniscent of Evil Chuck in places. Certainly a CD I'll be going back to.)

Remy Zero - The Golden Hum (A nice bit of Emo tinged rock. Sounds like it should be on Deep Elm. Slightly Jeff Buckley in places, a touch Buffalo Tom in others. Good vocalist. I'm a sucker for this shit...)

Black Label Society - 1918 Eternal (More of the same from Zakk. Great balls out metal with a solid groove.)

Black League - Utopia AD (This one was more for Mrs B. I think they're okay, but they lack the savvy of the earlier Babylon Whores stuff, and the songwriting of mid-period 69 Eyes, both bands I guess they're trying to emulate in some way. The vocalist lets 'em down badly, and really starts to grate on your nerves after a few tracks).

Winter - Into darkness / Eternal Frost (One I had to buy again as my original CD is scratched to buggery. A couple of demo tracks as a bonus, and a new Digi sleeve. For those who aven't heard this band, track 'em down now. Pure Frost worship, but with a darker undercurrent. Great stuff.).

Beyond Twilight - The Devil's Hall Of Fame (I heard a track on a comp CD and had to buy the album. This is well played, superbly produced and professionally executed metal. Very heavy in places, and even a touch doomy elsewhere. The vocalist is world class, like a mix of Coverdale and Dio. I recommend this one.)

Mannhai - The Sons Of Yesterday's Black Grouse (Fantastic groove metal with stoner undertones. Features the singer of the mighty and sorely missed Xysma. This was in the sale at Omega, so I'm guessing it didn't sell too well. If you like mid-period Entombed, Spiritual Beggars and maybe even the latest Cult album, then do yourself a favour and check this out.)

The Bronx casket Co. - Sweet Home Transylvania (They're attempting some dark metal, maybe crossing the Misfits with Candlemass or something. It's not bad, but it doesn't hold the interest enough to sustain repeated listenings. The songs are drawn out to breaking point too. Avoid.)

Lee B
Yesterday I purchased these two CD's:

Death - The Sound of Perseverance


Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane

Both CD's are excellent. I really enjoy Death's cover of Painkiller. Although Chuck sounds a little strange when he tries to scream in that troll-like vox.
Originally posted by Trapped

hmm... somehow, i don't think we're talking about music here...? :lol:

No, actually it's a promo interview CD with an interview with her that had cue times for a radio personality to interject his own questions to make it look like she was in the studio.

It caused a riot in Texas and got a little girl killed in a stampede and all of them were recalled by the record company immediately.

It's a rare find for my collection, nothing more!
Originally posted by Brutalizer
I just bought TESTAMENT - "Low". :headbang:
But i haven't listened to it yet.
That's a damn good album IMO ;)

Nevermore-Dead Heart in a Dead World
This isn't my style actually, but I like it a lot. Very catchy, fast playing and worth buying :)
Midnight Sydnicate- Born Of The Night
Dead Can Dance- Into The Labrinyth
Dead Can Dance- Spiritchaser
Death- The Sound Of Perseverence
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