Your latest G.A.S. purchases


for the grand total of £80 :) saved a good £100 by buying Superior Custom & Vintage second hand and then getting the upgrade
It was already annoying to me when I played it for the first time in the shop :lol:
But that doesn't matter because it's one of the nicest amps on the market
So - I know some people hate them, others like them - personally so far they are an improvement over what I had in my humble opinion, but we will see if that opinion stands the test of time, but for now I love them.

I saw a craigslist deal I could not pass up today - a guy down the road from me was selling an almost effectively new pair (they are still under warranty) of Behringer B2031A monitors. I know, I know - others would choose something else, but the kicker was I got them for $200.00 and I only had to travel about 15 minutes down the road.

I'm replacing my old M-Audio BX5A monitors that I have had for quite some time - not even sure I'm replacing them so much as adding to them as I will probably keep them as portable monitors as these B2031A with those 8+ inch woofers are a little much to lug around.

I still need to get my studio situated as the positioning in here right now is not quite optimal; I'm going to see about a rearrangement soon.

As I know that without a picture it never happened, here they are in my dining room when I brought them home earlier. No pictures of my desk until I get my situation sorted out properly.


Sacha, if you have a Recto cabinet, I would forget about the Afterburner. I thought I loved it and did 20 or so comparisons and the Recto cab definitely sounds better.

I will say Mills Acoustics's customer service is beyond phenomenal, but the cabinets don't do it for me.
Sacha, if you have a Recto cabinet, I would forget about the Afterburner. I thought I loved it and did 20 or so comparisons and the Recto cab definitely sounds better.

I will say Mills Acoustics's customer service is beyond phenomenal, but the cabinets don't do it for me.

Interesting. It seems like the Mills has characteristics for live use that definitely work for my taste - Tighter lows, smoother highs and less directionality. For the stage there are actually quite a few cabs I prefer to Rectos, but I would definitely always keep one around for recording.