Your latest G.A.S. purchases


It's nice! Traded my 6505+ for it with no cash on top. Sorry if the picture is too high def for you guys, lololol.
I agree that's a bit of a rip, but the dude selling it should have taken five minutes online and checked the prices of the damn things and if he didn't then he can't really blame anyone else.
This isn't the first time I've gotten a super cheap deal on a Mesa, the first high end amp I bought was a Tremoverb over summer for 650$. I've been trading amps back and forth since then, I guess I'm just lucky there's a surplus of these amps floating around Houston.
Likewise, but the DR's market value is substantially higher here.

Yeah I totally get that. I notice that DR's sound better in Europe as well. :lol:

What's odd is right now in the shape my 5150 is in I could probably get $100 more than what I paid for it. The DR on the other hand, I would be lucky to break even with the way they seem to be going right now.
Mikaël-ange;10064497 said:
Hope it work for you (a friend have this since month and the whole phone is buggy sometimes, that why I ended buying an Incredible S and not a Desire HD).

It's about as buggy as my old standard Desire was, but this one can actually keep a conversation going on the phone without dropping me out all the time, which I consider a bit of a bonus for a phone.