Your latest G.A.S. purchases


Just got a $100 discount off my next Waves purchase... that means I could get the CLA comps for $199...
An old Sennheiser MD421 (grey) in mint condition, Slate's VCC, upgrade to PT10.
Next up a PRE73 and the COMP54 from Golden Age Project!
yeah, really raw in the rear end now.
but that version is so much more stable and much faster, I just had to....
Still hating that company for what it's doing to us though.

Man it's hurting me that I'm gonna have to pay for the 9-10 upgrade...I can't imagine how much the HD upgrade hurts..

back on topic.


A client of mine bought me a brand new one instead of paying me what was owed. The local music store offers financing over 12-18 months, so a monthly payment of 150-175 bucks is alot easier for him then shelling over 2000 all at once. I was planning on renting one for like a month anyways so fuck it...use it..if I like it keep it..if not..sell it back to the store for probably 1500 bucks. :)
Man it's hurting me that I'm gonna have to pay for the 9-10 upgrade...I can't imagine how much the HD upgrade hurts..

back on topic.


A client of mine bought me a brand new one instead of paying me what was owed. The local music store offers financing over 12-18 months, so a monthly payment of 150-175 bucks is alot easier for him then shelling over 2000 all at once. I was planning on renting one for like a month anyways so fuck it...use it..if I like it keep it..if not..sell it back to the store for probably 1500 bucks. :)

yeah man, that was quite painful indeed!
Especially since it's the last version to support all my hardware incl. the Control24.

congrats on the amp, great amp....
The upgrade is not that hard if you take their thingie-plan for around 500$ (and you've got a full year of free updates and stuff).
But it's still a lot of money I reckin. HD users are supposed to make money from their gear anyway, so... Oh well...
yeah, really raw in the rear end now.
but that version is so much more stable and much faster, I just had to....
Still hating that company for what it's doing to us though.

Hi Lasse

What about the midi side of PT10 ?

I'm on HD 8.0.3 and the midi is so buggy :erk: i was about to creat a topic on midi and pthd 10 but maybe you can give me a pointer here :)


I don't have PT10 yet but I did not encounter any midi problem with PT9, what kind of issues are you having?

Hi Brett thanks for you help

Most of the time PTHD (8.0.3) act very strangely and is prompt to crashing when i use SSD (with kontact player) and melodyne in the same session


When i use more than 4 instance of Omnisphere / EWQL

I have 9 gigs of ram, and most of the time as soon as i use midi the system seems to freak out, sometimes it's a bit better but it's a night and day difference reagrding a session with no midi (then pro tools is rock solid)

What is unclear to me is the way pro tools handle the RTAS instruments it's like to whole system is struggeling although i know i have some power that is left unused :erk:

i've a seperate drive for PTHD and the samples of ssd and Omnisphere... I was thinking that maybe upgrading straight to pthd10 would solve the problem since 9 HD is quite buggy from what i can gather online

Hope my explanation make sense

(btw: plutôt étrange de se parler en Anglais alors qu'on est francophone ;) )


Took the plunge on the Pro Tools 10 upgrade from M-Powered. I have pretty much went full circle with DAWs now. Left Pro Tools 8 for Reaper, tried Studio One, Cubase 5, and now I am back to Pro Tools 10. :heh:

Ever since I have left Pro Tools I have felt like something is "missing" in my workflow.
PT10 is EXTREMELY stable compared to 8 and 8 and especially 9 system was crashing all the time, opening projects took ages etc...PT10 fixed all those issues

Thank you for your input :kickass:

May i ask if you already run some VI with pthd 10 ?

Any better than on 8 and 9 ?

Thank you