This little guy, for my ultra clean livingroom practice amp. I'm quite surprised by how good it is. It has a nice gradual break-up when going from soft playing to hard hitting, and the definition of the chords stays clear. It is very responsive to the volume knob of the guitar, so you can clean it up even on "high gain" settings. Another thing I find remarkable is that the tone knob on the thing sounds good from one extreme to the other.
The boost-side of the pedal is a clean boost, that gets pretty damn loud when turned up. Always nice to have. It is set AFTER the distortion side btw.
The thing is supposed to emulate a vintage Marshall JTM-45 with everything on 11. I don't know if it does that, since I've never played one of those, but I can confirm that it gives my little clean tube amp a very warm and lively character and it can make it roar. Gain-levels aren't for modern metal, but it does things like AC/DC, Zeppelin, Hendrix, etc, easily.
And finally, it works well together with other pedals, like a TS or even a Rat in front of it.
We use this all the time in the studio and we have the z.vex fuzz factory too, i think they are amazing pedals, great for rock stuff as you were saying, doesn't work for everything but you know when you reach for it what you're getting