Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Got myself an evertune guitar. Hopefully this will save me ALLOT of time and headache. I've been starting to hate recording guitars (recording in general really) because everything takes so much time getting done. Tuning probably as much as trying to record a good take. Recording a good take and hearing that it's out of tune.
Would have loved to get one with a true temperament neck, the one that Ola tried but it's to expensive.

@crillemannen Much appreciated! Should you need any help getting it set up just let me know. I'm sure you will be amazed by the tuning stability. Once set-up to your liking you can track with it until you want to replace the strings without needing to check the tuning even once.

My LTD KS-7 has just landed at Fluff's place for a review after months of waiting! I'm super excited!

Christmas present for myself :-)


Dude I'm dreaming of this ! I can't justify it but I'm dreaming of the combination of sound quality, stability, and the fucking thunderbolt 2 which chains everything to my laptop in one single cable. I'm waiting for the first second hand I can find and I won't change it until they come up with a successor to thinderbolt !
Dude I'm dreaming of this ! I can't justify it but I'm dreaming of the combination of sound quality, stability, and the fucking thunderbolt 2 which chains everything to my laptop in one single cable. I'm waiting for the first second hand I can find and I won't change it until they come up with a successor to thinderbolt !
That's my plan.
I am future proofing myself.
It's a lot of money but a good investment.

By the way could you do a shoot out between the instrument input, and a DI box ? I am so hoping it's worth it because it would simply by more practical !
Should have it by the end of the week or the start of the following week.
I will be testing it against my BSS AR133. The reamping and gain matching functions of the Ensemble sound amazing so I would be very disappointed if the DI quality was not top notch.

definitely on my wish list :grin:
Had to have one when I saw the specs.
Sold my Mesa MK4 to raise funds but I'm sure it will be worth it.
I have lots of other amps so hopefully I won't miss the MK4 too much. Haven't really used it since I got the 5153 50wt which has a similar tightness but not as forward in the mids like the MK4. Made it hard to sit it in the mix.