Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Eric, I know that Drew has one pre-ordered, not shipping for a bit AFAIK.

I know and they have more pre orders than orders coming in so it's going to be probably close to two months before I can get one :(. I really want to finally buy a top of the line amp modeller/profiler. I like using a lot of effects for ambient sounds as well as dual rigs so that's what's stopping me from buying a Kemper although I still keep considering one and later down the line get the Helix.
well I want so!ething that will be useful to me once I get the helix. Thats whyI was thinking the kemper because I would still find a lot of use for it even with the helix. I could get a Kemper then once the Helix is out for a bit and hopefully has more effects or amps added I can then buy that as well. I still always have my Pod HD for effects and dual rig stuff. I can get cool ambient clean tonwes out of it
Awesome news for me. I preordered the Line 6 Helix at AMS and I should be getting it from the first batch of shipments which is Oct 7th! Can't wait to try it!
Now I'm gassing for a Kemper, Schecter Banshee Elite 8 string, Eventide H9, Seymour Duncan Vise Grip/Keeley 4 Knob, Yamaha HS8 Subwoofer. I'm pretty sure I have a severe shopping disorder...
I plan on it sometime early next year unless I don't like the Helix, which I would then buy the Kemper much sooner. Only issue for me is that the Kemper can't do everything I want to do which is having lots of FX and dual rigs for post rock/ambient type tones as well as the standard metal/rock tones.
Kemper has a lot of built-in effects and multiple slots for them. Four mono stomps, and in stereo there are an "anything" slot, a modulation slot, a delay slot, and a reverb slot. I play progressive/post/blackish metal and it suits me fine. Dual rigs are a no-go for now.

A tad late to the party but quite impressed so far, up to the point where it might challenge my e570/Torpedo live rig. I just wish the presence knob would act more according to a real 5150.
Wow I really hope the Kemper will allow for dual rigs for a stereo setup. That would be amazing! That is the main thing (well also the lack of effects and effect placement) that is keeping me from buying a Kemper. Maybe by the time I save for it (considering I just bought a Line 6 Helix and Keeley 4 knob compressor along with some cables/utility stuff) it will be implemented. I hope it's possible with a firmware upgrade.