Your Phobia/s?


Oct 28, 2001
I'm not quite sure if this was a previous thread but here goes. One of my phobias is sharks. They scare the hell out of me. Sharks and swimming in deep areas when all you see is black when you look down.:eek:
My other phobia would be germs. I'm a germ nut. I don't like the idea of little microscopic parasites all over your body.
Well thats enough of my phobias, so what is your phobia/s if you have any?
i dont really have any fears or phobias, there are things i dont like doing, but nothing im really terrified of...
About the only think I'm scared of is wasp and I'm starting to not be scared of them anymore, so I don't really count that anymore… but I guess the other thing would be a lot of insect crowling all over my body that would really creep me out.
SPIDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!You haven't seen anything 'till you've seen a 6'1 guy in a black metal shirt jumping around like a little girl yelling "GET IT OFF OF ME, GET IT OFF!"...some call it comedic....
SPIDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!You haven't seen anything 'till you've seen a 6'1 guy in a black metal shirt jumping around like a little girl yelling "GET IT OFF OF ME, GET IT OFF!"...some call it comedic....

Yes there is something worst. A 6'5 and 300+ pounds ( 140Kg ) freaking out like that over a cockroach and actually asking his girlfriend to kill it for him and accidentally stepping on her foot while trying to desperately kill it himself.

So i guess my Phobias are People AND ockroaches, just forgot the second one.
ooh yeah cockroaches are nasty, they can survive for like a week without their head, then they starve because they have no mouth so cant eat :D
I used to have an irrational childhood fear of dead insects.. I was more afraid of them suddenly moving. I kinda got over that. I suppose I'm a little agoraphobic at times, and I've lived as a shut-in for a few months.. only leaving my apartment for food and videos.

I have a fear of failure.
first, insectophobia.. i hate all insects even ladybugs...
people, my body (it's like claustrophobia), failure, people, sun.. and some other things i won't mention... :)
oh and yes.. i'm slowly getting over my agoraphobia (sp?).. i used to count to 100 leaning against the door before i could get out only 'cause i had to go to school....
Having to walk into somewhere, not knowing where my friends are. UGGGHHHH, those few minutes of searching with all eyes on you (seemingly) are just the worst. I feel uncomfortable in front of crowds like that. I'm way too paranoid about people watching me in social situations. Like, at a concert, I'll be obsessed with the way I'm standing, whether my hair is OK, whether I'm blocking anyone's view, etc. I hate it, but I can't help it.

And yet, I have no qualms about dancing in front of people, which doesn't quite fit.
I rarely go out to somewhere on my own unless there is an specific quiet place with not that many people where i can wait for the people im meeting. I never just say " i see you at school" i say " i see you at 3:30 in front of the cafeteria " and usually arrive there at 3:30 give or take 5 minutes and if at all possible, sometimes like half our or an hour earlier if there is no way to arrive there at exact time ( there are 3 of us and only 1 car )