large groups of people who i dont know
anybody who has higher expectations of me than i can fulfil....
im still partially scared of spiders too, but im getting over that. one day i realised that any phobia is just a silly mind thing and i just convinced myself i wasnt scared of spiders, and well it worked kinda. Id still hate to have a spider on me but i even get lazy and dont kill spiders if they're over the other side of the room now, and can go to sleep with known spiders in the bedroom!
i still have some problems though, this following thing has happened about 3 times i think:
i wake up but i dont fully wake up, and i hallucinate, or my dreams are still continuing or something.... and i see spiders. Once i saw one crawl under the covers of my bed, another time i saw a bunch of them crawling over this cobweb which was next to my bed.. and i was sure that they were real, they seemed so real, and it was only as i was reaching up to turn the light on to find these spiders that i realised i COULDNT have seen these things because its too dark... (and that cobweb was on a light fitting, and i dont actually have a light fitting next to my bed so... )
first time it ever happened i spent 5 minutes searching for this spider before i realised.