your real names?

Hannu Mutanen.

Once upon a time I had an alias of Orbvm Ego but I gave it up. I got bored hiding myself behind a nickname (which is not to say that everyone who has one is hiding) and now everyone can laugh at my name, the surname bearing a reference to 'muta', which is Finnish for mud. Cute. My roots go back to Sweden, France and Scotland - the clan MacTeit, actually - and I could very easily adopt another name from our family history; how about Anders Svartlock?

But as the proverb goes: "the name does not make a man worse if he does not make his name worse." I'll cling to that!
Originally posted by Lakestream
Henrik Sjöström

(try pronouncing my last name :) )
I can!!! :devil:

Originally posted by Sullen Jester
My name's Dean Passaris.. Dean I don't know where that came from and Passaris is Greek..
hehe :eek: Your surmane is one of the most famous greek surnames lately ... :D

My name is Maria... awful,stupidly common and i hate it!!!and I wish i could change it ... :mad:
Hopefully with so many people calling me Mel,I tend to forget my "misery" haha
Originally posted by TyrantOfFlames
P.S. Hey, D Mullholand, where does your handle come from? I have recently seen some previews for Mulholland Drive, (David Lynch), looks very interesting indeed, wondering if it had something to do with that.

When the cats laugh at midnight, your shorts will ignite.