Your views on Slipknot?

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New Metal Member
Oct 24, 2008
I'm 14, and, like every other STUPID kid who doesn't know anything about metal and just does what other people do and think they're cool, i love slipknot.
Lots of people think slipknot are rubbish, shit and shit.
But what do you think? Metal? Nu-Metal? For show? Shit?
Also, who here prefers Mushroomhead to Slipknot?
You love Slipknot? How much metal have you actually heard? Such an unhealthy love for Slipknot is usually a sign of undeveloped taste.

Unlike most people here, I think they're quite decent - nothing more. However, I'd rather not be associated with their fan base, and if anyone were to ask me IRL, they fucking suck.
I keep looking on youtube to see if I still hate them. I don't but I do get bored after the intros or at least half way though every song.

I enjoy some of their early stuff. And really, the people who constantly make an effort to bash them (or any band for that matter) aren't any more mature or less idiotic than the group/fanbase that they often criticize.

Also nu-metal isn't a real genre (of any style of music). :erk:
Some kid at 6th keeps trying to tell me how good Slipknot and limp fucking dick are. Fuck limp bizkit. I really do HATE them.
I enjoy some of their early stuff. And really, the people who constantly make an effort to bash them (or any band for that matter) aren't any more mature or less idiotic than the group/fanbase that they often criticize.

Also nu-metal isn't a real genre (of any style of music). :erk:

I've always liked Slipknot, specifically their Iowa album. I think that entire album is pretty amazing.
Just cos i love slipknot doesnt mean i hav an undevloped taste:mad:
and the only reason i think some people dont like them, is cos everyone else does
They are pompous people, and I can't take them seriously. Musically I think they are somewhat talented but extremely overrated. I read an article about them and 6 out of the 9 members got in the band by doing some random act of violence. In the article it also said in their earlier days they kept a dead bird in a jar and huffed it for good luck before shows. The article was in revolver I think. But I just can't take them seriously, I could never seriously sit down and listen to a slipknot album.
They are pompous people, and I can't take them seriously. Musically I think they are somewhat talented but extremely overrated. I read an article about them and 6 out of the 9 members got in the band by doing some random act of violence. In the article it also said in their earlier days they kept a dead bird in a jar and huffed it for good luck before shows. The article was in revolver I think. But I just can't take them seriously, I could never seriously sit down and listen to a slipknot album.

:lol: Do you seriously believe that shit?

That reminded of when I was in middle school and everyone made up all kinds of retarded rumors about Marilyn Manson. Like how he had a couple ribs removed so he could suck his own dick and whatnot. :lol:
Honestly not that bad, but I don't like their style of vocals, or they're rappy / hip-hoppy singing style. The drumming is pretty good compared to other bands of the genre, the guitars are actually not that bad and I find myself bobbing to some Slipknot songs, but the turntables and melodies ruin the band for me. 6/10 for me personally.
Just cos i love slipknot doesnt mean i hav an undevloped taste:mad:
and the only reason i think some people dont like them, is cos everyone else does
Yes it does, they're embarrassingly simplistic and stupid and anybody who likes them clearly has an aversion to quality.
One of my coworkers spins a lot of Slipknot. It must be newer stuff since it sounds very metalcore rather than nu-metal. I think some of it is totally cool.

If ever I were to feel the urge to play the elitist card and discredit Slipknot fans as fools, I'd just remind myself that there are silly people out there who feel that Pantera is as "illegitimate" as Slipknot is perceived to be by the metalhead community. Then I remember how it's all just smoke and mirrors, no one's opinion is superior to anyone else's and I don't revere other opinions in the first place.

Sometimes I wonder how metal bands get popular in the first place since all the true metalheads claim to hate any band that is popular. Then I remember that the community used to respect them once upon a time, when they were still underground. Or at least that's the case with some bands.
One of my coworkers spins a lot of Slipknot. It must be newer stuff since it sounds very metalcore rather than nu-metal. I think some of it is totally cool.

If ever I were to feel the urge to play the elitist card and discredit Slipknot fans as fools, I'd just remind myself that there are silly people out there who feel that Pantera is as "illegitimate" as Slipknot is perceived to be by the metalhead community. Then I remember how it's all just smoke and mirrors, no one's opinion is superior to anyone else's and I don't revere other opinions in the first place.

Yeah. Metal really is elitist. I don't judge people for what they listen to. Slipknot fans aren't "simple" or "idiots" because they listen to it. What if Einstein listened to Slipknot? Is he an idiot? Doubt you'd think that. [/bad example]
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