Your writing


charting my way to top :)
Feb 9, 2005
Post all of your writing here. It can be a blog, narrative, just about anything.

I was planning to put something here that I've been working on for awhile but it got deleted. The writing I was doing was an observing report, and had much more "maturity" than this one. So, without further ado, here's something as a substitute I posted on my astronomy forum :D (The report was directed to people who already had background in astronomy, so some of it might not make sense/sound stupid)

Date - 9/25/05
Location- Lafayette, CA
Equipment- XT8 Orion Dob, 17mm Orion/Vixen Lanthanum, 9mm MA Meade, 8x42 Nikon Monarch Biocs.
Objects Observed- M31, NGC 7662, NGC 7292, NGC 7332
Class- 5 (LM 4.5/5)

I hadn't been able to get out in awhile, and I was pretty excited when I saw the clouds had cleared. I had been doing a lot of reading lately because of the full moon and unfavorable weather, and had a good idea of what I wanted to observe. However, the night started much differently than I expected.


I saw a certain Great Square spannning across a large portion of the sky, and was filled with memories of a year ago, my first night delving into astronomy with my ETX 70mm. I was frustrated with my birthday telescope, so I brought it to Chabot Space and Science Center, where they helped me take off into the celestial heavens. Autostar wasn't working, so I was showed how to star hop. I could still remember the words that came out of my helpers mouth, "See that big Square there? That's Pegasus, now hop down its side like this and you'll see this faint fuzzy. Thats Andromeda."

Finally I was back at the beginning. I could explore the sky as I once did a year ago, except this time, with better knowledge. An overwhelming sense of accomplishment enveloped me as I realized I had made it through the toughest part of amateur astronomy, the beginning. I decided to start where I started a year ago. M31. I wanted to resemble the viewing as closely as I could to the ETX since it is no longer in working condition, so I used my 8x42 binoculars. Immediately I could see more than I could with the 70mm. The galaxy's nucleus was very bright, and the halo surrounding it was almost equal. Comparing this to that barely detectable nucleus of a year ago was one of the most enjoyable things of the night.

NGC 7662

Believe it or not, this was my first time seeing this object. I guess for some reason my eye is bad at seeing blue. I can see green very easily in the Orion Neb. with a 3.5 inch, but the blue almost looks white for The BLUE Snowball. Increasing the magnification did not help either. Averted with the 9mm yielded irregularities in brightness. I could not detect the central star because the nebula itself was so bright.

NGC 7292

When I was cooped up reading for so many days, I decided to give myself a challenge. I made up my mind to go for a well placed tough galaxy, though I was not expecting to be able to see it. I was extremely surprised when I confirmed it. The first observation, it was popping in and out of averted, and I couldn't decide wether I was seeing it or not. I scanned the sky with the binoculars for a bit and went back to it. Sure enough the nebulosity was still there, so I was very happy with that observation. I don't think I would've seen it if I wasn't searching at high power. However, I'm still doubtful of the observation because I've heard reports of it being barely detectable with an 8 inch under LM 6 skies. I've learned to stop basing what I see on other peoples observations though, so this goes confirmed in my logbook.

NGC 7332

I was surprised I had a little extra time to observe another galaxy so I went to Sky Atlas 2000 and found NGC 7332. Unfortunately it didn't list its companion, NGC 7339. I wish I would've had time to research this prior so I could've caught its companion. I was at a pretty high power, so I don't think I would've noticed it. NGC 7332 however, was easy and bright. It was really pleasing.

EDIT- Don't forget to put album reviews :)
oh cool, a new thread. Something I wrote on my view of the Nietzchean overman.


What a sight of horror it was, a field of massacre. Countless faces, masked, lay lifelessly across the blood-drenched soil. The crimson mist was suffocating. Two figures left standing. One was wearing a wooden mask, as were the rest of the dead, while the other, clearly the atrocious, held a blade in his right hand.

The murderer stared at the prey, judging it. His eyes showed no mercy. It was the last victim, and a race would be annihilated. He wanted to savor the final moments of his genocide. And there was one more thing; he wanted to know what face hid behind that mask.

The assassin charged at the other man alive. Each of his steps lands hard on the corpses, stirring up a little more sanguine taste to the already suffocating air. Within a blink of an eye, the knife found itself slicing through the space right beside the victim’s ear, cutting off the string that’s holding the mask to his face…

The taker of life stood there, in disbelief and denial, for it was none other than himself behind that piece of well-carved wood, with his eyes widened in fear and despair. Could it be a mirror? No. Was he hallucinating? Everything is as clear as he could see. Then… all those lay dead… were they one with him?

“Why are you so eager to kill those who are, in essence, yourself?” He whispered those fragile words.

The murderer grasped his dagger firmer. A demonic grin appeared across his overwhelmed face. As he discarded the last of humanity inside him, his eyes no longer shined the light of sanity. Without hesitation, he delivered the cold piece of steel straight into the heart of the hunted.

There was only one shadow left standing. It was inhuman.
^ I like it a lot :) I think I read it to fast and missed some key points though. *Reads again*
^Thanks! I'm completely fine with that, because that is usually only the case if the topic becomes lackluster. I'm expecting this will die within a few weeks anyway... as with all good threads :)
Zack: I like you better all the time. Really, it's an amazing thing to know someone with such a liking for astronomy. :) I'm not too fond of nebulae (i like planets better), but they're beautiful nonetheless.

6: You have a good use of words. I didn't get the essential meaning of that piece, but reading about such violence and death and evil while listening to Killswitch Engage's Inhale was kind of shocking.. and beautiful in an evil and twisted way.. eh, words don't come easily to me tonight, so fuck it. Good piece.


Most of my writing can be found on my site, but if i find something particularly good i'll post it here. Good going, mates.

Edit: There goes good old Dave to turn the best thread in ages into a mindless spam thread. Great.
1.Thank you very much for your kind words, but La Rocque complimented me, and I'm assuming will participate in the thread when he has more time to fetch his writing. So... can we please keep it argument free? This thread hasn't become spam yet :D;)

2.Oh, and Inhale is one of the only Killswitch songs I like :) (That and the end of heartache)

3. This is my sketch of what my favorite nebula looks like through a telescope

The thing is, nebula become more rewarding the more expirienced your eyes get, but planets are much easier to hone your skills on.

Edit- 6, I have some comments/edits for your writing. I'll get them up here when I have a chance :)
Oh, of course arguments about writing are accepted, almost encouraged. Just.. ditto
Want some writing eh? I've been writing songlyrics for about two years now, here's one of my most recent work.

The Forge

Here we are, the troubled ones
Walking forward fast, so deeply unaware
The forge that cast out the artisans
Mass production now breeds the descendants

A single shape with thoughts ignored
A simpler fate to confuse even more
The few screaming are not being heard
Through sealed iron walls, blocking out truth

Why? Is this the last stand?
The fall of what we are
To become what we control
The gods of self-destruction

Forged in a single pattern
Moulded by the need of association
Trapped in a discourse of redundance
Where is the soul under this mass of gray?

Gaze to the sky that now is black
Infested by the clouds of consumption
Try to ignite the flames of the heart
But the void cannot feed the fire

Day after day, the sun that rises
Day after day, the sun that sets
And nothing changes, forever asleep
The stars that wake my every nights
They’re slowly fading away

We never deviate from the line
Only connected by the unexpected
And the unintentionnal encounters
Trying to see through the opacity of the blur
We can’t even imagine how life used to be​
^Wow! That's some good stuff :D

To me it seems more like poetry though, unless your song has no chorus (which I'm fine with)
Zack: Yes, i'm sorry. Let's keep the writing thread to writing (and astronomy ;)). And, well, the tranquillity of Inhale as a background to the violence of 6's piece was just beautiful in a strange way, like i said. :)

Rampy: Even though i've grown tired of reading/hearing social critique/commentary, i have to say that that's an awesome piece. As always, your writing skills impress me. As an artist, i can say that your use of words is superb and that the imagery and (in this case) sense of despair/helplessness (towards the plunge things are taking currently) you create are beautifuully vivid.
Forged in a single pattern
Moulded by the need of association
Trapped in a discourse of redundance
But the void cannot feed the fire
Trying to see through the opacity of the blur

^ That's amazing. A bit stanneish, but not completely, so i'm happy to say that it's.. um.. rampageish (sorry, i don't know your real name). :)
^No problem, I'll try to keep it down on the astronomy :D