YouTube Vids

officially the funniest, grossest, most obscene, sad, hilarious, and brutal thing I have seen all day.

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this is absolutely god awful and I want an explanation

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well as some of us have already experienced as you get older you become more laid back in terms of what you want people to think of you. i mean come on, who hasnt seen things written or even said bad things about slayer, but they dont care...and this whole evil that is nascar...SLAYER is already HUGE and this is prob just the last group of people to be exposed to them
It's not so much that they covered Born to be Wild - or that they did it for a NASCAR compilation - but the performance kinda sucked balls. Tom sounded like a 12 year old boy - and Kerry's guitar was completely dropped out of the mix.

I'll give it this much - that's the first Slayer live video I've seen where you can actually hear the bass since that 86 bootleg I have.

Oh and in Tom's defense - this could have been right before, during, or after the whole gull bladder thing which I'm sure might affect your stamina in terms of screaming your head off.