Recent content by intimidatingcrustaceans

  1. intimidatingcrustaceans

    Bands You Wish You Liked

    easy... floyd
  2. intimidatingcrustaceans

    Which Meshuggah album should I buy?

    they're coming through town with cynic and the faceless. can't wait... on topic, obzen.
  3. intimidatingcrustaceans

    Mars Volta

    de-loused, then bedlam
  4. intimidatingcrustaceans

    favorite carcass album

    heartwork, but only because i've only heard bits and pieces of necroticism
  5. intimidatingcrustaceans

    Bloodstock at last..

    isn't akercocke playing this too? sooo jealous...
  6. intimidatingcrustaceans

    The New Meshuggah - obZen

    the more i listen to this disc the faster it becomes my favorite meshuggah disc. i think they improve with each release. they need to release a dvd.
  7. intimidatingcrustaceans

    7-String guitar question.

    i have a schecter c7 hellraiser. pretty nice guitar, massive improvement from my ibanez rg7420. would've gotten a carvin but was too impatient and cheap. my next guitar will most likely be a carvin though.
  8. intimidatingcrustaceans

    Alice in Chains "Would?" Opeth cover a diff song by them?

    where's the jar of flies love? probably my fave album of theirs.
  9. intimidatingcrustaceans

    Best Tool Album?

    lateralus by a fairly wide margin, although aenima is good.
  10. intimidatingcrustaceans


    weird, i was just blasting their newest in my car on the drive home. akercocke crushes, can't wait for the dvd they are releasing.
  11. intimidatingcrustaceans

    The New album is called Watershed : Out June 2nd

    sorry if this has been asked/answered already, but is the track "derelict herds" going to show up as the exclusive åkerfeldt/wiberg composition on the roundhouse dvd menu?
  12. intimidatingcrustaceans

    The New Meshuggah - obZen

    obzen pretty much destroys...