Recent content by raccyd

  1. raccyd

    the best

    i've only recently heard bits of the haunted and was wondering what all you guys thought was their best album to get to start with. any ideas? sorry if this thread has been done before...
  2. raccyd

    your top 5 PUNK records of all time

    blondie is amazing!
  3. raccyd

    Any support for an AC/DC unofficial forum?

    i think we definitely need an ac/dc forum, and many others
  4. raccyd

    The album that got you into metal.

    iron maiden- number of the beast and judas priest- british steel the predictable ones and i'm still listening to them
  5. raccyd

    Josh Todd (Buckcherry) New Music

    cool, thanks- i really liked buckcherry- and it sucked that his project with some of ex guns n roses members, incl. slash never worked out. now i can check out some stuff though...
  6. raccyd

    So Rob Trujillo has joined METALLICA...

    Rob Trujillo is a god on bass
  7. raccyd


    i recently got cowboys from hell and really like it, same with far beyond driven. have heard a few songs off reinventing the steel which sounded like good stuff. haven't really heard vulgar display of power but judging by what's been said here that's the onei should be getting next... pantera...
  8. raccyd

    Guns N' Roses

    apparently they've been playing one or two new songs live- when they come over to the UK in the summer- end of summer and they are meant to be really good- this is only apparently though- maybe it's just that people remember them being good- whether they were or not...
  9. raccyd


    'party on your pussy' is one of the coolest songs ever written! i love blood sugar sex magic and the new one aswell
  10. raccyd

    Guns N' Roses

    i have that album- it rocks- definitely get that if you wanna hear the good stuff- i have appetite as well but don't think i'd buy any others... though i'd be interested to hear the new one if it ever comes out?
  11. raccyd

    your top 5 PUNK records of all time

    ok, this is kinda following on from suicide rebellion's recent thread. what are your top 5 punk albums ever? that is if any of you guys like punk? mine would have to be Dead Kennedys- fresh fruit for rotting vegetables The Clash- the clash Offspring- Ignition Rancid- ...And out come...
  12. raccyd

    TotalFest 5

    i had such a good time on saturday. is it me though or are their sets always really short?
  13. raccyd

    Picture disks? Vinyls? Knowledge in here please

    i've listened the odd picture disk but never really thought much of it, are you not meant to listen to them?
  14. raccyd

    Not many Metallica fans here huh?

    i think metallica rock but it's all a matter of opinion
  15. raccyd

    Anyone here going to Roskilde this summer??

    yeah, i'm hopefully going to roskilde, if all my exams are over- never been and i'm really excited for it!