Yeah... Whatever
You guys are underestimating the power of practice/training and the capabilities of 11 year olds. Yeah, the kid plays cool stuff, and fast. He must have worked very hard for it. Kudos for that, and keep on the good work. But it is not as big a deal as some people make of it. I think many people around here don't realize how malleable are kids, specially when they are very young. I invite people here to read and understand how the brain works, and you'll see how non impressive this is.
I've seen 10-12 year olds pull all sorts of amazing tricks. Is that because they have a special talent? Most of the time, no. They just have started doing whatever they do at an early age, and thus "kick ass"[1] at it. 11 year olds are nothing different from 20 year olds, save the fact that the former are much, much better at learning than the latter. If you ask me, I'd find it much more impressive if a 30 year old grabbed a guitar, with no previous musical experience[2], and managed to play Inferno the way that kid does.
Please stop underestimating young kids. They are much better than us at many things, including learning how to play an instrument, and emorizing digits of Pi. If they do something great, then encourage them to keep on the good work, and congratulate them. Don't be amazed or impressed because it is not amazing or impressing[3].
[1] Read: do stuff we wouldn't be impressed if it was an adult who did that, but are impressed due to the age of the kid.
[2] That is, hasn't played an instrument before.
[3] Of course, act amazed and impressed in front of the kid to encourage him.
I've seen 10-12 year olds pull all sorts of amazing tricks. Is that because they have a special talent? Most of the time, no. They just have started doing whatever they do at an early age, and thus "kick ass"[1] at it. 11 year olds are nothing different from 20 year olds, save the fact that the former are much, much better at learning than the latter. If you ask me, I'd find it much more impressive if a 30 year old grabbed a guitar, with no previous musical experience[2], and managed to play Inferno the way that kid does.
Please stop underestimating young kids. They are much better than us at many things, including learning how to play an instrument, and emorizing digits of Pi. If they do something great, then encourage them to keep on the good work, and congratulate them. Don't be amazed or impressed because it is not amazing or impressing[3].
[1] Read: do stuff we wouldn't be impressed if it was an adult who did that, but are impressed due to the age of the kid.
[2] That is, hasn't played an instrument before.
[3] Of course, act amazed and impressed in front of the kid to encourage him.