i'm not saying it's you, kenneth, i get your point, and it's valid, but there are other points made that i don't agree with. and, this being a forum, i am entitled to voice my opinion, right? that's all. i agree with you that technical skills alone don't amount to everything...i just feel that, being 11, he's good. what i don't agree with are comments like "meh, i bet it took him a long time to learn that," or "learn to play with a metronome." the way i see it, yes, he has a lot to learn, but being ONLY 11, he'll learn those things in time. he's still young, i don't think "grown-up" criticism should apply to the kid. some may say to this "he's too young to even attempt it or try a "grown-up" song". people learn from doing/trying/attempting...and at his age, simply taking a stab at the song of choice should show he's doing something right.
i really don't like the fact that he, obviously being a symphony x fan, may stumble upon this page, and, again, being only 11, may take some of the criticism harshly. and pardon me for commenting, but, like i mentioned in a previous post about a week ago, i've been away for a long while, so i may be out of the loop.