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In pure fucking darkness
Nov 27, 2005
I am not a nsbm, really not (truth is, I am cambodian, and I live in canada)
I read a lot about NS and I still can't understand the logic in all of this.
You guys are morons.
The white people are the superior race and the others should be exterminated? What the hell?

I believe that every man is equal, no matter what. Skin color doesn't change a damn thing. Did you know that if a white couple lived in africa, had a children, and that this children had a children with another white person, etc, with the evolution the white kid would turn BLACK?

And you sceptic people who think what I just said is plain crazy, go do some research. Reading books ONLY about the nationalist socialist ideologies isn't going to help. Read about both sides to choose which is better.
Nitevision said:
I believe that every man is equal, no matter what.

Firstly...what about women?

Secondly, I think your wrong. Not all people are equal. I don't find it an insult to say some are more intelligent, among other things, than others. I think everyone should have the same chance to live a comfortable and happy life, but I don't think all men are equal.
When I said men I was also including women, I didn't think I had to specify that. Intelligence doesn't make someone superior than others.

I should treat everyone equally (except those I hate for personal reasons) and the skin color isn't a reason.
I'd have to agree. As beautiful as equality may seem ideologically, try putting it into practice. You can't. The craving to be better is a part of human instinct. Keeping with the example at hand, Einstein developed the theory of relativity (I think - haha); I know that for every action there is a reaction. Both to do with Physics, except well, that's all I know about Physics. In regard to Physics, Einstein is my better = inequality.

OK, it's 3:30 in the morning and I'm ranting.
speed said:
This may expose my idiocy, but just what does 14/88 symbolize?

88 Refers to the 8th letter of the alphabet (H), which obviously means HH, which stands for Hail Hitler. The 14 refers to the 14 words of David Lane, which was "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
I believe that every man is equal, no matter what.

Why are you reciting platitudes? You need to argue in favor of your beliefs, not state them, as if that means anything.

This may expose my idiocy, but just what does 14/88 symbolize?

88 means "Heil Hitler," as H is the 8th letter. 14 refers to The Order's 14 words.
Nitevision said:
I am not a nsbm, really not (truth is, I am cambodian, and I live in canada)
Well, one cannot expect you to agree with NS ideology since it would be rather hypocritical on your behalf. So this makes your post already biased. Also, NSBM is a black metal genre, not a belief system.
Nitevision said:
I read a lot about NS and I still can't understand the logic in all of this.
You guys are morons.
Wow. National socialists are instantly morons because you disagree with them. As I said before, if you were to agree with them it would be hypocritical, but to dismiss them as morons, doesn't that seem rather closed minded and blind to you?
Nitevision said:
The white people are the superior race and the others should be exterminated? What the hell?
Most sensible National Socialists would say otherwise. But it's understandable why you wouldn't want other races in your country, although genocide is perhaps a bit irrational.

Nitevision said:
I believe that every man is equal, no matter what. Skin color doesn't change a damn thing.
Yes, every race is the same.

Nitevision said:
Did you know that if a white couple lived in africa, had a children, and that this children had a children with another white person, etc, with the evolution the white kid would turn BLACK?
Thanks Captain Obvious!

Nitevision said:
And you sceptic people who think what I just said is plain crazy, go do some research. Reading books ONLY about the nationalist socialist ideologies isn't going to help. Read about both sides to choose which is better.
Reading liberal judeo-christian books/newspapers and watching liberal judeo-christian news and current affairs programs isn't helping either. It's very easy to say that "lol nazis are brainwashed by propaganda", but are you any different?
Well all men shouldn't be treated equal because then all the hard work that the determinated would be for nothing compared to the lazy people who dont work hard at all. The people who work harder should get more rights then the lazy people who like to basically lay back and let a rich person do the work for him. The Inventor are the ones who should get the money, not the government and the peopkle who sell the invention that the inventor made. It would also be nice if the more powerful people woeren't the people that came here from the help of rich people. Like Bush, the only reason he is president is because his parents were rich and just patued him through yale. In conclusion it should be the people who did hard work and had alot of determination and not the lazy people who really did nothing to git where they are today.
Has it ever entered your mind that invention is a creative process and does not necessarily require "hard work". In fact, there are numerous cases where inventions/discoveries have been made by accident, e.g. the apple falling from the tree under which Newton was sitting (how hard work is that?)....

I do think society needs people who do physical labour, which can be seen as "hard work". But society also needs creative types who explore the boundaries of knowledge or make art. And a very fruitful creative period is often followed by lethargy/depression. But this does not mean laziness at all. I know this from my own experience (I work as a postdoc maths researcher at university).
I agree with Final_Product.

I saw his post and decided not to read on, but to give my thoughts from there.

What ABOUT women? Without Women, there would be no men today. We, as humans, are not asexual. Sure, you can refer to all humans as men (since we are considered the dominant of our race) but they play a key factor on existance.

As far as all humans being treated as equal? That is a impossibility. Sure, basing your thoughts of a race because of an incident of a person from that race is wrong. A lot of crimes happen from all races. Do I hate those races? No. Us 'whites' deal crime and murder. Black people murder, Mexican people, Asians, etc.

Here is my philosophy:

You have your whites, you have your crackers. You have your blacks, you have your my pals. You have your Mexicans, you have your beaners. A race isn't justifyable but a person can be. Races do not commit crimes, people do. Statistics show why a person can be hateful towards a race.

NP: Death - Empty Words
Alwin said:
In fact, there are numerous cases where inventions/discoveries have been made by accident, e.g. the apple falling from the tree under which Newton was sitting (how hard work is that?)....

I'm willing to bet that he was not the first person in history that witnessed an apple falling from the tree, though, yet he was the one who reached the conclusion that earthly and celestial gravitation was the same.

Don't underestimate the creative process!
Birkenau said:
Reading liberal judeo-christian books/newspapers and watching liberal judeo-christian news and current affairs programs

This is not necessarily directed at you but that comment made me think of something. Why the hell do anus drones think there's some intrinsic connection between anti-racism or anything that espouses anti-racist ideas and "liberal judeo-christian" values? First of all, the two are logically independent. One can hold moral views concurrent with but not derived from "liberal judeo-christian" ideology. The support for anti-racist views doesn't have to be justified by appeal to explicitly judeo-christian ideas. Lo and behold, the justification can come from somewhere drastically different. But the anus drones might counter by claiming that since judeo-christian values are bad, anything that resembles them is as well, regardless of the fact that they might have been derived from reasons independent of judeo-christian values. Well what the fuck is so bad I wonder. It seems like these people make either of two moves or sometimes both. 1) They cite some dubious connection between the adoption of judeo-christian values and practical disadvantages to society or 2) They commit a blatant fallacy by using their worldview to justify their conclusions. I'm seriously tired of this dogshit.
Incidentally, it also gets rather tiresome seeing the ever popular "anus-clones/drones/automatons/minions" smear utilized to such an intelligent extent as seen in the forthcoming quote:
This is not necessarily directed at you but that comment made me think of something. Why the hell do anus drones think there's some intrinsic connection between anti-racism or anything that espouses anti-racist ideas and "liberal judeo-christian" values? First of all, the two are logically independent. One can hold moral views concurrent with but not derived from "liberal judeo-christian" ideology. The support for anti-racist views doesn't have to be justified by appeal to explicitly judeo-christian ideas. Lo and behold, the justification can come from somewhere drastically different. But the anus drones might counter by claiming that since judeo-christian values are bad, anything that resembles them is as well, regardless of the fact that they might have been derived from reasons independent of judeo-christian values. Well what the fuck is so bad I wonder. It seems like these people make either of two moves or sometimes both. 1) They cite some dubious connection between the adoption of judeo-christian values and practical disadvantages to society or 2) They commit a blatant fallacy by using their worldview to justify their conclusions. I'm seriously tired of this dogshit.
You make some valid points, but they're lost underneath the wave of ad homs and dubious claims made of an entire group of different people with differing levels of intellect. You may not realize it, but you're guilty of exactly what you are condemning in the last few lines of your post.

Sure, anus drones may counter with whatever spurious argument it was you made mention of above, but it's pretty easy to see through that kind of unthinking rhetoric, now isn't it? However, it seems to provide you with an easy out in claiming that all thought related to the "ANUS worldview" (whatever the fuck that's supposed to be) is necessarily correlative to the lower-rung, idiotically dogmatic personifications which arise occasionally in argument. Do you always generalize this much when you fight your battles, or write your school papers? Is it easier to deflate the ideology by attacking the morons who unthinkingly bleat out "ANUS-esque" platitudes, which sound great but signify nothing but the lack of intelligence of the person doing the bleating?

The "Judeo-Christian" argument can be applied in several different ways to several different contexts (by this, I mean that liberal, Christian, or Jewish ideology can be destructive in some situations, beneficial in others, even in the modern day we live in and decry), such that, it becomes relatively easy to spot the empty-headed demagogues who proselytize against anything which looks, smells, and acts like a Jew/antiracist/Christian/liberal/etc.

Your arguments are rather penny-ante and stale; you're just as unable to divorce the ideas from the representatives as you seem to think that "anus drones" are unable to think in anything other than absolutized condemnation of anything remotely bearing a stamp of Christianity. If you want a platform to stand on, trying asking someone who isn't a Pez-dispenser of pre-formatted dogmatisms about their ideas before you lash out with your pre-formatted tantrums against ideologies which you personally disagree with.

Context has much more to do with any claim than your precious all-encompassing logic does. Logic is only good for winning arguments, not for living in the real world, which has differnet rules.
Blaphbee said:
You make some valid points, but they're lost underneath the wave of ad homs and dubious claims made of an entire group of different people with differing levels of intellect. You may not realize it, but you're guilty of exactly what you are condemning in the last few lines of your post.

But the point of my post was not necessarily to attack anus or anybody who posts on its boards. I was asking a question pertaining to a common tendency I see among quite a few of the people who post at anus. Also, I was pointing out what seem to me to be two primary lines of reasoning used to justify their positions. Notice how the term "anus drone" can be either inclusive or exclusive. Since I never made the claim that all people that post at anus.com are followers and sheep, you're not justified in inferring that my use of the term anus drone referred to all people who post at anus. My use of ad hominem may have been immature but I in no way attempted to use such a tactic to support whatever substantive claims I was making, so I feel inclined to not give a shit about your accusations of ad hominem. As for your last point, exactly what the hell am I guilty of? I haven't committed any of the fallacies that I mentioned.

Sure, anus drones may counter with whatever spurious argument it was you made mention of above, but it's pretty easy to see through that kind of unthinking rhetoric, now isn't it? However, it seems to provide you with an easy out in claiming that all thought related to the "ANUS worldview" (whatever the fuck that's supposed to be) is necessarily correlative to the lower-rung, idiotically dogmatic personifications which arise occasionally in argument. Do you always generalize this much when you fight your battles, or write your school papers? Is it easier to deflate the ideology by attacking the morons who unthinkingly bleat out "ANUS-esque" platitudes, which sound great but signify nothing but the lack of intelligence of the person doing the bleating?

Why do you seem to think that my post was intended as some kind of smear against anus? I was asking relevant questions about ideas. As far as I'm concerned you just seem to be overly worried about protecting the image of a site that you apparently like very much. The criteria that I cited at the end of my post can be attributed to the people in question so I don't see much of a problem here. The thing is, I've never seen an argument on that site that doesn't either employ that criteria explicitly or that is not, in the case of the more sophisticated arguments, ultimately reducible to such criteria.

The "Judeo-Christian" argument can be applied in several different ways to several different contexts (by this, I mean that liberal, Christian, or Jewish ideology can be destructive in some situations, beneficial in others, even in the modern day we live in and decry), such that, it becomes relatively easy to spot the empty-headed demagogues who proselytize against anything which looks, smells, and acts like a Jew/antiracist/Christian/liberal/etc.

I have no disagreement with you on this.

Your arguments are rather penny-ante and stale; you're just as unable to divorce the ideas from the representatives as you seem to think that "anus drones" are unable to think in anything other than absolutized condemnation of anything remotely bearing a stamp of Christianity. If you want a platform to stand on, trying asking someone who isn't a Pez-dispenser of pre-formatted dogmatisms about their ideas before you lash out with your pre-formatted tantrums against ideologies which you personally disagree with.

Well you're partly correct here but it doesn't do anything for your objection, as you seem to think it does. Yes, I very much agree that I'm unable to resist attributing certain ideas to people who explicitly espouse those ideas. Now that we have that trivial point out of the way, consider what I said earlier. I never once attributed the views in question to the entirety of the anus forum or anyone associated with it.

Context has much more to do with any claim than your precious all-encompassing logic does. Logic is only good for winning arguments, not for living in the real world, which has differnet rules.

Well then it seems to me that I have a distinct advantage here. What significance does your banal claim that "Logic is only good for winning arguments, not for living in the real world, which has different rules" have to your argument against me? Even if that was correct it wouldn't make a goddamn bit of difference. Logic is significant insofar as people make propositions about the world that are either true or false, and logic is what governs propositions and arguments. Discourse is one of the defining activities of human beings. But why should I have to point this out?
This is stupid:
Nitevision said:
I am not a nsbm, really not (truth is, I am cambodian, and I live in canada)
I read a lot about NS and I still can't understand the logic in all of this.
You guys are morons.
The white people are the superior race and the others should be exterminated? What the hell?

I believe that every man is equal, no matter what. Skin color doesn't change a damn thing. Did you know that if a white couple lived in africa, had a children, and that this children had a children with another white person, etc, with the evolution the white kid would turn BLACK?

And you sceptic people who think what I just said is plain crazy, go do some research. Reading books ONLY about the nationalist socialist ideologies isn't going to help. Read about both sides to choose which is better.

This is worse:
Nitevision said:
I should treat everyone equally (except those I hate for personal reasons) and the skin color isn't a reason.


I like this forum.

The topics are interesting; the responses are insightful; the participants are intelligent. You start a thread with a practically incoherent attack on who-knows-what.

Please confine your rantings to someplace where such idiosyncratic outbursts are appreciated.
Nitevision said:
Did you know that if a white couple lived in africa, had a children, and that this children had a children with another white person, etc, with the evolution the white kid would turn BLACK?

In other words, a white couple living in Africa would jointly give birth to conjoined twins, then the conjoined twins would have sex with a white person and give birth to another set of conjoined twins and then some white kid would magically turn black.
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