
The fruit of our labors? razoredge it seems like you are very, very interested in an "us vs. them" where there is none. Also you constantly talk about how white people are in a position to "give it all away," yet you are not a rich man. Talk about delusions of privilege.

I shall now call you Dale Gribble. Do you keep pet turtles?
The fruit of our labors? razoredge it seems like you are very, very interested in an "us vs. them" where there is none. Also you constantly talk about how white people are in a position to "give it all away," yet you are not a rich man. Talk about delusions of privilege.

I shall now call you Dale Gribble. Do you keep pet turtles?

Krampus, I thought higher of your intellegence than I guess I should, you love the distraction and even yet fail miserably at its presentation.

Its on the other page now but I think I asked a few times already to "prove" a few things, or prove me wrong I guess it was.

"there is no us and them"... OK... are you serious ?

do you man to imply that in the past 30 years nobody made off with the loot ? The wall street thing and the bank thing and the vanished pension fund things and the inflated housing bubble and the excessive property taxes and the foreclosures and bankruptcies and health insurances billionairs... ect... never happened ?

"give it all away" and just what is it you think Im talking about ?

what does being "rich" have to do with it ?

the privilege and delusions are what ?

See your appear to simply be a name caller/brander, an offensive defence with zero explanation or grounds behind your thought. Just throwing out the old cliches of intimidation memorized for low effort ease of application.

You need to go back a few posts and address some subjects brought up there before you proceed with ignoring them and blurting out nothing.

So you went to school, went to college, got out and moved to Japan to assistant teach english... all recently... and you know all about the state of the American work force over the past 30 years... because ?

and BTW it seems the initial current subject revolved around demanded privilege of other races... hmm... interesting.

Your words bounce like a over inflated NBA ball, sorry, prove something, tell me what you really know about the entire American workforce.
Answer my question about turtles, Dale Gribble.

There is definitely an "us vs. them" in some situations, and I never denied it - you like to twist my words just as much as you claim I do (which I do, it's like shooting a whale in a fishbowl).

It's cool that you think I'm unintelligent for dodging arguments on a message board. I feel like I'm talking to a schizophrenic pitbull here the way your writing is all over the place.

Why don't you answer your own questions? Exactly who made off with exactly what loot. What exactly are you entitled to based on the history of white people in the US and please tell us exactly what you have done and what happened to you that gave you such a chip on your shoulder against liberals and other races?
Whos "us", as far as I know we are only addressing each other.

You are the one all over the place dear, you slammed through and past 4 posts not addressing any of them, either do that or shut up.
well it was mostly handed to you via entitlement but...

oh, excellent intelligent contributions to the thread, quite the little debater
not really. i could be doing what i do now even if my grandmother hadn't died and left her inheritance to front the bill for private university.

i went to a middle of the road public school (South Colonie) and could have gotten a full ride to a public university (UAlbany offered). working would have made it possible to support myself with tuition/board fees paid by the school. my job here now pays for flights to and from Japan, and the only application costs are postage and transportation to the interview in NYC.
yeah I hear ya, theres lots of coerced entitlement that comes with being a teacher. Many at $80,000+ for half a years worth of 7 hr days, plus you get to impose liberal views on other peoples children, not a bad gig
definitely has nothing to do with anything since I'm not a teacher, I make half of the salary you mention, and I have no interest in becoming a teacher...?
Well I should hope not, 40 a year is spoiling enough for a youngster. You should have to work your butt off for 21,000 like the largest percent of the rest of this country does for a few decades then I'd like to see you run your mouth
not an insult but yes you are a youngster believe it or not.

Glad you pointed out that degrees are a tool of entitlement, though most with degrees perform non productive and important work
i may be a youngster, but i am old enough where i should be making a lot more money from work than i did when i was 16 working at Target for $8 an hour.

i'm losing you Dale Gribble. i'll take my degree in "entitlement" and enjoy life as a childless youngster with a shitload of disposable income.
Discrimination sucks. So does reverse discrimination. Ideally there would be no laws, quotas, etc. regarding race in any form, and only when discrimination is clearly present would government have anything to do with anything...

Hahahaha. Nothing is that easy and we all know it. And you can't govern discrimination - outlawing stuff often makes it more appealing than ever.

I'm not sure what's hypocritical about "playing the game" and trying to be successful and happy even if I am "entitled" ~ ?
What I'm about to say isn't a response to anything other than the OP.

A lot of non white people are quite happy to use the behaviour of Great Britain and America in the 18th and 19th Century as an excuse for everything from hatred to murder and theft.

Now let's completely ignore every shit documentary you've ever seen on television and really analyse the events they are talking about, and more to the point, the events that preceded them.

I recently read a blog entry that questioned whether it was possible to be racist against white people. In the comments section someone had written 'if white people had been enslaved for hundreds of years and discriminated against then you could be racist against white people.'

Ahah! White people have been enslaved for many hundreds of years, primarily by other white people and by Arabs. I suggest anyone you agrees with what that poster wrote should research both the Ottoman Empire and the piracy from Algiers that occurred before the French invasion. Just as a little hint, I'll tell you, it happened before and up to the end of the slave triangle and was on a huge scale.

A lot of the blame for 'slavery' falls on the inhabitants of the British Isles. That's quite interesting considering what happened with the Iceni and the invading Roman army. I'd say colonised would describe what happened pretty well.

Christians were discriminated against under Ottoman rule, in for example, the Balkans and considering most Black supremacists seem to (quite bizarrely) classify any Caucasian or Turkic people who adopt Islam as 'black' and any who adopt Christianity as white, that would be racial discrimination according to them.

So in other words, bigoted dark skinned people are assholes.
I think most current race issues are more over territorial matters than actual "race". Here in the states particular races only stand out to remind of the invasiveness of matters. We would see the same thing if millions of white americans began invading these other turfs, jeopardizing their way of life, in fact the reaction would be brutal. I dont know why our government has turned its back to its people and allowed the very fuel that is feeding the fire.

As far as black americans its not carved in stone but as an average have proven to be less than ambitious workers, this problem also is said to exist more broadly with current young white natives as well. Spoiled upbringings may have contributed to this. Perhaps the multiple generations of welfare in the black community has contributed to that issue but I also think they have a much more natural laid back outlook on the necessity of getting so much done than wirery white types. So this causes a clashing disturbance.

Blacks need to accept the reality of human history and slavery, hell the native americans enslaved each other it their foe was useful, if he was not they tortured him to a slow death. The blacks were captured by blacks and sold by blacks innitally, they helped created that business. Then further is could be questioned why they had to be whipped to get work performance. Myself I never required being "beaten over the head" a second time. Yes its just another dark spot in human history but its been over for multiple generations of welfare, things are beyond squared up today.

Ross Perot in his pursuit for presidency in 92 and 96 was dead set against NAFTA and IFTA (globalization) and tried warning the black community that loss of job resources would not do their community any good to rise from its condition but addressed them as "you people", harmless enough in my book, he was talking about THEIR community... well media and black "leaders" couldnt see past those simple two words, Ross got slagged and the rest was history. Today we have approx 15-20 million citizens without work... bravo !
everything that exists in the ghetto was created by their culture, abolition didnt help either on the first day of that project all abolition did was put X number of blacks out of work and out of home, so the cities of the north became ghettos, simple history.