
I saw this video where they asked little black girls to identify which doll, black or white looked most like her. Then the person asked which doll she thought was prettier and the black girls picked the white dolls almost if not every time(i can't remember the exact numbers) Things like that really make me sad, as I have seen and heard a black girl I know say things just like that, and she really wants to be white....

I dont see the big deal, sports talk sucks anyhow. The sport of talking about sports contains some of the lowest mentality on the planet, the sports industry consists mostly of some of the lowest mentality on the planet and GMD is not far behind... the percentage of rational thinkers there is less than 10%. So again I dont see the big deal ?
So what, we're "white bread", "whitey", "White trash", "rednecks", "hicks", "inbred", bla bla fuckin bla, fuck the term "racism" its only used AGAINST the WHITE race as a means to guilt us into handing over what we made of the world. FUCK EM ALL ! The stupid ass, gumby, PC liberals might be dumber than a fucking box of rocks but some of us are not.
So what, we're "white bread", "whitey", "White trash", "rednecks", "hicks", "inbred", bla bla fuckin bla, fuck the term "racism" its only used AGAINST the WHITE race as a means to guilt us into handing over what we made of the world. FUCK EM ALL ! The stupid ass, gumby, PC liberals might be dumber than a fucking box of rocks but some of us are not.

No it's also used for other races as well.
yarite, maybe in "highschool" but not in the real world, if that was true how come all other races are all about themselves, their culture, their "problems" and their superiority and yet a white person can not ? Get fuckin real
Enough with the liberals stuff. Conseratives can be bad as well. They both have their good people in their parties.

There is nothing good about being liberal unless you want to be a good hypocrite... or if pouring liberal amounts of bullshit on everything is "good".

Again Im not talking about "parties" Im talking about attitudes.
White people are so easily threatened by people of color being proud of themselves or being successful. Shameful.

Typical attempt at a spin but it seems the subject I was talking about was how people of other races have used "legal" tactics for feeling threatened by white people having pride.

The third world was FAR from successful, much closer to shameless.

Bounce !
White people are so easily threatened by people of color being proud of themselves or being successful. Shameful.

That's why so many white people pay millions of dollars of year to professional sports teams comprised primarily of colored people, who receive millions in compensation for their athletic skills....
stop being a primal concrete sledge dakryn, unless you're trying to give razoredge a run for his money. sports =/= life or society. it's just entertainment, like music or movies. all of which boil down to stupid racial tension when you get down to the nitty gritty.

you know how it is. in any given situation when a job opening is down to a faceoff between a white person and a not-white person, no matter who gets the job the other person walks away with a massive chip on his/her shoulder.

and razoredge i am not talking about the third world and you know it, so stop it. my typical attempt at a spin was in response to a typical "too proud to be blue-collar white man" attempt at calling liberal white people "race traitors"
stop being a primal concrete sledge dakryn, unless you're trying to give razoredge a run for his money. sports =/= life or society. it's just entertainment, like music or movies. all of which boil down to stupid racial tension when you get down to the nitty gritty.

you know how it is. in any given situation when a job opening is down to a faceoff between a white person and a not-white person, no matter who gets the job the other person walks away with a massive chip on his/her shoulder.

and razoredge i am not talking about the third world and you know it, so stop it. my typical attempt at a spin was in response to a typical "too proud to be blue-collar white man" attempt at calling liberal white people "race traitors"

"primal concrete sledge" why thank you for the compliment, would have hurt bad to be called a liberal fucking hypocrite cant see it from my house gumby :heh:

Do not get your entertainment boils down to racial tension what so ever unless your talking about rap music or black movie network, both of which often put that spin on.

When the job face off boils down to hireing quotas of X percentage of non whites who are less qualified a white person has every right to get pissed off or new americans for the same reason any native person has every right to get pissed off.

If illegals and legals are keeping labor rates at standards below the 1980's natives have every right to be pissed off.

The third world represents the mentality of our current new americans, what they made of themselves on their own. Without the handouts and leg up that comes from moving to our country. So its very valid to my point.

Liberal white people along with corporate capitolist bosses and our government officals are traitors, prove me wrong ? We have a shit unfixable economy in our face that provides ample proof, it took 30 years to get to here, began even earlier with post war trade agreements with Japan that were NOT in the best interest of the American work force.

Your spin on what I was talking about WAS exactly as I called it and you know it. An attempt at a distraction and the very inflicting of guilt placed against whites in this country to coerce us to continue to give it all away. The only people that can be "bigots" is white americans, the only people that can be racist it white americans, the only people that are NOT allowed to take pride and protection in their own kind is white americans... prove me wrong
That's why so many white people pay millions of dollars of year to professional sports teams comprised primarily of colored people, who receive millions in compensation for their athletic skills....

But one example of a valid point which totally throws a hook into the statement this response was made to.
Besides Obama look at who are the most famous African American. It will first go to rappers like Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, and Kayne West. Then it's athletes like Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, LT(young guy not the rapist), Chad Ochocinco, and Floyd Mayweather.
stop being a primal concrete sledge dakryn, unless you're trying to give razoredge a run for his money. sports =/= life or society. it's just entertainment, like music or movies. all of which boil down to stupid racial tension when you get down to the nitty gritty.

you know how it is. in any given situation when a job opening is down to a faceoff between a white person and a not-white person, no matter who gets the job the other person walks away with a massive chip on his/her shoulder.

and razoredge i am not talking about the third world and you know it, so stop it. my typical attempt at a spin was in response to a typical "too proud to be blue-collar white man" attempt at calling liberal white people "race traitors"

I am equally irritated by incompetent people being hired/being in management positions, regardless of race. I think I actually dislike the spineless yet arrogant middle-management white-guy types most.
I am equally irritated by incompetent people being hired/being in management positions, regardless of race. I think I actually dislike the spineless yet arrogant middle-management white-guy types most.

Thank you, some people just dont get it, the whole picture and always fall back on the distractions, which is totally shameless because that is the primary purpose of creating the petti quiveling amounst the "commoners" regardless of race or sexual persuasion, and thus why Im fed up with all the bullshit. Everyone fighting the little pointless battles amounst each other while the criminals sneak out the back door with the fruit of our labors.