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Final_Product said:
Don't throw ad-homs at me, thats just senseless. I don't personally mind some of the stuff in this thread, that why I have posted.

Yes, Im turning into someone I love to hate. Still...
Kenneth R. said:
Now that is absolutely biased (which I expect) and ignorant, which is sad.
1. The "white race" has in many countries past, enslaved black people for labor purposes, granting them no rights, and exploiting them for profit.

After the Semites and Chinese got through with them, that is.

The problem is not with slavery; the original form of slavery was non destructive. It's when slaves become a commercial property.

I have no problem with Nationalism, and racial separation. I'm not keen on hate. I consider capitalism to be a form of hatred, and chattel slavery a subset of that. I would never wish to own slaves, no matter how reduced I thought their capacity to be.
Krigloch the Furious said:
the majority of their race in America is summed up in one word "bling"

Black culture doesn't mix with white. Their attempts to resist have provoked extremism on the level of the KKK, just unnoticed by media (you could say costumes made of pillowcases and bedsheets, and burning crosses, are a slightly more advanced form of "bling").
seems to me that the reason this thread is crap is pretty much because of the fact that there's pretty much no fucking way in hell a black (american) person is ever going to feel comfortable at all typing on any of ultimatemetal forums or any philosopher-type-forum
Why? Because black people cannot enjoy metal music? huh? Your right in assuming we're probably all middle-class white boys, but thats not to say some black folks enjoy heavy metal.
Final_Product said:
You remind me of my high school philosophy teacher a great deal. He too was hugely self effacing.

Yes, well what can I say. I know nothing, other than my own weaknesses--and a few strengths.

Anyway, if I feel like it tomorrow, I have a number of very philosophical threads on my mind that I may post.

Oh, and as for Silent Song's suggestion that Third world african countries were worse off under colonialism: he is wrong. In fact, many of these countries had higher life expectancies and literacy rates under colonialism, and almost all of them have suffered from a lack of infrastructure investment they otherwise would have had. (of course the French fucked everything they touched up--so I am mostly referring to the British colonies). Interestingly, Niall Ferguson, famed Economic historian, and I believe Christopher Hitchens--liberal turncoat and writer for the Nat Review-- have both written recently about the need for a benevolent empire like the old British for said African countries.

Or, one could talk to a expatriate from one of these countries, and discover how wonderfully they talk of the old British regime (which wasnt wonderful either) as compared to the present.
infoterror said:
Black culture doesn't mix with white. Their attempts to resist have provoked extremism on the level of the KKK, just unnoticed by media (you could say costumes made of pillowcases and bedsheets, and burning crosses, are a slightly more advanced form of "bling").
i guess the following things could also incuded in the catogory of "white bling": glossy black shoes with white or blood red laces and blood red suspenders with a belt with the largest belt buckle you can find to make it obvious that the suspenders are not needed to hold up the pants and using the word "red-neck" as a compliment
although these are distinctively white supremisist as opposed to the ridiculously expensive cowboy boots/hat
infoterror said:
Black culture doesn't mix with white.

That may be true today, but a race's culture is not fixed in time. To say that they don't mix implies that it could never mix, and this is untrue. Cultures have been both mixing and changing for millenia - there's no going back. We have to deal with that, and not seek to reverse it. To espouse nationalist policies in the 21st century is simply absurd to me.
Well they would insist on having freedom! Was it Rousseau that said something like "I would rather live free and dangerously than under a safe oppression" I don't know...it was along those lines.

speed said:
Oh, and as for Silent Song's suggestion that Third world african countries were worse off under colonialism: he is wrong.

Is ^ not contingent on what you consider to be "better"? Living under the thumb of an Empire that provides decent administration and care for the population or living "free" but chaotically?
Final_Product said:
Why? Because black people cannot enjoy metal music? huh? Your right in assuming we're probably all middle-class white boys, but thats not to say some black folks enjoy heavy metal.
i also meant to say as a dilleniated thought that there was no way in hell an american black person would ever type on philosopher-type-forum regardless of whether or not it appeared on a mostly music site
if there are black people typing on ultimate metal then i dare anyone to find them and try to convince them to type on this specific thread
hibernal_dream said:
That may be true today, but a race's culture is not fixed in time. To say that they don't mix implies that it could never mix, and this is untrue. Cultures have been both mixing and changing for millenia - there's no going back. We have to deal with that, and not seek to reverse it. To espouse nationalist policies in the 21st century is simply absurd to me.
this specific post proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the author has never stepped foot on USA soil:tickled:
Final_Product said:
Well they would insist on having freedom! Was it Rousseau that said something like "I would rather live free and dangerously than under a safe oppression" I don't know...it was along those lines.

Is ^ not contingent on what you consider to be "better"? Living under the thumb of an Empire that provides decent administration and care for the population or living "free" but chaotically?

Its highly complex problem. The leaders of these countries are generally much worse than any colonial administration, and the tribalism that comes into play--which was sponsered and encouraged by the British and French--is of such a nature, that the ruling party or dictator will favor his tribe to the detriment of all others, thus forcing persons of other than the ruling tribe into a state of unfreedom that sometimes is even worse than the colonial powers.

Of course the whole economic program we have forced upon them through the IMF and World Bank: Free Trade, Austerity programs, reduction of social services, promotion of certain export goods--has been such a failure, that those countries that were making progress after they were granted indepedence, basically were told they would not be allowed to borrow anymore money unless they follwed this and this law or program that were all failures. And then you also had the KGB, and CIA meddling. The KGB supported Mugabe, the CIA Mobuto; as well as a number of other bloodthirsty dictators.

So basically, they are screwed. Although at least alot of their debt--which was forcing them to adopt these idiotic programs--has been largely forgiven.

And you know, all the West Africans I have ever met, are some of the smartest people I have ever known. They can all speak a multitude of languages. sure, these were educated Africans too.

Sorry all, I have a masters degree in Economics and International Development.
speed said:
Its highly complex problem. The leaders of these countries are generally much worse than any colonial administration, and the tribalism that comes into play--which was sponsered and encouraged by the British and French--is of such a nature, that the ruling party or dictator will favor his tribe to the detriment of all others, thus forcing persons of other than the ruling tribe into a state of unfreedom that sometimes is even worse than the colonial powers.

Of course the whole economic program we have forced upon them through the IMF and World Bank: Free Trade, Austerity programs, reduction of social services, promotion of certain export goods--has been such a failure, that those countries that were making progress after they were granted indepedence, basically were told they would not be allowed to borrow anymore money unless they follwed this and this law or program that were all failures. And then you also had the KGB, and CIA meddling. The KGB supported Mugabe, the CIA Mobuto; as well as a number of other bloodthirsty dictators.

So basically, they are screwed. Although at least alot of their debt--which was forcing them to adopt these idiotic programs--has been largely forgiven.

And you know, all the West Africans I have ever met, are some of the smartest people I have ever known. They can all speak a multitude of languages. sure, these were educated Africans too.

Sorry all, I have a masters degree in Economics and International Development.
what i got out of this was:
majority rule = minority getting screwed and trampled
did anyone else notice that some of the longest posts can be summed up in a single sentance???
speed said:
Its highly complex problem. The leaders of these countries are generally much worse than any colonial administration, and the tribalism that comes into play--which was sponsered and encouraged by the British and French--is of such a nature, that the ruling party or dictator will favor his tribe to the detriment of all others, thus forcing persons of other than the ruling tribe into a state of unfreedom that sometimes is even worse than the colonial powers.

Of course the whole economic program we have forced upon them through the IMF and World Bank: Free Trade, Austerity programs, reduction of social services, promotion of certain export goods--has been such a failure, that those countries that were making progress after they were granted indepedence, basically were told they would not be allowed to borrow anymore money unless they follwed this and this law or program that were all failures. And then you also had the KGB, and CIA meddling. The KGB supported Mugabe, the CIA Mobuto; as well as a number of other bloodthirsty dictators.

So basically, they are screwed. Although at least alot of their debt--which was forcing them to adopt these idiotic programs--has been largely forgiven.

And you know, all the West Africans I have ever met, are some of the smartest people I have ever known. They can all speak a multitude of languages. sure, these were educated Africans too.

Sorry all, I have a masters degree in Economics and International Development.

No need to apologise, I tend to agree. I think the independency many of the former countries included in the empire system have experienced is to their general detriment. The installation of blood thirsty dictators has proved to be disgusting in all facets of life, outside the propogation and development of western desires. Mugabe, for example, and his democratic state is a complete joke. I'm not advocating the benevolent greater state ideology here but I am of the opinion that we should be removing him from power and helping his people, because the humanitarian cause there is much more pressing than the current hundreds of billions being spent on protecting and securing our oil interests in Iraq and the middle east.
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