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what i got out of this was:
majority rule = minority getting screwed and trampled
did anyone else notice that some of the longest posts can be summed up in a single sentance???

Yes, I am not as eloquent as you Lord Red Dragon. Im surprised I didnt write alot more. And no, its not just majority/minority, but the whole economic system that has been forced upon them since they declared independence. Hence, what I am saying, is Africa is far more complex situation than many think, and one that no one knows how to solve. And I tried to post using facts and condensed academic research, rather than whatever crazy opinion that is on my mind.
Norsemaiden said:
I often wonder what the clever black people think of the majority of other blacks who seem to think studying is gay and want to be pimps. I want to ask someone Black, is it really most blacks who have those values and how disappointed are you? I have heard the most condemnation of this gangsta rap culture out of the mouths of Blacks in newspapers, but then it's them who know first hand what its like. I doubt I'll get an answer on this thread as they probably think I'm anti-black when really I,m only anti mass immigration. Do such blacks feel more in common with whites, like outcasts among their own kind? ("Coconuts"?) Please don't think I'm being insulting.
sadly i really don't think there will be any black people reading this^ as i explained in some previous posts yes most blacks think studying is gay and want to be pimps (as the result of being brainwashed by "black culture" where the black rappers actually refer to themselves as better than white people) the condemnation of "rap culture" is being voiced by blacks because white people just don't fucking care any more (out of site out of mind) and yes the blacks that behave like white people really are outcasts and your "coconut" reference seems to be dark on the outside white on the inside just like when an asian person is refered to as "twinkie" yellow on the outside, white on the inside and yeah it's acurate to assume that black people aren't ever going to feel comfortable at all with the people you called coconuts and being a mullatto i'm prolly the only one that didn't think you were being insulting
speed said:
And I tried to post using facts and condensed academic research, rather than whatever crazy opinion that is on my mind.
this is possibly what created the extreme lengthy-ness of the posts that i complained about as being unneccassary long, in which case i looked like a jack-ass and i appologize
sadly i really don't think there will be any black people reading this^ as i explained in some previous posts yes most blacks think studying is gay and want to be pimps (as the result of being brainwashed by "black culture" where the black rappers actually refer to themselves as better than white people) the condemnation of "rap culture" is being voiced by blacks because white people just don't fucking care any more (out of site out of mind) and yes the blacks that behave like white people really are outcasts and your "coconut" reference seems to be dark on the outside white on the inside just like when an asian person is refered to as "twinkie" yellow on the outside, white on the inside and yeah it's acurate to assume that black people aren't ever going to feel comfortable at all with the people you called coconuts and being a mullatto i'm prolly the only one that didn't think you were being insulting
You're blatently stereotyping, even I know that the majority of blacks aren't gangsters, and many are able to keep a stable job.

Rap culture as I see it is the product of an incompatiable mix of races and cultures, and gangsters are really just black people struggling in a modern world which was not intended on their evolutionary path.
Birkenau said:
You're blatently stereotyping, even I know that the majority of blacks aren't gangsters, and many are able to keep a stable job.

Rap culture as I see it is the product of an incompatiable mix of races and cultures, and gangsters are really just black people struggling in a modern world which was not intended on their evolutionary path.

first a quote
"the reason that ignorance is bliss is because enlightenment is pure Hell"
Darien Fawkes

i'm not stereo-typing i'm making an observation about how black people are different than white people... only an idiot would actually be cappable of believing that there are any real black americans in existance that look like the family on the "Cosby Show" seems like you're too afraid to admit to you're self that the scary-ness of the "stereo-types" might actually be accurate
go to a big metropolitan area and go to the part of town where there are no white people and listen to the sound of me laughing my ass off when you get shot just because you're skin's white
i know for a fact that you're gonna be too fucking chicken-shit to actually do this because sub-conciously you know i'm right
Go to some parts of Southern USA and I'm sure you'll find KKK members, that doesn't mean all white people are KKK members.

I'm going to stop arguing with you now though, this is just idiotic.
Birkenau said:
Go to some parts of Southern USA and I'm sure you'll find KKK members, that doesn't mean all white people are KKK members.

I'm going to stop arguing with you now though, this is just idiotic.
now i'm gonna quote "the 100 men scenario" (can't remember who wrote it)

"go to a room filled with 99 white guys and 1 black guy
the only way in hell that's gonna happen is if the black guy is surrounded by his white freinds" (the guys Norse Maiden refered to as "coconuts")
"now go to a room filled with 99 black guys and 1 white guy
the only way that's gonna happen is if the white guy is a corpse"
Thank you LRD! You say what others dare not say.
Both Speed and Final Product see the benefit of going to countries that cannot govern themselves and imposing a benevolent regime onto them. If this was done effectively, there would be no need to take in refugees from these places and they would be run much more efficiently and humanitarianly.
Unfortunately, this is a highly politically incorrect thing to do. It would be criticised and condemned for being empire building - as if the main motive was exploitation.
Instead, we are left with a situation where we throw lots of money at the problem and it only gets worse, and dictators pocket the majority of the wealth for themselves. Meanwhile our own countries feel a humanitarian obligation to take in as many refugees as we can - regardless of the consequences to our own societies.
If the situation was explained to our population and they were given a democratic vote, the majority would favour stopping taking refugees and trying to help the afflicted nations get in order. Likewise, the population of the afflicted nation, if given such an opportunity would most likely rather have us over there running things than live in the horror and terror and suffering that they endure now.
Norsemaiden said:
Thank you LRD! You say what others dare not say
i say what the others will not because i'm not going to slip into saying what someone else expects/wants me to be saying just because of the annonnymity of the net. nobody can see me (cuz i don't have a web cam) but the way i see it, that does NOT give me the right to lie about my appearance (as i suspect some of the others may have done) a lot of people (perhaps people on this forum) have un-neccassarilly complex on-line personas where they have to lie again to cover up the first lie and then it snowballs into the person on-line being 100% fiction but i don't have to worry about this snowball effect because i don't lie at all on-line and on a philosophy-type forum i feel that ommision is a form of lying (that's why i keep "postwhore-ing") if i know something that everyone else seems to be oblivious to i'm gonna post it...if someone asks for an opinion i'll tell them mine... and i'm not dibilitatingly afraid of posting shit that will piss-off people the way that some of the people on "chat" and "pop-culture" obviously are
i'm not a poser
Norsemaiden said:
Thank you LRD! You say what others dare not say.
Both Speed and Final Product see the benefit of going to countries that cannot govern themselves and imposing a benevolent regime onto them. If this was done effectively, there would be no need to take in refugees from these places and they would be run much more efficiently and humanitarianly.
Unfortunately, this is a highly politically incorrect thing to do. It would be criticised and condemned for being empire building - as if the main motive was exploitation.
Instead, we are left with a situation where we throw lots of money at the problem and it only gets worse, and dictators pocket the majority of the wealth for themselves. Meanwhile our own countries feel a humanitarian obligation to take in as many refugees as we can - regardless of the consequences to our own societies.
If the situation was explained to our population and they were given a democratic vote, the majority would favour stopping taking refugees and trying to help the afflicted nations get in order. Likewise, the population of the afflicted nation, if given such an opportunity would most likely rather have us over there running things than live in the horror and terror and suffering that they endure now.

It may not sit well with some folks, but I believe it's a pragmatic approach to the problem.
Norsemaiden said:
Thank you LRD! You say what others dare not say.
Both Speed and Final Product see the benefit of going to countries that cannot govern themselves and imposing a benevolent regime onto them. If this was done effectively, there would be no need to take in refugees from these places and they would be run much more efficiently and humanitarianly.
Unfortunately, this is a highly politically incorrect thing to do. It would be criticised and condemned for being empire building - as if the main motive was exploitation.
Instead, we are left with a situation where we throw lots of money at the problem and it only gets worse, and dictators pocket the majority of the wealth for themselves. Meanwhile our own countries feel a humanitarian obligation to take in as many refugees as we can - regardless of the consequences to our own societies.
If the situation was explained to our population and they were given a democratic vote, the majority would favour stopping taking refugees and trying to help the afflicted nations get in order. Likewise, the population of the afflicted nation, if given such an opportunity would most likely rather have us over there running things than live in the horror and terror and suffering that they endure now.

I'm not necessarily totally advocating the position although some like Ferguson and Hitchens do; rather, I am pointing out the fact that said African countries were, and may be better off today under a colonial or protectorship position. Clearly what is needed is for the IMF and World Bank to admit their policies do not work, and for our Western governments to cease with many free trade policies and political meddling that hurt these countries.

I do not think there is any willpower to change the situation or care of what happens in these countries. American foreign policy in regards to most African countries is handled by just a few low-level foreign service bureaucrats. We really dont care. But we could at least extricate ourselves in being the reason for many of the failures.
Final_Product said:
Thats western foreign polices all over, though. None of them have any real plans to help anyone, except themselves.

In the United States, our domestic policies only have plans to help the politicians, lobbyists, the rich, and big corporations. That's even more shameful than our foreign policy.
speed said:
In the United States, our domestic policies only have plans to help the politicians, lobbyists, the rich, and big corporations. That's even more shameful than our foreign policy.
completely agreed with the last few posts, especially this one.
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