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Norsemaiden said:
Any foreigners including people from the wronged countries are thus blameworthy also if they live in the West. Is that so?
I do what I can not to pay taxes, work in a job, or pay rent - because I don't give any sanction to my undemocratic government. I have to live here because I don't feel up to going to start a new race somewhere uninhabited. But I am not to blame for capitalist crime in any case.
It is time to throw off the burden of guilt for things you never would have agreed to do.
I'm confused. How is your government undemocratic exactly? Every average slob is able to vote, and their vote counts the same as a rich man's, how is that undemocratic?

My point also still stands, you can't use those "evil capitalist government pigs" as scapegoats for your countries actions, since they only have power as long as you and your peers keep feeding them.

Blame the player not the game, etc etc.
Birkenau said:
I'm confused. How is your government undemocratic exactly? Every average slob is able to vote, and their vote counts the same as a rich man's, how is that undemocratic?

My point also still stands, you can't use those "evil capitalist government pigs" as scapegoats for your countries actions, since they only have power as long as you and your peers keep feeding them.

Blame the player not the game, etc etc.
:OMG: if you think american governmental system works come live over here so you can see for yourself how fucked up it is dumb-ass
Norsemaiden said:
Blacks should be seperate from Whites and live geographically isolated. They should do things for themselves without either aid or exploitation by any other race. The white race has done a lot more aiding than exploiting.
I didn't see any mention in Infoterror's post about Liberia. As I understand it Liberia was given to the freed African American slaves. It is a fertile land with much potential for people there to live a free and peaceful life. They could not achieve this due to some unfortunately predictabe savage behaviour.
Now that is absolutely biased (which I expect) and ignorant, which is sad.
1. The "white race" has in many countries past, enslaved black people for labor purposes, granting them no rights, and exploiting them for profit.

2. Conversely, in recent years black nationalist groups have exploited minority affirmation laws to unbalance fair trade and employment. To grant a black man a job simply because he is a black man, and deny a white man for this reason, is to suggest that the black man for some reason needs this aid in employment, and is therefore inferior to the white man.

It is racist to have such laws, and as such I disagree with the mentality of "black nationalists" and "black power" groups. For the very same reason, I also find "white power" and "white nationalism" equally plebian and self-righteous.

In regards to Liberia (A country named for "Liberty" ironically enough), the United States grants former slaves a piece of land they do not even possess in Africa, provides transportation and a very limited supply of resources, and then forgets them. These slaves, who have little education, and lived a majority of their lives in slave labor, had no experience whatsoever being "masters" of their own destiny. They knew only how to serve and obey, and when that was taken, they were lost. I am not advocating slavery, but depicting the situation. In order to restore order to their lives, some aspired to leadership, and having newly found freedom, they had no restraint on their sights for power, possibly in response to their former enslavement. The result is a chaotic power struggle fed by tyrants battling for control, each wanting to be the master and not one of the followers. Having been freed of their grueling plantation labor, the desire for agricultural work must have been extremely low. Thus, in arid West Africa, the supplies and crops ran out, and chaotic dictatorship has set in. Thus is the case with almost every African country which was once under the heavy hand of Western colonial rule.

What fear, what complex, makes you suggest people who differ only in skin pigment live geologically isolated, as if their combination is the catalyst for apocalypse? Isolation breeds an "us and them" attitude, a seperation made painfully obvious in the United States and in South Africa in recent decades. Together we learn about each other, and together we are stronger, but should we hide in our little fortresses staring at each other over the walls, we learn nothing of each other, and enact a standoff of eternal proportion. It's the incest of cultural tradition.

PS: I will copy this from another post, concerning American "Democracy":

"In the end the government is ruled by the people. All governments are."

In my opinion, wrong. All governments SHOULD be. Practically, none are. The "government" is an autonomous company, a corporation of sorts, that operates to its own interests (ie, that of political and economical benefit) and not the whims of its citizens. The "government" (this group of people who feel charged with "running" the country, or for their own power struggle), believes that occasionally ignoring of defying the will of the people is in the public's best interest. To this end, it misinforms and mismanages protocol to manipulate public interest towards government goals. The people staff the government, but the government carefully selects its staff from the people it manipulates through the media. (Or is it the media manipulating the government through the people... likely both symbiotically).

In short, the average citizen has extremely little control over their representation on a national and international scale.

Do I think the government should be allowed to deny some rights to protect others? No. The government should be audited by the public constantly, and denied the autonomous nature it has in this century assumed. Rebellion against the government may be treasonous, but if so, then the United States was founded by traitorous criminal masterminds. To voice one's opinion in contradiction is and should be protected under freedom of speech.
Will the African tribes ever stop trying to massacre eachother? Why do we think it safe to import people like that into relatively peaceful societies? The evidence is that they carry on being violent as far as they can get away with it. What does respect mean? In gangsta rap, "respect" is what you show to someone who has power over you, such as who is holding the gun. To Europeans, respect used to mean showing consideration and politeness to someone who often was weaker than yourself. The European idea of respect is fast becoming outdated and is an anathema to many teenagers.
well if the human species is really as clique-ish as Norse Maiden claims then what is it that is preventing the blacks from seperating themselves from the whites being their own lawyers judges police prison gaurds doctors psychologists etc etc etc what is the thing that is stopping the black people from getting to a point where a black person could go to med school become a doctor get arrested for malpractice get released from prison and live to be 100 whith out ever seeing a white person in his entire live??? the answer to this is that majority rule = minority getting screwed because of the prevalence of mullattos, fully black people will never make up more than 14% of the USA and sadly this is noticeably smaller than the number of american white supremisists that control the government to the point of preventing black people from becoming individuated from their dependance on the white race
any random black person has the capability to become psychologically the same as Colin Powel or Condalleeza Rice or Oprah etc etc etc but the average black person is brainwashed by Snoop Dogg DMX Jay-Z etc etc etc
I often wonder what the clever black people think of the majority of other blacks who seem to think studying is gay and want to be pimps. I want to ask someone Black, is it really most blacks who have those values and how disappointed are you? I have heard the most condemnation of this gangsta rap culture out of the mouths of Blacks in newspapers, but then it's them who know first hand what its like. I doubt I'll get an answer on this thread as they probably think I'm anti-black when really I,m only anti mass immigration. Do such blacks feel more in common with whites, like outcasts among their own kind? ("Coconuts"?) Please don't think I'm being insulting.
Norsemaiden said:
Will the African tribes ever stop trying to massacre eachother? Why do we think it safe to import people like that into relatively peaceful societies? The evidence is that they carry on being violent as far as they can get away with it. What does respect mean? In gangsta rap, "respect" is what you show to someone who has power over you, such as who is holding the gun. To Europeans, respect used to mean showing consideration and politeness to someone who often was weaker than yourself. The European idea of respect is fast becoming outdated and is an anathema to many teenagers.

I'm sorry for laughing, but again, this post shows even more ignorance on your viewpoint of the issue. Perhaps it has to do with geo-cultural differences.

1. "people like that" exist in every culture. Hitler was not black. Nor were his conspirators, nor any of the warlords of famed history. If you simply peruse history for 5 minutes, you will find that there are countless examples of white violence, asian violence, and whatever other "races" you can imagine. To say that black people are inherently more violent, without any documenting proof, is again, a biased (and racist) assumption.

2. Are you concerned for your safety? If a black woman moves to your village, are you suddenly unsafe? What fear do you maintain concerning skin color? If you blurt out something about cultural identiy, I urge you to examine your own personal cultural ties and practices. If you are firm in this regard, you have no rational fear of that culture being assimilated or destroyed. Only if your cultural beliefs are already susceptible to change is that fear justified- and even then- only if you fear such cultural changes.

3. To Europeans, if you are implying classical European society, "respect" is identical to your description, without the gun. The same can be said of all of modern society, and I would agree this is a serious problem with the youth of this generation. It has absolutely nothing to do with race.
Norsemaiden said:
I often wonder what the clever black people think of the majority of other blacks who seem to think studying is gay and want to be pimps. I want to ask someone Black, is it really most blacks who have those values and how disappointed are you? I have heard the most condemnation of this gangsta rap culture out of the mouths of Blacks in newspapers, but then it's them who know first hand what its like. I doubt I'll get an answer on this thread as they probably think I'm anti-black when really I,m only anti mass immigration. Do such blacks feel more in common with whites, like outcasts among their own kind? ("Coconuts"?) Please don't think I'm being insulting.
1. I lost you at "...is gay".
Norsemaiden said:
I often wonder what the clever black people think of the majority of other blacks who seem to think studying is gay and want to be pimps. I want to ask someone Black, is it really most blacks who have those values and how disappointed are you? I have heard the most condemnation of this gangsta rap culture out of the mouths of Blacks in newspapers, but then it's them who know first hand what its like. I doubt I'll get an answer on this thread as they probably think I'm anti-black when really I,m only anti mass immigration. Do such blacks feel more in common with whites, like outcasts among their own kind? ("Coconuts"?) Please don't think I'm being insulting.

Norsemaiden said:
I often wonder what the clever black people think of the majority of other blacks who seem to think studying is gay and want to be pimps. I want to ask someone Black, is it really most blacks who have those values and how disappointed are you? I have heard the most condemnation of this gangsta rap culture out of the mouths of Blacks in newspapers, but then it's them who know first hand what its like. I doubt I'll get an answer on this thread as they probably think I'm anti-black when really I,m only anti mass immigration. Do such blacks feel more in common with whites, like outcasts among their own kind? ("Coconuts"?) Please don't think I'm being insulting.
Yes because the majority of black people are gangstas.
Final_Product said:
If we had a mod then it could be closed down, but alas...we do not.

It's a sad world where people on a fucking PHILOSOPHY forum need a authority figure to stop them from falling into such a vapid, mish-mash of conspiracies, propaganda, and blather.
Don't throw ad-homs at me, thats just senseless. I don't personally mind some of the stuff in this thread, that why I have posted.
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