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speed said:
sounds good. Are you enjoying yourself, and bankrupting yourself in the process?
Both. and I've unofficially denounced my citizenship. My friends make derogatory comments about the 'States, because they know I'm "English". Or at least, I would rather be English than American.
Kenneth R. said:
Both. and I've unofficially denounced my citizenship. My friends make derogatory comments about the 'States, because they know I'm "English". Or at least, I would rather be English than American.

Your'e the male Madonna! Are you picking up a English accent yet?
Norsemaiden said:
Nitevision, you are full of prejudice, ignorance and bigotry. NS is only about the survival of the white race, not about hatred towards other races. It is those who oppose white survival who are the race haters.
I know that most of the white race doesn't give a shit about the race surviving anyway. It is the Jewish race who most forcefully care about their future, oppose mixing with gentiles and wish to genocide their enemies. So save your venom for them. They are the ones who want to enslave everyone else.
HA! You disgust me. NS not being about hatred towards other races? Are you insane??? Hitler, the most "successful" nazi prick of all time, slaughtered millions in an thankfully (in the end) fruitless effort to "protect" the racial purity of the white race.

You're the bigot here, not Nitevision, with your baseless attack on the Jews... in case you haven't noticed the Jews have been on the bad end of the spear for millenia... don't see them "enslaving" anyone.
Final_Product said:
I'm not really following the logic here. You are saying that slavery awakened dormant DNA in negros that makes them better at sports than whites, right?
I think it's more likely to be a general genetic difference, not down to the awakening of dormant DNA.
You are also forgetting that slave masters often picked negro's because they were physically very strong, so that would suggest to me slavery did not "awaken dormant DNA" but rather blacks were good slaves because of their physical abilities and not given superior physcial abilities because of slavery.
slavery would have awakened dormant DNA if it was continuously happening for a large enough number of generations (which i now realize didn't actually happen) you're saying that black Americans are better athletes than the blacks from other countries because the slaves were physically stronger than those black people that never left Africa. This shows that there is so much genetic variation between individual black people that it can only be explained through some of the African tribes experiencing the awakening of dormant DNA at some point in prior to the begining of the "slave trade"
WNxScythe said:
HA! You disgust me. NS not being about hatred towards other races? Are you insane??? Hitler, the most "successful" nazi prick of all time, slaughtered millions in an thankfully (in the end) fruitless effort to "protect" the racial purity of the white race.

You're the bigot here, not Nitevision, with your baseless attack on the Jews... in case you haven't noticed the Jews have been on the bad end of the spear for millenia... don't see them "enslaving" anyone.

The jews doesn't seem to be on the receiving end of the spear down in Israel right now...

EDIT: Guess I should think things a bit more through... :lol:
WNxScythe said:
HA! You disgust me. NS not being about hatred towards other races? Are you insane??? Hitler, the most "successful" nazi prick of all time, slaughtered millions in an thankfully (in the end) fruitless effort to "protect" the racial purity of the white race.

You're the bigot here, not Nitevision, with your baseless attack on the Jews... in case you haven't noticed the Jews have been on the bad end of the spear for millenia... don't see them "enslaving" anyone.

I don't think National Socialism was about hatred of other races. Germany's biggest ally was Imperial Japan. Hitler is still respected in China, because Germany's ambassador to China prevented Japanese troops from killing Chinese civilians.
NS was in fact about preserving the German nation, rather than the white race. Germany recruited millions of foreign volunteers including 2 million Russians, hundreds of thousands of Muslims, and tens of thousands of Indians and Pakistanis. This at a time when American troops were racially segregated.
It could be argued Hitler was a disaster for Germany and the White race. WWII killed millions of white Russians. Whereas Hitler's existence led to the creation of the state of Israel. I've seen documentaries saying Hitler was a Jew, so maybe he was their Messiah. Most Jews secretly admire Hitler. After all, NS was an immitation of Judaism. Judaism says Jews were chosen by God, but NS says Germans were chosen by Nature. Surely immitation is the highest form of flattery!
Norsemaiden said:
I don't think National Socialism was about hatred of other races. Germany's biggest ally was Imperial Japan. Hitler is still respected in China, because Germany's ambassador to China prevented Japanese troops from killing Chinese civilians.
NS was in fact about preserving the German nation, rather than the white race. Germany recruited millions of foreign volunteers including 2 million Russians, hundreds of thousands of Muslims, and tens of thousands of Indians and Pakistanis. This at a time when American troops were racially segregated.
It could be argued Hitler was a disaster for Germany and the White race. WWII killed millions of white Russians. Whereas Hitler's existence led to the creation of the state of Israel. I've seen documentaries saying Hitler was a Jew, so maybe he was their Messiah. Most Jews secretly admire Hitler. After all, NS was an immitation of Judaism. Judaism says Jews were chosen by God, but NS says Germans were chosen by Nature. Surely immitation is the highest form of flattery!

The most jews admire hitler comment may get you in hot water if you ever enter a kosher deli.

I am glad you see the needless destruction old hitler caused to everyone he came in contact with. I suggest anyone interested read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, which is a remarkeably unbiased account from an American journalist who was posted in Germany for most of the war.

However, you are correct about the German army being remarkably diversified. One historian stated it represented most of Europe. There were great numbers of Romanians, and Hungarians, and Bulgarians, Italians, serving in the German army; however, the smaller countries may have allied themselves to prevent themselves from being invaded.
That is almost the stupidest thing i have ever heard on this forum - now thats ssaying something
have you been on the other forums of ultimatemetal or just this one???

Ive been on others - your right, one of the stupudiest things i have heard in this particular forum
WNxScythe said:
You lost me there.:erk:

You were refering to what I said about Jews admiring Hitler. Okay I only base this on the way that the Palestinians are treated by the Israelis. I think there is a lot of Hitler influence in that respect.
slavery would have awakened dormant DNA if it was continuously happening for a large enough number of generations (which i now realize didn't actually happen) you're saying that black Americans are better athletes than the blacks from other countries because the slaves were physically stronger than those black people that never left Africa. This shows that there is so much genetic variation between individual black people that it can only be explained through some of the African tribes experiencing the awakening of dormant DNA at some point in prior to the begining of the "slave trade"

Black slaves were sold (mostly by other blacks who were from rival tribes) and they were chosen out for their qualities. Then the slaves were shipped out to America, etc. During the journey, many died, thus leaving yet stronger slaves. Then when they got to their destination the weaker ones were selected for house duties and the stronger ones for manual labour. And then they were bred like animals for their strength over a century. So they have had eugenics used on them, with noticable results.
Norsemaiden said:
Black slaves were sold (mostly by other blacks who were from rival tribes) and they were chosen out for their qualities. Then the slaves were shipped out to America, etc. During the journey, many died, thus leaving yet stronger slaves. Then when they got to their destination the weaker ones were selected for house duties and the stronger ones for manual labour. And then they were bred like animals for their strength over a century. So they have had eugenics used on them, with noticable results.
as far as i know the ONLY blacks to travel across the atlantic were the POWs captured durring the internal african wars that i've been told were going on constantly at the time, and because africa didn't have fire-arms of any kind, i was trying to say that those that interacted with the europeans for the posibility of purchase were physicaly superior to those that died durring the battles of those wars or those that were tortured to death in POW camps... totally seperate from the weaker dying/stronger surviving the boat trips across the atlantic
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