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USA has a shit foreign policy - and, to be fair, most yanks outside of America are kind of assholes - not all of them but a great deal of them are really arrogant and loud, and i think this is maby through a lack of understanding of foreign places. Im not sure what goes on in schools but i think a but more education about places outside of america would be cool. The interesting thing is that when i went to US all the people i met were really nice and cool people - a complete contrast to yanks that i have met in other countries
Danallica said:
USA has a shit foreign policy - and, to be fair, most yanks outside of America are kind of assholes - not all of them but a great deal of them are really arrogant and loud, and i think this is maby through a lack of understanding of foreign places. Im not sure what goes on in schools but i think a but more education about places outside of america would be cool. The interesting thing is that when i went to US all the people i met were really nice and cool people - a complete contrast to yanks that i have met in other countries
the only thing american students learn in school about other countries is in geography class
After chatting to speed about it, this thread is now closed. We think it's long lost its focus. If anyone wishes to re-start this thread and send it in a new direction PM either of us and we can open it again, providing it can be of some use.

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