
Just to bring my thoughts to this, I live in an area that is inhabitated by many immigrants. This is a neighborhood that's reputation bases on the fact of the immigrants living here. I don't have anything against them, but I know they do a lot of crime and I've been a victim times and times before.
They've been raised by their own family that has lived here since they left their own country. Back then they were discriminated and the parents teach the children the same they experienced: the people here are ignorant pieces of shit that should not be respected at all. And the circle continues. There are exceptions, those who want to find out the truth. And the people originated here are as wrong as they are. But here it's the opposite: when an immigrant commits a crime, they are often punished more heavily by the media and the common folk. When a finn commits a crime, people just assume he/she had one drink too many like every other finn committing a crime.

It is hard, but get to the bottom of things before believing all the stereotypics.

if you're saying that we need to look at the individual instead of looking at stereo types, then yeah i agree with you
anybody here seen boondock saints? anybody secretly wish they were real? im watching gangland on the history channel and they are talking about a gang called brown pride and apparently they like to kill. as i have said im mexican and i have my brown pride but these people fucking embarress me. i wish they didnt exist. its ignorant and stupid. thats why some people have racist views to mexicans. and i dont blame them for when gangs like latin kings and brown pride and ms 13 and other latin american gangs fight and kill each other instead of trying to do good for all people belonging to the latin americans and La Raza. does anybody else feel this way about themselves or other races? just curious or am i just overexagerating.

i agree with you
i bitch about those hispanics that insistently refuse to learn english, but i agree that you can't say all mexicans act the same, hispanics in american jails/prisons outnumber the non-hispanic whites, but whites are tempted to use that as an excuse for racism, but the mexicans/latinos aren't all criminals, anymore so than you could say that all american blacks have the ghettoville gangster thug type mentality that's reffered to as "black american culture"
Yea, that's my opinion in a nutshell. People often find it easier to believe the stereotypics than to try and learn where the stereotypics come from, and why.

yeah, the steriotypes come from observations, but you can't treat people based on the stereo types, or even your own observations, you can't treat all black people bad because of having an experience of seeing 1 black guy being a ghettoville gangster thug, you can't listen to someone speaking spanish and assume that they can't speak english just because you've met hispanics that can't speak english, on the other side of that, a hispanic or black can't assume all white people are white supremisists just because they've met a Klansman
I find it funny how one can support racism with a straight face when the concept of race in itself is ludicrous and laughable when dissected.

Race is a social concept. If you put all the factors together that would separate people into groups, they all conflict with race. Things such as language, culture, religion, appearance, genetics, region, etc.
Devasya Chāyā;8631436 said:
I find it funny how one can support racism with a straight face when the concept of race in itself is ludicrous and laughable when dissected.

Race is a social concept. If you put all the factors together that would separate people into groups, they all conflict with race. Things such as language, culture, religion, appearance, genetics, region, etc.

Because nobody ever got worked up about other 'social' concepts either! :lol:
Appearance is a pretty good correlate for race, which is in turn better than chance at predicting language, culture, religion. Doesn't seem that ludicrous a construct to me, though it does seem a little backwards to cling to it when better info becomes available...
I was on a road trap to Florida last February and there was some rap/rnb radio station on talking about sterotypeds stuff and made me think that race.I always think about this in sports like basketball where most of the players on the team are black altough white people like to watch but if a black person goes to something like a nascar race,they will feel very out of place.
Because nobody ever got worked up about other 'social' concepts either! :lol:
Appearance is a pretty good correlate for race, which is in turn better than chance at predicting language, culture, religion. Doesn't seem that ludicrous a construct to me, though it does seem a little backwards to cling to it when better info becomes available...

Race is pretty much a classification made up of picked-and-chosen elements of other ways of classifying people to form a social concept people use to justify discrimination. :lol:
Devasya Chāyā;8636565 said:
Race is pretty much a classification made up of picked-and-chosen elements of other ways of classifying people to form a social concept people use to justify discrimination. :lol:

yeah, that's pretty much it
White ghetto people are rednecks.Asian ghetto people are :zombie:.

Redneck = "Tom Brady", narrow minded, cant see past the end of the nose, stereo types, grasps at commonly percieved misnomers, sucks ass according to whos present, one sided view point but again waffles according to the atmosphere, spineless, cant stand alone, perpetuates chaos for no other purpose
Race self hate can be a very problematic thing for those who face a strong minority to an overwhelming majority.
I saw this video where they asked little black girls to identify which doll, black or white looked most like her. Then the person asked which doll she thought was prettier and the black girls picked the white dolls almost if not every time(i can't remember the exact numbers) Things like that really make me sad, as I have seen and heard a black girl I know say things just like that, and she really wants to be white....

The only thing 'race' is good for is telling who your relatives are. And some of the advantages of those genes.
Devasya Chāyā;8636565 said:
Race is pretty much a classification made up of picked-and-chosen elements of other ways of classifying people to form a social concept people use to justify discrimination. :lol:

Well said.

The aura of this topic has come a very long way since its first few pages, which invoked the wonderful ideologies of eugenics and social Darwinism. Yeesh.