2 OPETH Albums??? Your Thoughts...

It doesnt seem clear to me as to whether they will release 2 separate albums at the same time or just a double cd, personally i believe it should be realeased as a double cd and like others i have great faith in opeth and im sure they will produce another masterpiece, and i cant wait for it!!! It would be the highlight album of next year i reckon
Commercially the idea would no doubt be excellent. There's always been softer parts in Opeth songs that scream for popularity and critical acclaim outside the metal circles. Also the more extreme metal people might be able to dig the heavy album more, I know some people find Opeth "too melodic" or too whatever. ;)
How it would turn out finally is hard to predict yet though, will it be this conceptual thing or just something stylistic.

I for one am dying to hear this, seeing them try something a bit new because the last three albums have been quite similar. I'm not taking anything away from their quality by saying this, just that
I believe they can change again with success.

Of course, the band should and will follow their inner vision, no matter what...if they really want to do this no one can force anything else out of them...
OPETH CAN DO NO WRONG! Art, the freedom of expression! :grin:

Thank you very much Lora for the opportunity to give you our feedback.
I say go for it. If any band can pull it off it's Opeth. I wouldn't put anything past them. Hell, most of their fans are so loyal you could probably sell them seperately at $1,000 a pop and we'd go into debt to get'em! Can't lose, IMO.
I would have to say a cautious yeah to the idea.

I would worry that if the albums go too much in either direction then you may lose some of the power and dimensions of Opeth's music.

Then again if anyone can do it they can

I'll be buying it whatever!

I'm not over these news yet... hehe...
I think it's brilliant!
It will be something new and fresh from
the band. As long as this is the direction
Opeth wants to take, I'm all for it.They
should get to do whatever they want.
I believe it will be one hell of a double album.
(Noup, can't picture it as two seperate CD's)....
Well i have to tell that I have no doubt that it will be great. It will be for sure the album(s) of the year. It will give Opeth mote freedom to express themselves, to have longer instrumental parts, more mellow parts, a more detailed story.
It is for sure something big that you have to accept. You can't denie us this. It will be the gift of our life. A MAgnus Opus. Please don't take it away. PLEASE!!!!!!!! We need Opeth. They have to be in their splendour.
Do it with no doubt at all.:p :p
I love the idea of having a kind of "Maudlin of the Well"-esque double release. Regardless though, nothing (and I do mean NOTHING) can stop me from buying the next Opeth release, whatever shape or form it takes.
Releasing two simultaneous separate albums that tie together is brilliant, I think. I'll buy whatever Opeth puts out if it's good (and I trust in them that it will be), so be it 1 album, a double album, 2 albums, or a damned box set of 8-tracks, I will buy it. I think that's how a majority of their fans are so there should be no worries about an undertaking like this. Personally I think it could only increase sales anyway. Most people will buy both.

I trust that Mikael and the guys must have some awesome ideas in mind to even play around with the thought of releasing a double CD. It's true that we don't exactly know, yet, what is meant by "heavy" or "mellow", but I'm a fan of both, and if this were released tomorrow, I'd buy it. I'm thinking, perhaps, it could be that the mellow album will have more clean vocals, and not just be 74 minutes of "Benighted"-type songs. If Mike doesn't like a song, he won't put it on the album, and so far that has worked. They wouldn't have brought up this idea if they didn't have something awesome in mind, so right now I have to say GO FOR IT! But it'd be great to know, also, what exactly is meant by "heavy" and "mellow" - - each song, or just the overall feel of the album? After all, "Morningrise" could even be thought of as a "mellow" album and I think it's great! I'm hoping more info with a more detailed explanation of the plans will be out soon. Either way, I'm eager to see what comes of this idea.
I think it is a brilliant idea and I sincerely hope that Music For Nations decides to back up Opeth in making this epic vision a reality. I think that it will work out good in the long run beacuse I believe that most fans will buy both cds, and the mellow album will draw in alot of other people that are normally turned away by growling vocals.

p.s. Just so everyone knows, Mikael said in the digitalmetal.com interview that the two albums would not be 100% mellow and 100% heavy. Each albums will have a little of the other thrown in. Have a little faith, this is Opeth!
I support artistic freedom and I think in the case of Opeth there will always be pure rather than economic intent. This natural, and obviously not forced, kind of evolution is important for the diversity of the scene. Who better than Opeth to take on such an ambitious project? :D

I am suprised and shocked about this proposed new direction, but mostly excited and interested to see how it all gets put together. I like the idea of a single package, rather than a clear cut distinction by releasing seperate CD's.

Thanks Lora, great to be able to give a record company some feedback!
Obviously you are reasonably keen to invest in the talent of your artists and this strategy is sure to reap all kinds of positive benefits. :)
I'm all for it. Like others have said, I wouldn't be thrilled if they made the heavy album 100 percent heavy and the mellow one 100 percent mellow. In that case, it wouldn't be Opeth anymore. The interplay between the soft/heavy passages is probably above anything else, the highlight of Opeth's music. I'm also hoping that Opeth wouldn't use this as a gimmick to gain a larger fanbase. That too would destroy the heavenly aura that surrounds Opeth. Overall, I have little doubt that Opeth wouldn't be able to pull it off incredibly and I'd be as happy as can be to get double the amount of music at the same time.
What I think would be great is,that they write an album,just like they did the other ones and without thinking the 2nd mellow cd.. then extract the mellow parts in that album,enrich them,add new things,take a melody and make it a full song with other new melodies.. and make the mellow cd..

but they know what to do better than us,whatever Opeth does,it will be great.. and we'll buy it
i have no problems with this excellent idea, as it will cater for all moods:
mellow CD for mellow mood
heavy CD for heavy mood
and both CDs on Random for any mood
Hmm. Hmmmmmmm. So the band wants to make this, but the label has it's doubts and is wanting to know how people would react. Right?

Well I certainly don't care in what format it's released. If it's one double-cd and I like the music on it, I'll buy it. If it's two separate cds with music I like on both, I'll buy both. If it's two separate cds and I only like one of them, I'll only buy one.

There are, of course, questions like what heavy & mellow mean in in this context. Mellow as in "Sörskogen - Mordet i grottan" and "Face of Melinda" which are both still very dynamic and varied, or mellow as in "Harvest" or "Credence" (which are very beautiful and far from simple, but don't cater to my taste for complexity as well as most other Opeth stuff)? The best way to listen to "Harvest" is without a doubt in conjunction with "The Drapery Falls", so - would one mellow and one heavy album mean that the contrasts disappear, or would it be more like a polarization of only heavy and mellow, and not other dynamic factors?

At any rate, these are rather superficial worries. The only valid questions for me are 'is it good music?' and if it is, 'do I like it??'. Considering with what apparent ease Opeth have pulled off their other albums so far, I have no doubt they could do very good music like this. I don't know if I like it or not before I hear it though.

That's it for now - whatever that means.... back to winter hibernation for me.
I guess posting this question IN the Opeth Forum would have just been like asking us if we'd like the band to visit each and everyone of us at our houses. :rolleyes: YES YES YES!

But, the more I think about this, the more I think it's going to be wild! I can't wait to see what that's going to be like. If one is going to be very heavy and the other very soft, then KICK ASS! I can't wait! It's a 2 CD release! I can hardly wait to hunt it down and buy it! Price? I don't really care. I know it's not going to be over the costs of 2 CDs and I'd want both if Opeth had 2 out that I didn't have yet. I'm siked. I think it's a great idea.

So, yeah! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! :grin: