20 Questions...


Apr 14, 2001
1. What are you currently up to? Anything interesting?

2. On a scale of 1 to 10, rate the following vocalists

Milli Vanill
Ashlee Simpson
Vince Neil
Alexei Laiho
Nocturno Culto
David Vincent
John Williams
The big guy in the three tenors.

3. Are Motley Crue the biggest sellout pussies ever or what? Dragging poor Mick out on a tour that will in all probability kill him, they all needed seperate buses because they hate each other so much and its obvious it was put together hastily to make one last massive cash grab from "the kids".

4. If your most desired person on the planet (whoever that may be) asked you to make sweet, sweet love to them and nobody would EVER, EVER find out, but you were happily married/seeing a lovely partner, would you? WELL?

5. Whats your favourite song of all time at the moment? Please write only one, dont be a dick and list 10 and then say you cant pick. Just pick one. ONE. 1. Uno. Ein. Its not hard *Giggle*

6. Looking at society, you can certainly make a case for saying that mankind in general has gotten more and more violent and mean over time. You cant leave your house unlocked like you could in the 40s (or whenever), so does this mean that sooner or later it will reach critical mass and we will kill ourselves in a violent orgy of self destruction?

7. Are metalheads, in general, quite stupid?

8. Is Australia winning all the time bad for Test Cricket? Will they change the rules to try and stop Australia from completely dominating?

9. Whats your favourite colour? Why?

10. How funny, on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being snorefest, 10 being cackfest, was the Immortal video I posted the other day?

11. Is Jessica Simpson really as dumb as she makes out, or is she in fact putting some of it on to play up to the "im a stupid bimbo *giggle*" thing, like I suspect? (Like Ashlee did on Big Brother). If she is, does that make her clever, or even stupider for acting stupid?

12. Is Ronnie James Dio some kind of Lovecraftian immortal being? If so, will he eventually be the only one left standing? How can he sing so well at 64? Its inhuman. Even a piece of steel is less metal than RJD.

13. Dream Theater would be a HELL of a lot better if they didnt keep throwing in wanky time changes and stuff into their music to show how clever they are. Discuss.

14. Is Black Metal an egalitarian, nihilistic, hate spawning, anti religious movement dedicated to bringing chaos and destruction to the world and promoting the rise of Satanism or, is it a bunch of young kids in Halloween costumes who cant play their instruments, cant sing and cant write songs, who use crap production to cover their incompetence and then say its for "atmosphere"?

15. Dream Theater doing an honest to goodness full on Black Metal album. Corpse paint and everything. How good would it be? Discuss.

16. Why dont more people like Immortal? THEY FUCKING RULE. At The Heart Of Winter is one of the greatest albums of ALL TIME. Is it the wizards hat?

17. At this point in time, what are the greatest 5 albums EVER recorded to you?

18. Please rate the chances of the following reunions (i.e. all original members) happening, 1 being never, 10 being certainy.
- Guns And Roses
- Skid Row
- Sepultura
- Immortal
- Carcass
- Odin (They can still make it!)
- Emperor
- Midnight Oil

19. Is "SLAYER!" (screamed very loudly) the immortal metal chant that everyone who loves metal knows, whether they like the band or not?

20. HAPPY! :mad:
How is that spoiling anything? Its not like that theory was a massive secret before the book came out! The people who thought of it have sold MILLIONS OF BOOKS ON IT IN THE LAST TWENTY YEARS!

Is it crucifiction or crucifixion? I think its the latter.
1. What are you currently up to? Anything interesting?

Answering these questions.

2. On a scale of 1 to 10, rate the following vocalists

Milli Vanill
- dunno, haven't heard them
Ashlee Simpson - dunno, haven't heard her
Vince Neil - 4
Alexei Laiho - 3
Nocturno Culto - who?
David Vincent - who?
John Williams - 5
The big guy in the three tenors. - 10

3. Are Motley Crue the biggest sellout pussies ever or what? Dragging poor Mick out on a tour that will in all probability kill him, they all needed seperate buses because they hate each other so much and its obvious it was put together hastily to make one last massive cash grab from "the kids".

They're just doing what every other band who were big in the late 80s but broke up are doing.

4. If your most desired person on the planet (whoever that may be) asked you to make sweet, sweet love to them and nobody would EVER, EVER find out, but you were happily married/seeing a lovely partner, would you? WELL?

It'd cost em.

5. Whats your favourite song of all time at the moment? Please write only one, dont be a dick and list 10 and then say you cant pick. Just pick one. ONE. 1. Uno. Ein. Its not hard *Giggle*

"Fire Woman" by The Cult.

6. Looking at society, you can certainly make a case for saying that mankind in general has gotten more and more violent and mean over time. You cant leave your house unlocked like you could in the 40s (or whenever), so does this mean that sooner or later it will reach critical mass and we will kill ourselves in a violent orgy of self destruction?


7. Are metalheads, in general, quite stupid?

Some of them. The stupid ones.

8. Is Australia winning all the time bad for Test Cricket? Will they change the rules to try and stop Australia from completely dominating?

It's not Australia's fault - it's the fault of the other countries who aren't up to the standard, and it's their responsibility to get their finger out and get better at the game.

9. Whats your favourite colour? Why?

Blue. Because it's blue.

10. How funny, on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being snorefest, 10 being cackfest, was the Immortal video I posted the other day?

Dunno, never watched it.

11. Is Jessica Simpson really as dumb as she makes out, or is she in fact putting some of it on to play up to the "im a stupid bimbo *giggle*" thing, like I suspect? (Like Ashlee did on Big Brother). If she is, does that make her clever, or even stupider for acting stupid?


12. Is Ronnie James Dio some kind of Lovecraftian immortal being? If so, will he eventually be the only one left standing? How can he sing so well at 64? Its inhuman. Even a piece of steel is less metal than RJD.

Well, his style of singing means that his voice can be better preserved - he doesn't scream or do really high notes, like.

13. Dream Theater would be a HELL of a lot better if they didnt keep throwing in wanky time changes and stuff into their music to show how clever they are. Discuss.

They'd be a HELL of a lot better if they got rid of James Labrie, the most overrated vocalist of our time. I can't stand that guy.

14. Is Black Metal an egalitarian, nihilistic, hate spawning, anti religious movement dedicated to bringing chaos and destruction to the world and promoting the rise of Satanism or, is it a bunch of young kids in Halloween costumes who cant play their instruments, cant sing and cant write songs, who use crap production to cover their incompetence and then say its for "atmosphere"?


15. Dream Theater doing an honest to goodness full on Black Metal album. Corpse paint and everything. How good would it be? Discuss.

Not sure about the corpse paint, but they could definitely pull it off musically, no question whatsoever. Different vocalist would be required, though.

16. Why dont more people like Immortal? THEY FUCKING RULE. At The Heart Of Winter is one of the greatest albums of ALL TIME. Is it the waizards hat?

They do it all to spite you.

17. At this point in time, what are the greatest 5 albums EVER recorded to you?

Whitesnake - 1987
Europe - The Final Countdown
Pearl Jam - Ten
Mother Love Bone - Apple
Black Sabbath - Heaven & Hell

18. Please rate the chances of the following reunions (i.e. all original members) happening, 1 being never, 10 being certainy.
- Guns And Roses
- Skid Row 5
- Sepultura not familiar with how Max left, whether it was on good terms or what... 5
- Immortal no idea
- KISS 8
- Carcass no idea
- Odin (They can still make it!) no idea
- Emperor no idea
- WASP 2
- Midnight Oil 8

19. Is "SLAYER!" (screamed very loudly) the immortal metal chant that everyone who loves metal knows, whether they like the band or not?

No, I've never heard anyone say it.

20. There has been some conjecture lately that the Holy Grail is actually the bones of Mary Magdelane and that Jesus survived the crucifixion married her, and had kids. If thats not true, what IS the Holy Grail?

Either or.
It hardly ruins the book anyway, you find out about it about a quarter of the way in! The book is based on that theory, but theres WAY more to it than that, I dont think ive ruined anything in fact, as there are a lot of other factors (im being cryptic now to avoid giving anything away) that are far more important.

Fucking awesome book though, isnt it? I bought Angels And Demons the other day on amazon too after you said it was pretty good. I also got another book of his but cant remember the name. Deception Point or something I think it was.
Spiff said:
16. Why dont more people like Immortal? THEY FUCKING RULE. At The Heart Of Winter is one of the greatest albums of ALL TIME. Is it the waizards hat?

They do it all to spite you.
Yeah, it's a good book - story-wise, not writing-wise, because he is quite a dreadful writer... but you can't put the damn thing down. Same with his other books (I've read Deception Point - I actually *did* put it down, as my entry in my livejournal from back then testifies).
Well I didnt notice anything dreadful about his writing in The Da Vinci Code, but then, I was way too busy reading it as fast as I could because I wanted to know what happened next :worship:
When people talk about The Da Vinci Code, which book are they talking about? It seems to me that since it became popular many writers put out books on the Da Vinci Code, so which book is the proper one? Who wrote the one you speak of?

I am yet to read it. Have wanted to for yonks, but I am not really a reader so I put it off. I am somewhat familiar with that theory though, so nothing spoiled too much.
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, theres a few different editions, paperback, hardback, hardback large font and illustrated. If you see the illustrated one, get that, I went and looked all the stuff up on the internet when I finished reading, so its definitely not compulsory, but it would have been nice to have all the stuff to look at as I was reading it!

Theres a ton of books about it now as a lot of people want to know more about the theories behind the book (and theres tons of them in the book, the grail one is one of many) so theres "Guide To The Da Vinci Code" and even "Debunking The Da Vinci Code" and other stuff like that.

Buy it Blitzy, I read it in one day, its just about the best book I have ever had the pleasure of reading :)
No, Dan Brown IS a terrible writer. I mean in terms of dialogue and prose and such, not storytelling because he's a master at that.
1. What are you currently up to? Anything interesting?

Working. At least I would be if Iwasn't doing this.

2. On a scale of 1 to 10, rate the following vocalists

Milli Vanill. THe real ones, or the miming guys? 7 for the real guys.
Ashlee Simpson 2
Vince Neil compared to almost everyone else on this list, Vince is the best singer ever. 9
Alexei Laiho 7
Nocturno Culto 3
David Vincent 2
John Williams 5
The big guy in the three tenors. 10

3. Are Motley Crue the biggest sellout pussies ever or what? Dragging poor Mick out on a tour that will in all probability kill him, they all needed seperate buses because they hate each other so much and its obvious it was put together hastily to make one last massive cash grab from "the kids".

Yes. Yes they are.

4. If your most desired person on the planet (whoever that may be) asked you to make sweet, sweet love to them and nobody would EVER, EVER find out, but you were happily married/seeing a lovely partner, would you? WELL?

No. Because I would know, even if no one else found out. Besides which, I love my wife. Awwwwwww.

5. Whats your favourite song of all time at the moment? Please write only one, dont be a dick and list 10 and then say you cant pick. Just pick one. ONE. 1. Uno. Ein. Its not hard *Giggle*

"Lost in the Light" by Dungeon.

6. Looking at society, you can certainly make a case for saying that mankind in general has gotten more and more violent and mean over time. You cant leave your house unlocked like you could in the 40s (or whenever), so does this mean that sooner or later it will reach critical mass and we will kill ourselves in a violent orgy of self destruction?
No. I think the Asian tsunami has proved that humanity can also be humane.

7. Are metalheads, in general, quite stupid?

No. Most of them are quite intelligent human beings. Unfortunately, a brain dead minority spoils it for the intellectually superior among you.

8. Is Australia winning all the time bad for Test Cricket? Will they change the rules to try and stop Australia from completely dominating?

No of course not. If they change the rules so Australia is handicapped, they'll still win because we are the greatest cricketing nation to ever exist. When the world gets invaded by aliens, we won't have to send armies to fight them, just Aussie cricketers.

9. Whats your favourite colour? Why?

Black. Because.

10. How funny, on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being snorefest, 10 being cackfest, was the Immortal video I posted the other day?

10 out of 10, that one. :)

11. Is Jessica Simpson really as dumb as she makes out, or is she in fact putting some of it on to play up to the "im a stupid bimbo *giggle*" thing, like I suspect? (Like Ashlee did on Big Brother). If she is, does that make her clever, or even stupider for acting stupid?

Nope, she's a moron.

12. Is Ronnie James Dio some kind of Lovecraftian immortal being? If so, will he eventually be the only one left standing? How can he sing so well at 64? Its inhuman. Even a piece of steel is less metal than RJD.

Ronnie is actually the incarnation of Christ. If he grew a beard, it would be easy to see this.

13. Dream Theater would be a HELL of a lot better if they didnt keep throwing in wanky time changes and stuff into their music to show how clever they are. Discuss.

Dream Theater is one reason why metal fans aren't as dumb as they're made out to be, because only they can understand them.

14. Is Black Metal an egalitarian, nihilistic, hate spawning, anti religious movement dedicated to bringing chaos and destruction to the world and promoting the rise of Satanism or, is it a bunch of young kids in Halloween costumes who cant play their instruments, cant sing and cant write songs, who use crap production to cover their incompetence and then say its for "atmosphere"?

It's both. Isn't it obvious?

15. Dream Theater doing an honest to goodness full on Black Metal album. Corpse paint and everything. How good would it be? Discuss.

It wouldn't be black metal if DT did it, because it would be too musically superior.

16. Why dont more people like Immortal? THEY FUCKING RULE. At The Heart Of Winter is one of the greatest albums of ALL TIME. Is it the wizards hat?

Yes. It's definitely the wizard's hat. Wizards' hats belong in Lord of the Rings films, not heavy metal bands.

17. At this point in time, what are the greatest 5 albums EVER recorded to you?

"Appetite for Destruction" - Guns N Roses
"Master of Puppets" - Metallica
"Piece of Mind" - Iron Maiden
"Aenima" - Tool
"Demanufacture" - Fear Factory

18. Please rate the chances of the following reunions (i.e. all original members) happening, 1 being never, 10 being certainy.
- Guns And Roses 1
- Skid Row 4
- Sepultura 8
- Immortal 6
- KISS 10
- Carcass 5
- Odin (They can still make it!) 1
- Emperor 1
- WASP 4
- Midnight Oil 5

19. Is "SLAYER!" (screamed very loudly) the immortal metal chant that everyone who loves metal knows, whether they like the band or not?


20. HAPPY! :mad:

That's not a question.
Spiff said:
No, Dan Brown IS a terrible writer. I mean in terms of dialogue and prose and such, not storytelling because he's a master at that.
He's bad at dialogue AND prose, spiffo? What else is there? He's a pulp fiction writer. He only needs to tell a story in a reasonably gripping manner that will sell books like rain falling from the sky. Leave the good writing to Hemingway and Mitchener. :)
1. What are you currently up to? Anything interesting?

Not at the moment, no.

2. On a scale of 1 to 10, rate the following vocalists

Milli Vanill- n/a
Ashlee Simpson- I've not heard her, but her big sis can carry a tune quite well
Vince Neil- what he lacks in technical ability he makes up for in attitude. 5
Alexei Laiho- 0
Nocturno Culto- who?
David Vincent- see above
John Williams- ditto
The big guy in the three tenors-7

3. Are Motley Crue the biggest sellout pussies ever or what? Dragging poor Mick out on a tour that will in all probability kill him, they all needed seperate buses because they hate each other so much and its obvious it was put together hastily to make one last massive cash grab from "the kids".

No. They're just doing precisely what KISS did eight years ago. Following established precedent

4. If your most desired person on the planet (whoever that may be) asked you to make sweet, sweet love to them and nobody would EVER, EVER find out, but you were happily married/seeing a lovely partner, would you? WELL?

Of course. I need all the experience I can get

5. Whats your favourite song of all time at the moment? Please write only one, dont be a dick and list 10 and then say you cant pick. Just pick one. ONE. 1. Uno. Ein. Its not hard *Giggle*

The Police- Message In a Bottle

6. Looking at society, you can certainly make a case for saying that mankind in general has gotten more and more violent and mean over time. You cant leave your house unlocked like you could in the 40s (or whenever), so does this mean that sooner or later it will reach critical mass and we will kill ourselves in a violent orgy of self destruction?

We've been heading steadily downhill ever since the industrial revolution

7. Are metalheads, in general, quite stupid?

No, because a lot of metalheads are also geeks and we're smarter than just about anyone

8. Is Australia winning all the time bad for Test Cricket? Will they change the rules to try and stop Australia from completely dominating?

Don't know, don't care. I despise cricket for robbing me of so many cartoons when I was a wee lad

9. Whats your favourite colour? Why?

Black because it goes with anything

10. How funny, on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being snorefest, 10 being cackfest, was the Immortal video I posted the other day?

Don't know. I ain't watched it, guv

11. Is Jessica Simpson really as dumb as she makes out, or is she in fact putting some of it on to play up to the "im a stupid bimbo *giggle*" thing, like I suspect? (Like Ashlee did on Big Brother). If she is, does that make her clever, or even stupider for acting stupid?

Doesn't bother me either way. I'd still bend her over the kitchen sink and give her a right seeing-to if I had the chance

12. Is Ronnie James Dio some kind of Lovecraftian immortal being? If so, will he eventually be the only one left standing? How can he sing so well at 64? Its inhuman. Even a piece of steel is less metal than RJD.

As Gore once said, Ozzy, Dio and Lemmy will all live forever :headbang:

13. Dream Theater would be a HELL of a lot better if they didnt keep throwing in wanky time changes and stuff into their music to show how clever they are. Discuss.

See Spiff's comment. LaBrie's whining ruins an otherwise quite good band in my opinion

14. Is Black Metal an egalitarian, nihilistic, hate spawning, anti religious movement dedicated to bringing chaos and destruction to the world and promoting the rise of Satanism or, is it a bunch of young kids in Halloween costumes who cant play their instruments, cant sing and cant write songs, who use crap production to cover their incompetence and then say its for "atmosphere"?

It's childish nonsense that should be eradicated from the face of the earth

15. Dream Theater doing an honest to goodness full on Black Metal album. Corpse paint and everything. How good would it be? Discuss.


16. Why dont more people like Immortal? THEY FUCKING RULE. At The Heart Of Winter is one of the greatest albums of ALL TIME. Is it the wizards hat?

I just don't like them because they're black metal. Reason enough for me :)

17. At this point in time, what are the greatest 5 albums EVER recorded to you?

KISS: Music From The Elder
Iron Maiden: Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
Led Zeppelin III
Queen: A Night At The Opera
Beatles: Abbey Road

(My top 5 never changes)

18. Please rate the chances of the following reunions (i.e. all original members) happening, 1 being never, 10 being certainy.

- Guns And Roses 7
- Skid Row 6
- Sepultura Who cares quite frankly?
- Immortal Aren't they all dead?
- KISS 9
- Carcass Didn't know they'd broken up
- Odin (They can still make it!) Who?
- Emperor See comment re:Immortal
- WASP 5
- Midnight Oil 4

19. Is "SLAYER!" (screamed very loudly) the immortal metal chant that everyone who loves metal knows, whether they like the band or not? No, because Natalie Imbruglia once said it.

20. Jesus was a very well endowed fellow, because he was hung like *this* (crucifixion pose). I would therefore like to suggest that the Holy Grail is Jesus' old feller, which has similar powers to the Talisman of Set.

Goreripper said:
He's bad at dialogue AND prose, spiffo? What else is there? He's a pulp fiction writer. He only needs to tell a story in a reasonably gripping manner that will sell books like rain falling from the sky. Leave the good writing to Hemingway and Mitchener. :)
Hang on, are you criticising or agreeing with my statement? :) I was saying that he was bad at dialogue and prose, but with regards to plotting and such he's very good.
I was saying that if he can't write dialogue, and he can't write prose, then he can't write. :) But if he has good ideas, and sets them out in a way that people can understand, it doesn't matter. So I was kind of agreeing with you, because I haven't read Dan Brown so I can't comment personally.