2012 Opinions

Well that's good man. I am not going to attack you for your beliefs.

We can sit here all day and speculate about what the future tells, but unless one of us is psychic (or able to remote view) into the future then who knows. Hopefully the ET's come soon and break it down for us, so we aren't all bickering like trolls in a damn maze. I think that would be a great scenario actually.

I can just see the laughs coming with this post already, but I speak my mind as it is.
Well that's good man. I am not going to attack you for your beliefs.

We can sit here all day and speculate about what the future tells, but unless one of us is psychic (or able to remote view) into the future then who knows. Hopefully the ET's come soon and break it down for us, so we aren't all bickering like trolls in a damn maze. I think that would be a great scenario actually.

I can just see the laughs coming with this post already, but I speak my mind as it is.

The "ET's" will not be our friends.
Hmmm, can you elaborate a bit more on that? I think that there is probably different kind of ET's so what you are saying is probably true (somewhat). I am sure there are probably some ET's that are negative and some that are positive or both. Its very likely that they could be something we can berely comprehend at this point.

I have studied enough material to support that they can be negative, but considering that it is very possible that there are other species of ET's it may be that they are not all unfriendly.
There may very well be humanoids inhabiting other planets. I think either they will be a benevolent race, in which case they should end human life on earth for their own good and to make the world a better place. If they are evil they would naturally bring an unimaginable carnage on our race which we would not possibly survive. However if they are not unlike humans of this earth they may be "friendly" with our race and they may form a relationship with us, one of mutual mistrust and ill will bordering on malice.
Hmmm, can you elaborate a bit more on that? I think that there is probably different kind of ET's so what you are saying is probably true (somewhat). I am sure there are probably some ET's that are negative and some that are positive or both. Its very likely that they could be something we can berely comprehend at this point.

I have studied enough material to support that they can be negative, but considering that it is very possible that there are other species of ET's it may be that they are not all unfriendly.

As I probably stated before somewhere on this forum, any "ET" designated activity, if not a fabrication, I believe to be either a government experiment, or angelic activity, whether heavenly or hellish. If any show up openly promising to help us, they will be the hellish ones, and they will be lying.
I have considered this, although not the angelic version. Being that since I was a young lad I have conflicted with religion, I never really could ever relate to the majority of it. I used to go to church when forced to and looking back at it, I couldn't of been more out of place.

From being knowledgeable of the subject of UFO's/ET's etc (the last 4 or 5 years I have buried myself in different books/aspects of it). I don't doubt that the government has technology that could stage an event that would totally mesmerize people into total acceptance which would be to their benefit. Scientists have came up with technology that was only science fiction in the 1980's and before, so I don't doubt that the means are there at all. Reverse engineering is something that I feel has happened on a major scale more than most people can even comprehend. It has most likely led to just how comfortable the majority of humans are these days in their materialistic lives.

I look at the government scenario as being very possible and I do think that a very good majority of UFO's are human craft. I do also think that it could be something very more advanced and not from this earth. I am going to stop before I start to ramble. I just want to say that I feel strongly that there is scenarios than what you mentioned. Et's very well could exist and could interact with us for beneficial purposes.

In relation to your negative ET view and as entertaining as it is, I don't find myself accepting a "V" type scenario, although it is strange that they are remaking the series come next month. That's just not my opinion of what is going to happen, although I won't rule it out. I feel better knowing that I can observe from a perspective that is an open one, so I guess we will see.
Well I completely reject the formal "church" side of religion. The Bible never established the "church". It's just man's way of trying to get more money and power.
Well I completely reject the formal "church" side of religion. The Bible never established the "church". It's just man's way of trying to get more money and power.
Although I'm an atheist, I would disagree with this. I object to modern organized religion as well, but I think that churches started with the best of intentions, such as allowing like-minded believers to practice together in safety. It wouldn't have been until later that opportunists saw this as an opportunity to establish a political heirarchy that would service their own agendas.
Although I'm an atheist, I would disagree with this. I object to modern organized religion as well, but I think that churches started with the best of intentions, such as allowing like-minded believers to practice together in safety. It wouldn't have been until later that opportunists saw this as an opportunity to establish a political heirarchy that would service their own agendas.

Well I make a distinction between a group of like minded people spending time together, and an organization.
Well Catholicism specifically teaches otherwise. Of course it's wrong though.

Jesus didn't even create any kind of "new religion". He specifically reinforced the "Old Testament" teachings. What he spoke against was the Pharisee's version, which is where the Talmud came from.

Very different from what Christianity believes about it's origins. Almost everything about Christianity is pagan and the religion was basically created by Rome, and just usurped the Jewish texts as a foundation while incorporating every major pagan ritual and holiday.
Burden of proof. You first.

Actually the burden of proof is on the Catholic church that a new religion was established, and they never proved it.

Interestingly enough they even left passages in the Bible where Jesus was pretty specific about this, but I don't argue from the Bible with people who don't acknowledge it as any more than a collection of fairy tales.
I'm just confused as to what you mean by saying Christianity was essentially created by Rome.

I'm not calling bullshit, just curious for you to expand upon that.
I'm just confused as to what you mean by saying Christianity was essentially created by Rome.

I'm not calling bullshit, just curious for you to expand upon that.

After the ascension of Jesus, the Gospel was spread to "Gentiles". As the teachings (so remote from anything anyone outside Israel had encountered before) spread into the Grecian influenced Roman empire, the teachings became "hellenized". This also would have been indirectly caused by a lack of knowledge, since copies of the "Old testament" would not be available, and upon hearing of about a "new God", people could have converted, but only knowing their former ways of worship, continued in those ways but to a new diety.

Under Constantine, scattered groups of "Christians" (Christ coming from a Greek word. He would not have been called this by his disciples,since he was Jewish) ceased being persecuted and instead became the "state religion". To reduce protests by previously none-Christians, he officially "Christianized" well documented ancient pagan holidays such as the Winter Solstice (Christmas), and the Spring Equinox (Easter).The day of worship was set as Sunday to appease the large group of Apollo worshippers.

Nothing about Christianity in its form of worhip reflects anything from Bible. It does however reflect the many religions in the Roman empire in the early centuries, as well as pagan customs from much earlier.

I also read a very interesting book a couple of years ago outlining a arguement that Constantine was actually a follower of Mithras, and that there are many parallels in Christianity to Mithraism, and that the reason it went from the height of it's popularity in the 3rd century to disappearing by the 4th century was due to its direct assimilation.