2012 Opinions

Has anyone see the new movie 2012 yet?It had a good trailer but I have a felling that it will be a waste of time.

i really think all this internet shit about the end of the world being in 2012 was prolly all started as hype for this fucking movie
I don't know how this relates, But Religion is basically created by the lesser intelligent people of our past, who wanted to establish a group. They used the stars and sky to do this, with eh birth of the sun god (lets use Jesus as an example, though their are many others) on december 25 having the sun begin rising, and Easter, begin setting. I do remember reading somewhere about the, "end of the age", which extremist would see as, the end of the world. But really, I believe it will just be a solar cycle the Mayans predicted, from the age of the fish (Jesus) to the next (Aquarius) . Also not ruling that they could be off, or dead accurate.

I read through this entire thread, E.T. thought on this is rather interesting, because they are already on earth and we are trying to mimic spacecraft technology daily. If they were to "help" us, I would not see how, or the point. The tast seems out of reach of life to interfere, they cant all of the sudden load up humanity onto a spaceship.

As for the elitist who have their shelters. They need us to make their schemes and world complete. with the dying of most of humanity (not that I believe 2012 ISN'T BULLSHIT, but just saying) The elites are not powerful, they need us to be their slaves and build them convenience. in their shelters, they wait and die, or they save the world.

I also find it retarded to believe the world ends on December 21st, seems to coincidence. Do they have a time for it too? will it be midnight, not one second less or over?

It's ridiculous.

Finally, I'm one of those people who have been through 1999, and already being clueless to impending disaster then as I was just a child, I will be clueless about 2012 too, because I don't think the world will fucking end.
i don't know if anyone cares
but it's Cristmas eve and last year i saw this Christmas documentary thing saying that Dec 25th is NOT the birthday of jesus and that Dec 25th is actually the day that the angel Gabriel told the virgin mary that she was "with child"
I don't know how this relates, But Religion is basically created by the lesser intelligent people of our past, who wanted to establish a group. They used the stars and sky to do this, with eh birth of the sun god (lets use Jesus as an example, though their are many others) on december 25 having the sun begin rising, and Easter, begin setting. I do remember reading somewhere about the, "end of the age", which extremist would see as, the end of the world. But really, I believe it will just be a solar cycle the Mayans predicted, from the age of the fish (Jesus) to the next (Aquarius) . Also not ruling that they could be off, or dead accurate.

I read through this entire thread, E.T. thought on this is rather interesting, because they are already on earth and we are trying to mimic spacecraft technology daily. If they were to "help" us, I would not see how, or the point. The tast seems out of reach of life to interfere, they cant all of the sudden load up humanity onto a spaceship.

As for the elitist who have their shelters. They need us to make their schemes and world complete. with the dying of most of humanity (not that I believe 2012 ISN'T BULLSHIT, but just saying) The elites are not powerful, they need us to be their slaves and build them convenience. in their shelters, they wait and die, or they save the world.

I also find it retarded to believe the world ends on December 21st, seems to coincidence. Do they have a time for it too? will it be midnight, not one second less or over?

It's ridiculous.

Finally, I'm one of those people who have been through 1999, and already being clueless to impending disaster then as I was just a child, I will be clueless about 2012 too, because I don't think the world will fucking end.

i'm not even sure if the 2012 disaster being predicted will be a global problem or mereley something that kills merely the people on the yucatan peninsula
I just hope nobody throws away their life savings like they did on 1999.

Also, I wish there to be no pillaging of my home.
I do hope for lives being thrown away and I will ransack your homestead. Ending of a cycle beginning of a new one, nothing will happen except for the mass consumption of drugs, fornication, and the said theft of you household.

@Tom Bradys post about predictions: the Mayans predicted nothing there callender ends in 2012 and people have come to conclusions.
The Mayan calander doesn't end in 2012, just like our calendar didn't end in 1999. It's the beginning of a new period in time which will have no impact on the environment as for all practical purposes, that specific moment in time was set arbitrarily.
How the fuck can you seriously even believe something this stupid? I'm amazed how stupid and easily fooled people can be. Any human with an IQ above 22 knows that this is all bullshit. And yes ofcourse I'm bashing people who believes this. It has already been explained hundreds of times that this is a just a fraud created by someone who wants to scare people. Even NASA has already explained it all..some people are so blind.
How the fuck can you seriously even believe something this stupid? I'm amazed how stupid and easily fooled people can be. Any human with an IQ above 22 knows that this is all bullshit. And yes ofcourse I'm bashing people who believes this. It has already been explained hundreds of times that this is a just a fraud created by someone who wants to scare people. Even NASA has already explained it all..some people are so blind.
Out of seven billion living people, six billion are theists and it still surprises you that people are gullible?
I dont know man, I think an astroid is going to slam into the moon, exploding it and reining down shrapnel into our atmopshere with a full force wrath only capable of the Lord... and ancient Mayan Gods {of course}
Out of seven billion living people, six billion are theists and it still surprises you that people are gullible?

yeah, the whole theism thing seems like ridiculusly gullible people people believing something that doesn't really make sense to any one that has any inteligence
How the fuck can you seriously even believe something this stupid?

Because people ARE fucking STUPID! All you need is someone with a bit of charisma to start spouting something that gives these mindless sheep (99%+ of the human population) something to believe in, no matter how fucking absurd it is. I mean, look at those Hale Bopp Comet/Heavens Gate fucktards. You know those motherfuckers are eternally riding through the cosmos with the aliens, right?

It's hard to feel any compassion for dead people who are dead simply as a result of their own astronomical stupidity.
Out of seven billion living people, six billion are theists and it still surprises you that people are gullible?
Very good point. And Beast from the east brought up good points to. People are more likely to believe or like something a group of people already do. I think a lot of people were influenced by these "charismatic's" who promote 2012 and other related fringe theories popping up lately. Regarding the masses of thoughtless peons, just the meaningless popular music and media that rally's so much attention from the world is enough to prove how idiotic or gullible people are.